
Showing posts with the label Genesis Flood

Getting Marsupials to Australia

Despite the persistent straw man accusations of anti-creationists, we are not content to say, "GodDidIt, case closed!" While creation scientists believe that God did something, they want to know how  he did it. They look for scientific answers first. Not that those are superior, as we presuppose the truth of the Bible. Unlike Darwin's disciples who presuppose naturalism and say, "Case closed," creationists and Intelligent Design theorists appeal to the miraculous when that is the logical conclusion. Both secular and creation scientists ponder biogeography — just how did  koalas and other marsupials get to 'Straya? Koala eating, RGBStock / Richard Dudley (modified at Imgflip ) Creationist explanations for biogeography are superior to those of secularists, as the methods of animal travel they propose are inadequate — even though the quantity of marsupials in Australia is somehow considered evidence for evolution. The debate is not easy for either side since e

Concrete, Cement, and Algae

It seems that many people do not know the difference between concrete and cement, so here is the hard truth. There are several stages involved in making concrete , the porous stuff that people drive on or live in. It begins with limestone, which is thought to take millions of years to form. Limestone and a silica source are heated, then the result is ground to powder. Other ingredients are added. When this mixture is going to be turned into concrete, cement , water, and other things are mixed in to make the concrete. Algae is turning those deep-time assumption upside-down. Coccolithophore bloom SW of Ireland, Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( CC BY 2.0 ) Coccolithophores  are marine algae that build protective shells around themselves. The shells of these bad boys make chalk (a form of limestone) deposits, and uniformitarian scientists say chalk takes millions of years to form. Not in this case! Further, coccolithophores could have been producing huge quantities of the stuff

An Actual Chinese Dragon

For some reason, I was invited out to the Darwin Ranch to meet the new hand. It was a mite late and the shadows cast by the setting sun at Deception Pass made the going a bit slow. Once I arrived, foreman Rusty Swingset and his assistant Cliff Swallows had me meet Crappie Crankbait. It seems that Crappie is a specialist in aquatic dinosaur-age creatures. He found it interesting that this is the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, and recent research on a Chinese dinosaur fossil seems to fit right in. Dinocephalosaurus orientalis , Wikimedia Commons / Nobumichi Tamura ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) (modified) Scientists actually used the word  dragon  regarding this critter because the long neck is somewhat similar to the long necks in portrayals of Chinese dragons. This is not exactly a new animal, but a few more fossils have been found. Sure does look like a plesiosaur, but paleontologists insist that D. orientalis  is not related and lazily invoke " convergent evolution "

Deep Time Used to Evosplain Dinosaur Difficulties

One of the most ridiculous ways of justifying universal common descent is to throw huge amounts of time into a problem, such as saying, "Given enough time, anything can happen." That may seem plausible for a fairy tale and Darwin's magic wand , but not for people who want real answers. It seems to be a common occurrence that dinosaurs are found where denizens of the secular science industry say they should not be. However, scientists do not question their evolutionary paradigm because they presume it is the only possible explanation for what is observed, thus eliminating better material. Minqaria, Wikimedia Commons / UnexpectedDinoLesson ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) (modified) Lambeosaurs (a kind of duckbill) strayed from their expected home ranges and were found in Morocco. Using naturalistic paradigms, a scientist evosplained this by invoking millions of years and saying that mayhaps the ungainly beasties swam there. This jasper also tried to escape the obvious implications of the

Great Sand Dunes, the Ice Age, and the Genesis Flood

Heading west in the formerly United States, a traveler encounters the Rocky Mountains (which we generously share with Canada). The state of Colorado has the  Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve , larger than the Sleeping Bear Dunes of Michigan. You ever walk onto a sandy beach and make ouch noises because it is hot? In the summer, these puppies are substantially hotter than the air temperature. We will move on to discuss how the dunes got there. Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Flickr / NPS Natural Resources (public domain) Consider sand a spell (like when you remembered hot-footing it on the beach). It is unique and small. Both uniformitarian and creation geologists agree that there have to be special conditions to make a sand dune in the first place, and there are also conditions that can stop it from happening, such as grass growing. Conditions today would not let those dunes form, so they obviously had to be very different in the past. The culprit is the Ice

Mixed Andes Fossils and Evolutionary Storytelling

Down Colombia way near near the town of Villa de Leyva is an area full of fossils. Paleontologists like it a lot. However, what they found is challenging to uniformitarian beliefs (deep time, slow and gradual processes). The scientific principle of Making Things Up™ was implemented. Regular readers have probably noticed that the secular science industry has a habit of evosplaining  with fake facts, ignoring real facts, and raising unanswered questions. Apparently, what matters more than scientific truth is praising Darwin and bolstering deep time so the grant money keeps coming in. Villa de Leyva, Colombia toward Andes Mountains, Flickr / Rosario González Morón ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) In the article linked below, there is an example of something that makes this child wonder how the researchers got advanced degrees in the first place. Giving weak explanations for what is observed as if there was no other possibility is commonplace. It just so happens that the story they are confabulating appe

Biogeography and Floating Islands

A question for both biblical creationists and uniformitarian secular scientists is how creatures dispersed to different continents. This is called biogeography . Land bridges during low sea levels probably occurred, but would not provide for large migrations. Then there is rafting (making use of floating islands of vegetation). Those things exist today, but secular scientists admit that there are numerous difficulties involved for carrying living things out across the oceans to other continents. Uniformitarian scientists are assuming things today have been the same in the past. Wrong. Floating Islands, Titicaca Lake, Peru, Flickr / Emmanuel Dyan ( CC BY 2.0 ) When one considers creation science Genesis Flood models, floating islands as a means of travel make much more sense. After the Flood, conditions were changing and the Ice Age was beginning. Meanwhile, fruitful critters were multiplying. The Flood was a violent event, and the floating islands seen today are far different from wh

The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy

After traveling on the racing circuit, Miles Prower decided to return to these parts for a spell. He told me of a solo excursion to the difficult-to-reach Glen Roy in the Scottish Highlands to see the Parallel Roads. Legends have it that they were made by kings, Finegal the Giant, or faeries. Miles was very interested in what are called the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, and the story secular geologists tell about their formation is slightly more plausible than giants making them. Shorelines of glacial lakes are the usual explanation. Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Flickr / IrenicRhonda ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) As seen with the Chicxulub big rock dinosaur extinction story, uniformitarian scientists tend to ignore certain important details that foul up their narratives. In this case, the movement of glaciers doesn't work with the story. Also like Chicxulub (and other geologic features), creation science models for the Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood fit the observed evidence quite handil

Evosplaining Dinosaur Extinction with Volcanic Activity

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often  evosplain dinosaur extinction with the Chicxulub big rock impact, insisting on consensus among evolutionists. There is  some consensus, but a majority does not make truth. There are serious  problems with that impact story . One of the most obvious is that if the asteroid (or comet, or meteorite) killed off the dinosaurs, it should have taken a passel of more fragile creatures as well. It has been suggested that volcanic activity was important to destroying the dinosaurs. Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact,  NASA Goddard A fragment of agreement exists between secular and creation scientists: There was a great deal of volcanic activity in Earth's past. Of course, the two camps have no agreement on the hows and whys of the volcanism. If secularists didn't have a "Katie, bar the door!" attitude toward creation science models of the Genesis Flood and Ice Age, they might see that they are getting closer to

Fossil Butte National Monument and the Genesis Flood

National parks and national monuments are under the auspices of the US National Park Service. Down Wyoming way is Fossil Butte National Monument , which is famous for asparagus. Just checking, it is famous for fossils. Officially, it is a ridge, not a butte, it just looks like a butte from some angles. The area itself is the National Monument, and there is a passel of fossils (mostly plants and fish). While you cannot dig up and take home fossils, it is on the Green River Formation which is extremely large. Get fossils from non-government land if you wish. Double rainbow on Fossil Butte, National Park Service The official story involves a lake, but the fossils indicate otherwise. Several creatures are distinctly salt water, and it takes a great deal of rapidly-deposited sediment to make the fossils — many of which are excellent. While the NPS tells tales of deep time, the observed evidence clearly fits the global Genesis Flood for many reasons. Southwestern Wyoming contains one of the

New Island Formed from Underwater Volcanic Eruption

Way out yonder south of Tokyo is an area that is of great interest to geologists. It is where the Ogasawara (or Bonin) Islands are found, which is an archipelago. It is also the area of the island of the Iwo Jima volcano. Its lava flow was sufficient enough to produce a small island in the Pacific. Yes, many islands are the product of volcanic activity. There is no guarantee that it will last very long, but researchers are looking forward to analyzing what develops there. Ogasawara islands , Wikimedia Commons (PD) Volcanic eruptions are often drawn-out events, not just a blast and let the debris settle. This eruption was ongoing as of the date of the short article featured below. A science writer asserted deep time, but that was imagination and pushing the narrative, not empirical science. Also, she apparently she forgot about how rapidly the island of Surtsey formed and was colonized by living things — which fits Genesis Flood models in creation science. Not for the first time, and li

Mysterious Mummified Dinosaur Skin

While mummification  may refer to the deliberate act of preserving a dead body, the word is also used to describe a critter that has died, then shriveled and dried up. People find mummified rodents and such in sheds and attics. If those had died in nature, scavengers and bacteria would have made short work of the remains. In yet another instance of something being remarkably well-preserved, some mummified  Edmontosaurus  skin falls into that category — and it is quite mysterious. Modified postage stamp of an Edmontosaurus  head from the author's collection Secular scientists are attempting to explain the process of how it could be mummified and then preserved, and they are on the right track when they refer to burial by a flood. Of course, they reject the global Genesis Flood even though fossil layers extend across continents. People may easily think that the Genesis Flood was lots of rain and that the fountains of the deep were opened up (Gen. 7:11), not knowing that the Flood was

Fossilized Stingrays in Wyoming

Interesting how so many fossils contain critters that are recognizable, or extinct species of their living counterparts. As emphasized many times, more and more detailed fossils are being discovered. Also, such great detail requires rapid burial. Many fossils are found in the wrong place . Of course, believers in deep time and universal common descent will  evosplain those things away. Some challenges cannot be easily dismissed. Consider marine creatures such as whales in the desert or today's subject, fossilized stingrays in Wyoming. Stingray fossil, Wikimedia Commons / Bob Richmond ( CC BY 2.0 ) (cropped) Some folks assume that if creatures were fossilized together, they must have been neighbors. Out-of-place fossils put that notion to rest. In addition to great detail, the fact that delicate creatures are fossilized at all point to rapid burial. That these things have happened in so many different places, the evidence is part of the greater testimony to the global Genesis Flo

The Ice Age and Sleeping Bear Dunes

The lower peninsula of Michigan is rather large, and when the upper peninsula is added, the size is more impressive. In the northern regions, there are interesting features testifying of the Genesis Flood, including Mackinac Island and Pictured Rocks . People from Lower Michigan have convenient maps of the area in their hands, pointing out where they lived and traveled. (Since I lived my first forty years there, I point to several locations on my map.) Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is renowned for its beauty. It also interests geologists. Sleeping Bear Dunes, Flickr / Rachel Kramer ( CC-BY-2.0 ) There is abundant evidence that glaciers did a great deal of carving and landscaping. Once they receded, the land gave a sigh of relief and began to change shape some more. The city of Petoskey is near the Sleeping Bear Dunes, and the state stone is also called Petoskey. It is actually made of fossilized corals moved by the glaciers. The dunes and the Ice Age are a result of the glo

Amazing Post-Flood Population Growth

In a discussion with Dewey Lye from the Darwin Ranch, I was attempting to change his mind about how the population grew after the Genesis Flood. (Trevor "Red" Schnapper stopped to listen just when it was getting good.) Dewey claimed that the Flood never happened because there were only eight people left alive in 2348 BC, there would not be time to build the population up to the current eight billion. The expression "do the math" is often used to tell someone to check the facts, and this case, it is also literal. Plastic people figures under globe, RGBStock / Sanja Gjenero Red asked, "The Bible records eight people, but to be blunt, weren't Noah and his wife done breeding at this point?" True, nothing is said about that old couple having additional children. Based on what we see in the rest of Scripture, including the Table of Nations (Genesis 10), there were only three couples having children. Mr. Lye's prejudicial conjecture can be negated with a

The Dinosaur with the Super-Sized Identity Crisis

While time is erroneously considered to be a hero of the particles-to-paleontologist evolution story, it is often useful when sorting out evolutionary speculations. Evolutionists seek fame, and it is not uncommon for them to make assertions based on mediocre evidence. They often have woefully incomplete skeletons displayed as evidence for their story. In the case of Supersaurus , a few bones were found in the 1970s. Very large bones. Presenting for your pondering pleasure, Ultrasaurus ! (And the crowd goes wild) . It was portrayed in many places. However, there were problems... Supersaurus , Wikimedia Commons / LadyofHats (PD, modified) The paleontologist did not make the moniker  Ultrasaurus  official, so someone else used it for his own version. The first one was renamed it Ultrasoros , changing the next-to-the-last letter. That's bad enough to cause identity problems for the critter, but it was later determined that the bones belonged to two different types of dinosaurs, one

Secular Geologists Getting Closer to Creation Science?

It bears repeating that everyone has the same evidence to work with; it is not uniformitarian evidence  in a cage match against creationist evidence . (This principle extends to other fields of science, of course.) It is the interpretations  of the evidence that are controversial — even within their fields. Worldviews drive the interpretations. The uniformitarian worldview adheres to slow and gradual processes over long periods of time. At least, it's supposed to, but we have seen that scientists invoke rapid catastrophic processes when they find it necessary. They are doing this more nowadays. Grand Canyon , Maxfield Parrish, 1902 People scoff at creation scientists as if they obtained their degrees at Billy Joe's Bible Church Academy and Bait Shop. Nope. They have legitimate degrees and have published scientific papers, and put a tremendous amount of work into their Genesis Flood models. It is interesting how some of the secular proposals have creationist leanings (some even

Spider Fossil Good News for Creationists

It seems that most fossils being found nowadays are good news for creationists, what with excellent preservation, computerized tomography ( as used here ), and all that good stuff. New South Wales is a state on the east coast of 'Straya, the centre of which is home to McGraths Flat. It is a research area, and they are finding some interesting fossils (expect more in the future). A brushfooted trapdoor spider fossil was on the large side. Although mostly the same as its modern counterpart, Darwin's disciples naturally cheered evolution. Brushfooted trapdoor spider in Brisbane, Australia, Flickr / Robert Whyte ( CC BY-NC-ND ) Other spider fossils have been discovered there, and even tiny ones can be examined in minute detail. I find this amazing because we're talking about stone that gets examined, not soft tissues. Once again, we see that creatures had to be buried in the right conditions (rapidity is a big part of it) so scientists can examine those details. They could not

Getting a Head on an Arthropod Fossil

There sure is a huge number of high-quality fossils coming out of China. While healthy skepticism is in order because of the people selling fakes in certain areas , the quantity is impressive. It may be that some are so plentiful, they are boring to scientists. Oh goodie, another trilobite... Alert eyes can spot and reference something new or a superior specimen to something already known. Then they can use some of that impressive technology and get the details. This happened with a Kylinxia  fossil and a CT scan. Kylinxia zhangi , Wikimedia Commons / Junnn11 ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) This critter looks like several others, so this child doesn't envy paleontologists who need to tell them apart. Anyway, computerized tomography (the CT in a CT scan) involves numerous X-rays. Kylinxia  got the treatment and the soft stuff of its head buried in the rock was revealed. Of course, secularists promptly began telling evidence-free Just-So Stories about what went on in the distant past millions of D

Plants Beneath Greenland Ice Sheet, and the Genesis Flood

Although this subject was discussed in one of the posts on " Plants Under Ice Fluster Evolutionists ," there are additional details that should be considered. Also, the technical parts will appeal to some people while the rest of us read around those and learn something anyway. Believers in deep time think that drilled ice cores provide evidence for millions of years, but there are problems that are not brought to the table. Including faulty logic. Consider that they act as  if evidence can be interpreted in their favor, they win . In this case, if one strips off the presuppositions that hang on evidence like barnacles, it points to the Genesis Flood! Greenland ice sheet, Wikimedia Commons / Eric Gaba ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There is ice, and plants under the ice. Secularists are surprised because they believe in multiple ice ages, each conveniently destroying evidence of the last so all they have is interpretations  of marine sediments. When ice core data like this and others are