
Showing posts with the label Age of the Earth

Research into the Pre-Flood World

Biblical creationists have long wondered about the world before the Genesis Flood, including why people lived longer. Speculations abound. One thing upon which creationists and secular scientists agree is that the atmosphere was different. Some interesting hyperbaric research ties into geology. Credit: Pixabay /  Sebastian Ganso There is evidence that the ancient atmosphere was much richer in oxygen and had greater pressure, which is indicated by fossils of very large critters. Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat patients with increased pressure and oxygen levels. Their cell metabolisms and telomeres in chromosomes are positively affected, and this may be an indication for why pre-Flood people lived such huge amounts of time. All of this is in preliminary stages as far as creation science is concerned, and it will be interesting to see what other creation scientists have to contribute. There are some strong indications about ancient Earth's atmosphere from this hyperbaric researc

Cave Paintings and Evolutionary Timelines

As we are coming up on the tenth annual Question Evolution Day , we can hope that some believers in atoms-to anthropologist evolution may begin to realize that the narrative has problems. Consider the news about older cave art than previously known. Credits: Unsplash / Max Saeling , modified with PhotoFunia Out Indonesia way is the island of Sulawesi. Paintings of animals were found there, and secularists gave kinda-sorta-maybe dates that were older than the famous Chauvet (the Ardeche region of France) cave art. There are many facts to consider , and they should give a thinking evolutionist a passel of reasons to ask questions. According to evolutionary timelines and fact-free speculations, intelligence "emerged" eventually after we were done evolving from some apelike critters. Nobody knows when that allegedly happened , nor do they know about the "emergence" or self-awareness or artistic expression. Those scrawls from the Ice Age didn't help their belief sys

The Age of the Universe is Unknown to Physics

According to biblical creationists, the universe was created roughly six thousand years ago. This prompts hails of derisive laughter from misotheists and other evolutionists. What is considered a smoking gun against creation is the age of the universe through speed-of-light calculations.  Credits because their caption is so small NASA , ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), none of whom endorse the contents on this site However, that gun shoots at the pistolero  as well as the target, as Big Bang proponents have serious problems with the amount of time that light can travel in their scenario. Meanwhile, believers in stardust-to-steelworker evolution claim that the age of the universe is a fact  (which has changed several times), but this is based on unproven and apparently unprovable assumptions — many of which are used to "prove" the age of the earth in radiometric dating, as we have seen previously. Biblical creation astronomers have pointed these things out for

No Inner Core for Earth?

Once again, the hands at the Darwin Ranch are mighty upset because science does not support naturalism. In this case, cosmic evolution, Earth's formation, and deep time. Rusty Swingset, the foreman out there, wonders why basic science was missed for so many years.   Credit: NASA / Dixon Rohr Researchers submitted a paper concluding that the earth's inner core should not exist. Because evolution. Reasons and stuff. Essentially, since they start with naturalistic presuppositions, and since people forgot to do important parts of the science, they cannot account for its existence. It does have a solid inner core which generates the magnetic field that protects us. It's a bit much to ask, but if they dropped the deep time stuff and believed God's Word, they would see that the world was created recently. Since the 1930s, observations of earthquake-generated seismic waves have indicated that the earth has a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. Now a team of researchers fr

Secular Dinosaur Bone Research Indicates Massive Flood

Darwin's Handmaidens on teh interwebs and social(ist) media often utter words of profound wisdom: "Haw, haw! You idiots believe in that global Flood!" However, they reject the Genesis Flood despite the evidence. How do they react when secular sources indicate a massive flood? Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) While some evolutionists are quick to run off at the mouth and make proclamations that are not necessarily supported by evidence, a study was conducted over 20 years on dinosaur bones. (For supposedly having joined the choir invisible 65 million years ago, I reckon that their bones shouldn't be sticking up out of the ground like that.) They were disarticulated (not joined together), the bones were sorted from heavy to light, and other details. The data clearly indicates a huge flood. Biblical creationists have seen evidence of the global Genesis Flood in many places around the world. This includes sedimentary rock formations spanning huge

Secular Science Confirming the Genesis Flood?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Scoffers of the Genesis Flood often ask where all the water went, and biblical creationists point out that Earth is 70 percent covered by water. Also, if the earth were completely smooth, it would be completely covered by water. But there's more. Credit: NASA / ISS 42 / Terry Virts (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by anyone) Something secularists detest (as do many old-earth creationists and theistic evolutionists) is that Genesis indicates the Earth was created out of water. Dr. D. Russell Humpreys based his accurate predictions of planetary fields on this. I reckon that if science contradicted creationism, we would light a shuck out of there. When materialistic assumptions and circular reasoning are stripped away, science supports creation; we have an especially good time with geology. I was spurred to write this here article because of one from 2018, " Science confirms Genesis Flood account, again ". While it is not a science

Fundamentally Flawed Ice Age Stories

Like anyone else that commences to telling tall tales, secular scientists get their stories going but trap themselves. For example, they claim that Earth had five major ice ages that would have turned Earth into a snowball — with no mechanism for thawing even once! Then there are glacial striations. Gravelly Mountains image credit: USDA / Preston Keres Secularists believe that there were actually fifty (count 'em!) lesser ice ages in the Pleistocene, but each one conveniently ruined the evidence. But hey, look at the glacial striations in rocks, like them thar in the landslide on top of the Gravelly Mountains! (Also, there's tweaking the data from the ineffective Milankovitch theory .) A big problem with the so-called glacial striations is that they sure do look a lot like the results from rocks bouncing off one another. Actually, their ancient ice ages are explained by the one Ice Age and the Genesis Flood. Pleistocene sediments or geomorphological features before the last ice

Lakebed in Greenland Surprises Secular Scientists

Yet another discovery does not fit the old-earth paradigm. We have seen it in many fields of science, and this time, Greenland is the culprit — just like the Bill Nye-defying canons . Scientists were surprised to find a dry lakebed under the ice. Glaciers in northwest Greenland image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) To use the scientific vernacular, it is hugely big. The article linked below puzzled me at first because this was discovered by an observatory. Don't those things point upward and look out yonder? But they used satellites, and various scientific disciplines were involved to study the lakebed and indications for the amount of sediment. Using biblical creation science models, the aftermath of the Genesis Flood precipitated (heh!) the conditions that caused the Ice Age. Cataclysmic flood waters carved out a lot of rock in a hurry, and these led to tremendous sedimentary deposits. Plug in the model with the Greenland data, and

Layers of Folded Rocks

We recently looked at how it is reasonable to expect to find certain things if an idea is correct, and this is borne out in the Grand Canyon in support of creation science Flood geology . We need to visit there again and examine folded rock layers. Credit: US National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Believers in deep time seem to want us to believe irrational and contradictory things. Sedimentary layers are supposedly laid down gradually over hundreds of millions of years, but using the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™, these stiff rocks folded under proper conditions. (By the way, folded is used to describe curved layers as well as those which aremore dramatically folded.) Still waiting on empirical evidence to support these unobserved events in the distant past. When the data is plugged into creation science Genesis Flood models, what is observed makes a great deal more sense. One thing the secularists have right: sedimentary rocks

Dinosaur Soft Tissues, the Age of the Earth, and Microscopy

People familiar with The Question Evolution Project on Facebook should remember podcasts we posted of Dr. Ben Scripture of Scripture on Creation . (In fact, they interviewed me , and one of our topicss was Question Evolution Day .) Dr. Scripture contacted me with exciting news from his interview with Dr. Mark Armitage. File photo of Dr. Scripture (left), YouTube screenshot of Mark Armitage (right) We have two items of interest about how microscopy is not conducive to universal common descent evolution, the second of which will appear below. The one I like best is first. Mark Armitage is a bad man according to believers in molecules-to-microscopist evolution as well as proponents of an old earth. His crime? Having an article published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal  Acta Histochemica with Dr. Kevin Anderson about soft tissues in a Triceratops horn in 2012. Dr. Armitage had a successful job at the biological imaging facility at California State University, Northridge. The pr

Genetic Entropy and You

There are some creationists who advise against using the Laws of Thermodynamics, entropy , and that sort of thing in discussions about evolution. We tend to misuse these things. It is a fact, though, that everything winds down. This applies to you and me. Background image: Pixabay /  PixxlTeufel , modified with COVID-19 image, then FotoSketcher In a way, it should be obvious. Your vehicle will not become less rusty or repair itself. Machines wear out and break down. Foundations in buildings settle and cracks appear in various places. People grow old and die, and then have to stand before their Creator. Before we continue, I suggest reading " Mendel's Accountant Continues to Fluster Evolutionists ". It's not essential, but helpful. Genetic entropy  is extremely strong for affirming recent creation,  and for refuting deep-time minerals-to-misotheist evolution. Although our Creator built in processes to repair our DNA and mitigate damages, mutations do occur and accumula

Gem Crystals Grow Very Rapidly

Using uniformitarian (slow and gradual) assumptions, secular geologists have long believed that crystals cool and form over very long periods of time. There were still questions about what was actually observed that went unanswered. New research caused serious problems for their belief system. Watermelon tourmaline image credit: Flickr / Orbital Joe ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) There are some secular scientists who are not content to accept the established narrative and seek answers instead. We have seen that in several cases, their research was inconvenient for one consensus or another. In this case, it was determined that crystals can grow in a fraction of the time that was previously believed. We can also see that the results are in keeping with creation science Genesis Flood models and recent creation. Today, we have two articles on this subject. The first one is longer and more technical, and the second is easier for people like this child to understand. Let's rock! Crystal size is tr

Stretchy Geological Ideas for Darwin

It should be obvious that molecules-to-mineralogist evolution and deep-time geology are not observable science. That does not stop people committed to the narrative of atheistic naturalism from speculating about the distant past and referring to their pronouncements about the distant past as science. Credit: Flickr / Mike Fernwood  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) As discussed previously, evolution is malleable so that it explains everything. Which means it actually explains nothing. Evolution's partner in villainy is secular geology. This, too, can be stretched and bent to give the illusion of  scientific explanations. Mountains can spring up faster than they thought. Aside from the fact that a major biblical creation science model is catastrophic plate tectonics  that involves rapid uplifting of landforms, the secular researchers discussed in the link below made assertions and told stories based on their naturalistic worldview, not from science. Creation science models of the Genesis Flood are f

Idle Scrawling in the Ice Age

Believers in deep time and universal common descent have a silly habit of believing that humans long ago were stupid brutes, freshly minted from evolving and the ink was not dry yet. Yet another archaeological find supports the views of biblical creationists. Portelet Bay, Jersey / Library of Congress, Photochrom Print Collection If you are on the southeast coast of the larger British Isles facing Normandy, France, you will also be facing the much smaller Channel Islands. They are in the English Channel (the French call it  la Manche ). Doing some island hopping, the second nearest to Normandy is Jersey. Some interesting scratchings were found on a plaque that was broken into ten pieces. They are dated at many thousands of Darwin years old, but their condition and other considerations make the great age implausible. It is interesting that not only did the ancient artist have to do self-expression in stone, but abstract thought is evident — something that atheism and evolution cannot ex

Scientists Should Test and not Assume

There are some things we know because we know them. You know? That is, we have some things we presuppose without verification. When we discover that we had something wrong, we are often surprised. Since this is human nature, it happens in science as well. Dr Sherry Mayo operating the XuM ultra-high resolution X-ray microscope Photo by Mark Fergus for CSIRO ( CC BY 3.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents; this is a picture of a scientist doing science stuff) If you study on it, things that are taken for granted and "conventional wisdom" can be overturned with a bit of research or testing. Sometimes that startles us reg'lar people, and I reckon it does the same for scientists. One example is that because of their presuppositions of deep time and evolution, carbon-14 dating of coal, diamonds and other items was slow in happening because they "knew" there would be no carbon in them. There was carbon in them after all, and those of us who support rec

A Light Story about Petrified Wood

One of the deep-time myths that gets carried around is that wood takes millions of years to become petrified (turned to stone). Even secular geologists now know something creationists have long said, that it depends on conditions, not time. Building built in 1932 made of petrified wood that is inaccurately claimed to be 175 million years old. Credit: Library of Congress / Carol M Highsmith (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There are many anecdotes and actual examples of organic compounds being fossilized of sorts, and even sacks of flour turned to stone . What follows is a simple story about a piece of petrified wood that has a somewhat interesting background, and it illustrates once again that conditions are more important than time for this process. Years ago, an attendee at an ICR Back to Genesis seminar approached me with a fossil he and his daughter had found while on a hike in Washington State. It was obviously petrified wood, which is common in many lo

Another Failed Darwin Theory Still Taught

Not only did Papa Darwin  plagiarize other people and hijack Edward Blyth 's idea of natural selection in his presentation of evolution, but he also tinkered with the formation of atolls, which was based in incomplete science. It is malarkey, but still taught to students. Palmyra Atoll, NOAA photo by Erin Looney Secular science indoctrination centers (schools) are famous for providing false and outdated information regarding evidence for evolution and the age of the earth. Indeed, they use fraud . (This is "education".) We've covered Haeckel's drawings that are used to support both abortion and evolution already, and the Miller-Urey experiment has been thoroughly refuted. Darwin's ideas on atoll formation is known to be junk science, but that and the others are still in the textbooks. Maybe it's because it makes secularists feel good, and they need to make the books bigger? Darwin investigated other questions than evolution, such as the nature of barnacl

Ice on Greenland Deposited Rapidly

Believers in an old earth refer to slow and gradual processes (uniformitarianism), and a big part of that involves ice depositions. This idea not only relies on several assumptions, but also relies on circular reasoning involving the Milankovitch theory . New research supports creation science models on ice depositions, the Genesis Flood, and the Ice Age . Nuuk city in Greenland Credit: Good Free Images / Oliver Schauf Evidence has existed for a long time that ice accumulates rapidly, and one dramatic example involved airplanes that crash-landed there in World War II . There are times when secular scientists conduct research instead of following the herd mentality of "consensus science" . Creation science Flood models involve extreme volcanic activity. Not only does this contribute to planetary cooling, but produces tephra (debris) and ash. These materials were detected in ice core samples, and the secular consensus was upended. The millions of years is built upon assuming th

Siberian Cave Bear on Ice

Siberia is famous for extreme cold and political prisoners, yet some people call it home. Imagine if you will some reindeer herders going about their routine and finding the frozen remains of a cave bear. They saw fit to make the finding known. We have a couple of articles on this subject for your consideration. Assembled with items from Clker clipart This critter was dated at many thousands of Darwin years ago, but was in surprisingly good condition. Such a huge amount of time assigned to it is based on the naturalism narrative, not science or even good sense. Ever put a slab of meat in your freezer and then find it again some time later, only to find it has deteriorated and not worth putting in a stew? That's in a well-controlled environment. We're supposed to suspend reason and believe what scientists say, follow the consensus , and believe that seasonal changes, earth movements, predators, and whatever else didn't bother it. They say this bear, with soft tissue, organs

The ATLAS Comet and the Kuiper Belt

As it is with any science, knowledge increases over time and with better equipment. This is especially true with astronomy. Classifications of celestial objects seemed to be under control, despite the occasional anomaly. Those pesky creationists with their science facts required a lot of Making Things Up™ to protect the deep time narrative. Gran cometa de 1882 by Jose Maria Velasco Don't be disunderstanding me here. It's a common practice to add new terminology to describe new discoveries or to give legitimate reclassifications. (Want an example? Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet, much to my sorrow, because of it size, the abundance of similar objects, and other factors.) However, there was some serious redefining of an object with the poetic name of P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS). It was a centaur, but because of a computer simulation that fits the deep time agenda, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS) is now considered to be a comet. It is also a rescuing device from the Kuiper belt, there to save co