Exocomets Give No Hope to Old Universe Advocates

Evolutionary cosmologists and cosmogonists rely on their naturalistic presuppositions about the origins of the universe and solar systems, then interpret their observations accordingly. Evidence for exocomets (comets that are beyond our own solar system) has been found. They think that these give support for their "deep time" conjectures, but this is not the case. Some evolutionist owlhoots are so locked into their worldviews that they call anyone who disagrees with them "liars", and refuse to honestly examine the evidence! "Landscape with a comet", Heorhiy Narbut, 1910, PD For a long while, creationists have reckoned that comets fit their own presuppositions far better, and point out that they are testimony of a young universe. One of the main reasons is that comets (especially short-term ones) should have been burned out long ago in an old universe. To preserve their fundamentally flawed worldview, secular cosmologists rely on the Oort Cloud a...