
Showing posts with the label Genesis

Examining False Charges of Deluge Story Copying

Hopefully, I can move to a replacement for this awful Google-owned Blogger platform by the end of the year. Like Facebook, they force changes on its users that are dreadful. Atheists and tinhorn "Christian scholars" level charges at the narrative of the Genesis Flood for being a copy of similar pagan stories. If so-called scholars actually did complete research instead of arguing from superficialities and anti-Bible presuppositions, they would not be making such foolish assertions. Library of Ashurbanipal / The Flood Tablet / The Gilgamesh Tablet / Wikimedia Commons / Fæ   ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) As we know, there are global deluge story all over the world. Creationists believe that after the dispersal at Babel, the people took the historical account with them, but they deteriorated. One of the main problems with the idea of the Hebrews copying from pagan sources is that such a thing would be unthinkable to those Hebrews. The cultures of the ancient peoples in question were extremel

When Genesis Flood Models Collide

As stated before, scientists who ride for the biblical creation brand are like their counterparts in the secular science industry. Not only are they educated and credentialed, but are not always in lockstep when it comes to scientific models. Heavily modified from an image at Pixabay by Jeff Jacobs One major difference between the camps is that biblical creationists believe that the Bible is true, but models will come and go. Secularists have been dishonest for money and prestige. There are a few scientific models for the Genesis Flood among creationists, but the two best known are Catastrophic Plate Tectonics and the Hydroplate Theory . Some people passionately promote the Hydroplate Theory and consider it superior to Catastrophic Plate Tectonics. However, most creationists find serious flaws with it. If it is superior, then it would be the best of the worst — sort of like the nebular hypothesis  for the formation of the solar system is bad, but the others fail even more. Mo

Extinctions of Mammoth Proportions

Scientists are considering the relationship of extinctions between woolly mammoths and human groups. That may seem like a waste of time at first glance, but the genetic research has provided some interesting results regarding inbreeding  (or interbreeding, definition 2 ). This is especially significant in isolated populations. It seems that even though there were many woolly mammoths roaming the Northern Hemisphere, they mysteriously became extinct. After examining their DNA (no, don't be expecting cloned mammoths at the zoo), comparisons were made with human populations. Inbreeding is bad for offspring that may survive. "But Cowboy Bob, that's how the earth was populations back with Adam and Eve, then Noah and his family!" This is important, so let's take a ride on this here side trail for a spell. Biblical creationists believe that the Bible is true from the very first verse and also the part where God declared that everything was very good  (Gen. 1:

Denying the Order of Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are certain elements in our lives that, try as some people may, still reflect what our Creator has designed us to know. When we say that something is morally right or wrong, we are appealing to a higher authority. This may be simply the law or cultural trends, but we ultimately appeal to God's laws. Men and women are made to be different and complement each other in marriage . Despite notions to the contrary, the truth that is inside us (Rom. 2:15-16) still affirms the order of creation. The Holy Family by Martin Schongauer, 1480 - 1490 Believers in universal common ancestor evolution are unable to cogently explain why sexual reproduction even exists. After all, it's a mite inefficient in an evolutionary worldview because asexual reproduction is better. The plan of our Creator was for marriage to be between one man and one woman. In an episode of The Briefing, Dr. Mohler was discussing articles about what is called homosexual "marria

Examining the Created Kinds Concept

A source of contention between biblical creationists and other biologists is the created kinds that we read about in Genesis. We are not given a great deal of information about what exactly they are, which prompts discussion among creationists as well. The study of biblical created kinds is called baraminology. Creationists believe that Basement Cat and lions developed from the original cat kind. The same with dogs, horses, and such. We are all from the same human kind. The system of taxonomy we use was devised by creationist Carolus Linnaeus , and scientists have made adjustments to it for many years. He was attempting to determine the created kinds in Genesis, and at first, thought that kinds were on the level of species. Biologists of the creation persuasion tend to think that kinds most closely line up with the classification of family, but there is some variation on that theme. Sometimes a creationist will say “there are no transitional species” or “animals do change, bu

Genetics and the Creation of Eve

Atheopaths and other mockers often point to the Genesis account of the creation of Adam and then Eve.This is in stark contrast to the fact-free fish-to-fool evolution that they falsely call science, yet still insist that we all accept. Adam and Eve before the Temptation / George Frederick Watts I'll allow that the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth and not evolving from critters is a mite startling to some folks. They would do well to consider that the Creator does things the way he sees fit, and there are purposes for his methods. Sometimes he tells us, other times we don't really need to know. The same sort of thinking can apply to the creation of Eve. God showed Adam the animals, but none of them would be suitable ×¢ֵ×–ֶר, helper. He was different from them. God essentially used the first anesthetic, and took a rib from Adam's side to make Eve. In a way, this was the first act of cloning by using genetic material. The science of genetics would not be pio

Flat Earth Beliefs and Special Knowledge

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In my years of writing, doing social media, having conversations, and simply observing people, I have come to the conclusion that many want to believe that they are better in some ways than other people. One means to this end is to have some kind of special knowledge. Image credit: Pixabay / Vicki Nunn Atheists rank near the top of the uppity scale, imagining that they own science and reason. They use these to suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness (Rom. 1:18). Universal common ancestor evolution is a cornerstone of atheism and of anti-creation compromisers. Those of us who believe the truth of Scripture and the reality of biblical creation science are deemed inferior. This is primarily based on their arbitrary presuppositions that science must be rooted in naturalism. However, their presuppositions and assumptions are not supported by logic or evidence . Conversely, there are professing Christians who are full of pride about their salvation

Denisovans in Tibet

It is known that, like Neanderthals, the Denisovans were not exactly content to stay in one place. They also managed to share their DNA with other people groups, and the Tibetan people have a genetic variation that is shared with the mysterious Denisovans and nobody else. Credit: Freeimages / Niko Nami Imagine the Denisovans looking around and saying, "Nice plateau here. Impressive planation surfaces , those are going to be irritating to secular geologists in a few thousand years!" Well, maybe they didn't say exactly that. Moving on. In addition to DNA, a Denisovan fossil was found in Tibet back in 1980. Tests show that there was no DNA, but tooth dentine was examined to determined to be a close match to that of the former inhabitants of the Denisova cave way over in Siberia. Evolutionists commenced to using fundamentally flawed dating methods and using the scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Let's take a look at the biblical timeline and see how thes

Draining the Dinosaur Swamp

We do not exactly see dinosaurs hitched up to carts for manual labor or getting saddled up for use in a posse comitatus . Practitioners of evolutionary pettifoggery will have us believe that dinosaurs joined the choir invisible millions of years before humans evolved, but biblical creationists have different ideas. Assembled at PhotoFunia Apparently they are bereft of life and taking dirt naps, except in a few possible instances in modern times , in the Bible , and in other instances of ancient history . Biblical creationists reject naturalistic presuppositions and believe that not only was there a global Flood at the time of Noah, but various dinosaur kinds were on the Ark . (Apparently, many dinosaurs were ill-tempered critters and became nuisances, so they were hunted.) The Flood radically changed the world, including the stomping grounds that dinosaurs preferred. Even the Sahara Desert was wet many years ago. Loss of habitat is a primary cause of extinction, you know. Gene

Cursed Snakes and Genetics

When some folks see a snake, they light a shuck out of there. That may be a good practice in the great outdoors if you are unskilled in recognizing reptiles. Most want to go about their business and be left alone. I think some might be on the prod because of the curse way back in Genesis 3:14. Credit: Pixabay / Tahlia Stanton One part of the curse is that snakes would "eat dust". Not that it was intended to be their primary diet by any means, but they do "eat" dust to some extent . Apparently the serpent in Genesis had limbs, but we are not told if the curse was instantaneous or it took a long time, but you don't see a snake taking a stroll nowadays. Some genes are regulated according to where they are located in a body, so the gene can work in one place but is switched off in another. Those affecting limbs did not interfere with the ability of snakes to reproduce (obviously). Purveyors of particles-to-python evolution cannot explain why snakes didn'

Human Value, Genesis, and the Cross

In an evolutionary worldview, the death of Jesus on the cross is nonsensical. His bodily resurrection is unthinkable. According to materialists, this life is all there is, and it has no meaning, no hope for future justice, and when you die, you're worm food. Did you remember to pass along your selfish genes first? What a depressing way to live. Credit:  Free Christian Illustrations In reality, atheism is incoherent. Only the biblical Christian worldview — beginning from the first verse of the Bible — consistently makes sense of human experience. We have joy and pain, life and death, and all kinds of experiences. Our Creator took human form. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and bodily rose from the dead. He did this out of love. The wisdom of the worldly wise is frustrated by the wisdom of God. No one wants to live in a world where evil is ignored, or worse still, approved. Everyone yearns for justice when they have been mocked, insulted, betrayed or abus

Places Named in Genesis

In " Finding Eden ", we examined how some people are attempting to locate Eden from clues in the Bible. Now we will broaden the subject to other place names in the early chapters of Genesis. It is not all that surprising that people will attempt to map out some locations despite the huge amount of years that has elapsed because some of the directions are very specific, such as the rivers in Eden.  Credit: Pixabay / Jeff Jacobs The authors clearly intended readers to know that they were writing history, but considerable debate exists about this point. There have been attempts to understand what the writers were thinking, and also to make Genesis locations into a kind of hybrid of allegory and history, of both past and present. Some scholars seem to forget, or ignore, the fact of the Genesis Flood and how it would drastically alter the land. I should pull in the reigns for a moment and let you know a view that I accept, but is not dealt with in the article linked below

Evolutionary Thinking Yields Burning Hatred

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who pay attention to the origins debate are likely to have noticed that Darwinism advocates, especially on the web, are exceptionally passionate. Many of these folks really get on the prod if someone dares to write, speak, or even whisper words of doubt about evolution. This is hypocritical, as the same people often claim that they want "tolerance" and "discourse", but have no tolerance of those who reject any or all of materialistic evolution; so-called "freethinkers" often oppose people who think in a manner for which they disapprove. Credit: Freeimages / hamidreza ahmadi For that matter, Charles Darwin said in Origin , " A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts  and arguments on both sides of each question; and this cannot possibly be  here done". However, he apparently did not have any intention of discourse with people who doubted his conjectures. Instead, it was appare

Finding Eden

People have been attempting to find, or at least determine, the location of Eden. They want to saddle up and ride over to the Garden of Eden, but they are going to have a long trip for many reasons. For one thing, the garden was in  Eden (Gen. 2:8), and Eden itself was a special place on Earth. The Garden of Eden , Thomas Cole, 1828 You may be asking yourself why it would be so difficult to find Eden, since there are significant clues in Genesis. Notice that the description in Gen. 2:10-14 names the rivers in the present tense? Many creationists believe that several people wrote Genesis , and those were preserved by God until the Holy Spirit guided Moses to compile them. The usual explanation offered by biblical creationists regarding the impossibility of finding Eden is that the global Genesis Flood was catastrophic, and nothing would remain. Some people who are ignorant of the effects of the Flood use the names in Genesis as markers, but descendants of Noah would have likely n

Archaeology and Genetics Study Supports Genesis

Although archaeologists and geneticists tend to get along like farmers and cattle barons in the Old West, there are times when their work can have an uneasy truce. There was an ancient group known by an unflattering name. Do the Beaker  people ring a bell? Actually, it's worse: Bell Beaker.  Although they migrated and did some conquering along the way (and displaced 90 percent of the Britons), they are known for their pottery . While pottery is important to archaeologists, it also raises questions about travel, cultural assimilation, borrowing styles, trade, and so on. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Thomas Ihle  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Was there only one Beaker culture that did all that traveling and raising hob? There are examples of their pottery in diverse areas, and genetic research seems to support that there were two Beaker groups. While the secular study plugged in the standard ages of man from evolutionary to prop up the deep-time narrative, they did mine some important infor

Science Confirms Scripture: Males and Females are Different!

It may come as a shock to some people in postmodern Western cultures, but males and females are indeed different. Most people have known this for millennia. (This cowboy is glad for the differences. Occasionally sad, but mostly glad.) Unfortunately, there are logic and science deniers who not only enable those who are mentally ill, but make a profit with " gender reassignment " surgeries and such. Mostly made at Break Your Own News God made two sexes (Gen. 1:27, Mark 10:6). That's it. His plan for marriage was one man and one woman to be joined for life. Our sex is determined before  birth through genetic and epigenetic activities, chromosomes and stuff that are far too difficult for evolutionists to explain. When we fill out medical forms, the checkbox for your sex is not simply a matter of statistics, but for medical purposes; men and women react to medications differently, for example. Sleep cycles, motor skills, and other differences are clearly evidence, despi