
Showing posts with the label Christian Rock

Building the Myth of Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin has been long portrayed as a great scientist, and his brilliant observations led to insightful theories that changed the world. It has been rightly observed that he is adored above scientists who have actually contributed something for the betterment of humanity. Atheists and evolutionists often become angry when people make parodies or satirize Darwin, and especially when people point out how evolution increased racism. Telling the truth about a man that secularists treat like a religious icon is a serious offense to them. Charles Darwin, street hobo with guitar, AI generated at Img2Go His version of natural selection as a creative force was not accepted by the scientific community at first. Papa Darwin promised to provide support for the material he published, but that did not happen. Could the fact that he never had formal scientific training have anything to do with it? He got by with a little help from his friends and did not end up being a hobo playing guitar for

Engineering in Creation and Parametric Design

There is an interest in looking at living things from an engineering perspective, which places evolutionary ideas of time, chance, mutations, and luck closer and closer to the rubbish bin. We have discussed how engineering concepts relate to creation several times. Parametric design  is used in several ways, using parameters  (see what they did there?) in algorithms (sets of instructions). This method has been helpful in architecture. It also fits quite well with intelligent design and works quite well with engineering considerations in creation. Spinal column, Pixabay / Clker-Free-Vector-Images Creation itself shows design. Not only design, but advance planning where living things grow and develop, often adapting to changes. There are many things in biology that show growth where things have to be in place so the critter can survive. Consider the human spinal column: Vertebrae and such need to grow from simpler cells, all the way to adulthood. No, evolution has no place here. The Mast

The Senses and Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Since my wife has gone to be with Jesus and I am alone now, I have to be much more precise in my daily activities. Getting ready for work each morning requires attention to detail and following a routine. During the morning hustle, I noticed how the senses play a part in our daily lives. The alarm is on my phone ("Heaven Changes Everything") which goes off at almost the same time as the timer turns on the lamp. It is a mite cool in here because I dial down the heat for the night. Since I leave for work in about 100 minutes, I leave the heat alone. View from bedroom with lamp on timer, modified with FotoSketcher The faint smell of scented wax from the heater that Charlene liked reaches me and I remember using the device last night. I didn't like to smell cigarette from a neighbor's apartment. Sometimes the smell of doobie intrudes. It used to wake her up in the middle of the night, but Polly Pothead moved out and I don't have to deal with th

Hugeness in Ancient Aquatic Reptiles

Request of Christians: It has been six months today since my wife died. Things are tough, and I ask for your prayers. Although one may think of huge critters when the word dinosaur  is mentioned, there was an extreme range of sizes. Some were about the size of turkeys. The large ones were very large indeed, and it seems that scientists naming them are running out of ways to say, "Even bigger yet." Aquatic lizards like plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs also had differing sizes. When they went huge, they did it in a big way. Big animals swimming coerces the question, "Did their size cause drag in the water and make locomotion difficult?" Modified ichthyosaur postage stamp of Yemen, 1990 Through tendentious dating methods, believers in universal common descent evolution and deep time assert that the largest of these appeared (code word for "evolved" even though there is no evidence for their evolution ) first, then came the smaller ones. Using flow simulations, st

Materialists Unintentionally Appeal to God for Honesty

Regular readers may notice that certain things are repeated here, but it is necessary. Those things may also benefit new readers. Atoms-to-author evolution is not just a discussion for scientists, it is a worldview that permeates many areas of life. Since scientists are not the paragons of virtue that people seem to believe, fraud and trickery have been utilized in science for many years. Fake research papers are becoming more frequent, especially with the rise of artificial intelligence . The secular science industry says bad things are happening. Late autumn bleak view from a mountain in Ulster County, NY, photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For the most part, secular scientists are materialists. That is, nothing exists except atoms, molecules, and all that good stuff. They have no room for God in their worldview. How can they complain about right and wrong when the Author of those things is rejected out of hand? It doesn't make sense, Stanley. They cannot even say why  something is wr

Paradigm Shifts in the Life Sciences?

Secular scientists, especially believers in descent with modifications evolution, work from a framework of materialism. They rule out even the possibility of a Creator or of any purpose in life. Of course, having such a priori  presuppositions handcuffs them to the radiator so they cannot work more effectively. Evolution is not supposed to have any sort of teleology. Any appearance of design is just an illusion, secularists must keep telling themselves that because design means a Designer. But reference to purpose does  get put into evolutionary materials. Dental stem cells, Flickr / NIH-NIDCR (public domain) There are discussions about intelligence all the way down to the cellular level. Although there is opposition to seeing purpose and design, if those in the secular science industry should actually "follow where the evidence leads" instead of simply giving lip service to that saying. It would also be a great benefit to medical and other life sciences. Then they may be re

Bad Presuppositions and Wrong Questions in Science

This is a repost, as the original disappeared after a day or so. Blogger has its own formatting ideas that I can't control. Centuries ago, I applied for a data entry job, but was hired to be a production supervisor. I knew nothing about the industry. My supervisor went out sick and my trainer quit, so I ended up discussing things with foremen and production workers. I did not ask the right questions, nor did I even know what questions to ask. Fortunately, I brought few assumptions to impede my learning. By the grace of God and with the help of other people, I was able to have reasonable success in the job. Jigsaw GRAPHIC, Freeimages /  Andronicus Riyono Imagine if I had been full of bravado and made wrong assumptions based on my presuppositions. It would not have gone well. We have seen in a similar way that many secular scientists presuppose evolution, then are puzzled when the evidence doesn't line up with expectations. Their research is often befouled at the get-go. Secular

The Baffling Phenomenon of Brood Parasitism

In the 1957 science fiction novel The Midwich Cuckoos , John Wyndham wrote about an English village that mysteriously lost consciousness for a day. Then the people awakened. All the women of childbearing age were pregnant, and as the 61 offspring grew, it was realized that they were aliens. And dangerous. The word cuckoo  in the title is in reference to that family of birds, sixty of which are brood parasites . They lay eggs in the nests of other birds. The unhappily adoptive parents seldom expel the eggs of the intruders, who often kill the rightful nestlings after hatching. Eurasian (common) cuckoo, Wikimedia Commons / Vedant Raju Kasambe ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Brood parasitism is best known among cuckoos and cowbirds (neither of which is impressive in appearance), but also happens in some fish. When searching these topics, expect to find the non-explanation of "it evolved," even though brood parasitism defies evolutionary concepts. More puzzling is when obligate brood parasite

Archaeology and the Fall of Jericho

So many events of ancient history are only known through word-of-mouth stories, some artefacts, and even written accounts. The Bible has never been refuted by archaeology, and archaeologists used to respect the Bible even if they were unbelievers. Today, some try to wave off biblical events using bad reasoning. The Battle of Jericho was a significant event marking the conquest of Canaan. The Israelites were led by Joshua, successor of Moses. Jericho was an imposing city with a double wall, and God miraculously intervened. The Taking of Jericho , James Tissot, ca. 1900 There is no doubt that Jericho existed. In fact, there were walls around the city before Joshua got there. After it was burned, other people decided that it sure would be a shame to let that prime real estate go to waste, so they moved in. Jericho went without walls for many years after its conquest because nobody wanted to run crosswise of Joshua's curse on whomever rebuilt the walls. There are many archaeological fa

Stargazer Fish Challenges Evolutionists and Creationists

That is one ugly fish! Actually, more than one in this group. The stargazer is built with eyes on the top of its head (hence the name), and a downturned mouth reminiscent of  Grumpy Cat . Stargazers come in a range of sizes, and they have some startling traits. One is that it buries itself in the sand so it can hide or hunt. The bobtail squid does this as well. On land, there are snakes, lizards, spiders, and other things that hide in sand. Like the even uglier anglerfish of the deep sea, it has an appendage to use as a lure for prey. Stargazer, Flickr / Etienne Gosse ( CC BY 2.0 ) These traits and more that are rather startling are challenging to both evolutionists and biblical creationists. To simply assert evolution is not demonstrating it. Creationists need to provide plausible explanations as to what may have happened in the once very good creation to have a predator like this, including how the Creator frontloaded genetic information that was later modified. ‘Monster of the oce

No Evolution in Fossil Leaf Miner

Time and time again, believers in descent with modifications find a problem with their story and pretend that it gives them insight. Many even feign excitement. Interesting that they dig in deeper instead of cowboying up and admitting that their paradigm is fundamentally flawed. Insects that burrow into leaves and eat them from the inside are known as leaf miners . In an area known for extremely well-preserved fossils, leaf miners were found — showing no change in millions of Darwin years. Miner, Comstock Mine, 1861 via National Archives , colorized at Lunapic , then modified at PhotoFunia It was also one of those "earlier than thought" moments that happen frequently. Insects eating the leaves at the time of fossilization were exhibiting the same behavior that their living counterparts have. The evidence better supports recent creation, old son. The doctoral candidate in charge (was he lighting candles to Darwin to impress others in the secular science industry?) cited evolut

Gender Confusion and Regret

Before the chaos of today, young people would eventually grow comfortable in the sexes they were born with. There was therapy for them if needed. Not all that long ago, people were not demanding to have so-called gender reassignment surgery and to be called by pronouns of their choosing. Worse, children are being given puberty blockers which adversely affect their health. Medical professionals are causing harm and making big money doing it. Transsexuals are having regrets over their devastating life-changing choices. Daylily, Pixnio / Bicanski Rebellion against God's design for marriage and authority have been increasing for the past few years, and there is a great deal of pride and selfishness involved. At the beginning of creation, marriage was to be one man and one woman. Marriage has been redefined by courts and legislation by uppity humans. Also, it is impossible  to actually change genders. Hormones, laws, surgeries — but the reality of the sex one was born with persists all

Humanity Making Itself the Creator

Naturalistic views run rampant in Western society, pushing the Creator further and further away. We look to ourselves for salvation. This can be delving into our minds with philosophies and New Age pagan religions, or it can mean looking to other people to give our lives meaning. The secular science industry supports politicians who promote leftist views, celebrities think those are just really swell so they give their support to them. People who use emotions instead of their intellects follow along like sheep. Image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified with FotoSketcher Many people have bumper-sticker mentalities. That is, they are motivated by short sayings on memes and bumper stickers, but are unwilling or unable to apply critical thinking skills to issues. "White people are oppressors of darker-skinned people," "A man trapped in a woman's body," "Stop global climate change or we'll all die" and others sound good to some folks. What's really hap

Crying Tears — a Blessing?

Tears are actually very important, always present in healthy eyes. There is a system to drain them off. They help keep eyeballs clean when dust or something intrudes. When tears are brought on by emotions, creationists and evolutionists have very different speculations. Some animals mourn the loss of a mate or one of their group (crows recognize faces and may seek vengeance), but they do not shed tears like humans. Emotional crying is unique and quite puzzling. Cowboy Bob Sorensen, tough guy crying, mirror selfie modified at PhotoFunia Yes, I mentioned speculation on both our parts. Similarly, blushing is a problem for evolutionists, but it may have a specific purpose given by our Creator. When we have tears of sorrow, a sympathetic person may say, "That's right. Let it all out." Well, it's not like draining a reservoir; tears replenish. However, "let it out" is psychologically and medically valid! They run down our face (as shown in my left eye, above) whe

Reproducibility Crisis Worsens in Scientific Research

It has long been known that there is a reproducibility crisis in many areas of science. Briefly put, someone will conduct research, submit a paper for peer review, get recognition — but the research cannot be replicated by other scientists. Social sciences such as psychology are notorious for having research that is not reproduced, but other sciences have few such problems. Biology and the like have reproducibility problems as well. The public and other scientists want to be able to see results in the same way with the same data. Scientist with seaweed, Pexels / Chokniti Khongchum A big-time study on reproducibility indicates that it is a problem because of scientists themselves. That is (as mentioned many times here) scientists have strengths and weaknesses, and they have biases that influence their work. Each researcher may give a different response even when given the same data. It also reinforced what many people know: Peer review is not a guarantee of accuracy or truthfulness. Rep

The Divine Plan for — Blushing?

Although darker-skinned people do it as well, blushing is very noticeable in people of European descent. Some blush easily and others may not ever. It is considered attractive, and women's makeup includes a blush tint. Fish, animals, and flowers may have reddish tinges that are called blush. Charles Darwin did not appreciate the notion of his time: Blushing was designed by God to display human shame. (Mayhaps that is true, but this child is not convinced.) What is interesting is that apes and other animals do not do it. Blushing bromeliad, Flickr / Tanaka Juuyoh ( CC BY 2.0 ), an article on the flower is here Darwin's disciples try to evosplain blushing, but they cannot get around the fact that it does not contribute an "evolutionary advantage." And why is it confined to the face and neck? Interestingly, blushing seems to be caused by an adrenaline release because of an emotional trigger. (It just occurred to me that it would be interesting to see if there's a si

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Many Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving Day, but are mainly doing it out of tradition. Family, food, friends are great and we should be thankful for them. What is often missing from the lives of many people is a thankful heart. We must give thanks to our Creator , and recognize the things he has given us. Study on it a spell and be amazed that the Creator of the universe cares about you and me. Indeed, he does not have to, because we are all sinners in need of salvation through Jesus Christ. Give thanks, Unsplash / Adam Winger I've you've a mind to read it, I wrote something more substantial and from the heart at " Having Just Another Thanksgiving Day? "

Gender Confusion and Bad Evolutionary Science

As shown many times before, the secular science industry supports leftist attitudes and causes. Gender confusion and same-sex attraction are two of these. Years ago, and even today, people claimed that homosexuality was genetic, but no so-called gay gene has ever been found. There are people who claim that homosexuality exists in nature (such as the alleged gay penguin couples) and the way dogs act. However, it seems to be anthropomorphizing  by humans instead of real same-sex romance in animals. To further blur reality, research has been committed in efforts to find same-sex attraction. Evolution was not only presumed, but was claimed that homosexuality evolved many times in different animals. (It seems like an escape to say something happened many times, so evidence is not produced — or demanded. Clever.) The owlhoot who is trying to use science to deny God's order in creation did not seem to take into account that animals act in certain ways for their own reasons, and not for ro

Pondering the Evil of Wasps

A spell back, we used the expensive word anthropomorphize , which basically means to assign human traits to animals and other things . It is also a very common thing to do. Charles Darwin saw evil in the insect world and wondered how a loving God can allow this. Others have wondered about similar things. Evil is actually rebellion against God and his Word, and critters are doing what they know without considering morality. In discussing biology, however, their predatory behavior is often called  natural evil . Wasp on grape, Pixnio / Bicanski We tend to think of the big wasps that sting just about anything, but smaller species escape our attention because they cannot sting us. Wasps often go after each other. After all, they want to survive and reproduce. Their methods are often brutal and even disgusting to us. The source of this behavior is not found in natural science, but theology — go back to Genesis. Who hasn’t had a picnic ruined by angry, stinging wasps coming out of nowhere, o

The Dinosaur with the Super-Sized Identity Crisis

While time is erroneously considered to be a hero of the particles-to-paleontologist evolution story, it is often useful when sorting out evolutionary speculations. Evolutionists seek fame, and it is not uncommon for them to make assertions based on mediocre evidence. They often have woefully incomplete skeletons displayed as evidence for their story. In the case of Supersaurus , a few bones were found in the 1970s. Very large bones. Presenting for your pondering pleasure, Ultrasaurus ! (And the crowd goes wild) . It was portrayed in many places. However, there were problems... Supersaurus , Wikimedia Commons / LadyofHats (PD, modified) The paleontologist did not make the moniker  Ultrasaurus  official, so someone else used it for his own version. The first one was renamed it Ultrasoros , changing the next-to-the-last letter. That's bad enough to cause identity problems for the critter, but it was later determined that the bones belonged to two different types of dinosaurs, one