
Showing posts with the label Anthropology

Hobbit Continues to Trouble Evolutionists

Actually, Hobbit is a nickname for a clan of vertically impaired humans classified as  Homo floresiensis . Fossils were discovered several years ago and scientists came up with ideas as to why they were so small. There is a range of human height, of course, but to exceed that in either direction involves illnesses or conditions. Of course, secular scientists were looking for an angle to promote their precious evolution. Were they even human ? The evolution connection remains elusive, even to imaginative scientists that infest the secular science industry. Homo floresiensis , Flickr / Ryan Somma ( CC BY 2.0 ), cropped It was thought that  island dwarfism  was an explanation for their small stature. This is where creatures who are forced to live on an island have diminutive offspring. It is actually beneficial. However, it had never been observed in humans. Now it is thought to be the most likely explanation. The fossil Hobbit was about half the height of the average European male today

Chimpanzee Communication is not Language

It has been known for a mighty long time that animals communicate with each other, and with people as well. Some folks may say animals have languages but that is not very accurate. A true language must have certain components to make it work, and those are lacking in animal communication. Language expresses nuances and depth, and it testifies of the Creator . Indeed, I met my late wife online, and we got to know each other well — through a messenger service. A study of chimpanzee communication tries to link it to human language. Chimpanzees, Pixabay / Marcel Langthim (Pixel-mixer) Humans and chimpanzees have pauses in gestures and other communication. Darwin's disciples presuppose evolution, so the study of this tries to find a link to human language. Yes, animals pause and essential give the other animal a chance to respond. So do we. While a mite interesting, the study does nothing to further evolution. Animals communicate but not with language. Where did language come from and

More Evidence Neanderthals were Human

At one time, Neanderthals were portrayed as stupid brutes in our supposed evolutionary history. Evidence over the years prompted Darwinists to realize that they were not so far removed from humans after all . Still, they try to keep some form of evolutionary link going, plus showing racism against Neanderthals . This makes racist Charles Darwin smile. It should be case closed  that humans and Neanderthals were the same species because our ancestors exchanged DNA. (Indeed, some folks may have allergies because of inheriting DNA from Neanderthals .) New research affirms their humanity. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr /  Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Someone can search for but not find an ape that fashioned jewelry because it had deep personal meaning. Symbolism — which indicates abstract thought, a human trait — is indicated among these "archaic humans." Also, it has been suggested that they are not exactly extinct . They had culture and were intellig

Dating Problems with Fossil Footprints

Down New Mexico way, a traveler can find White Sands National Park . Lots of big dunes comprised of gypsum. Have you ever gone sand sledding? That and other National Park activities like camping, hiking trails, stargazing and such are there. Also, fossilized footprints. They had mammoths, giant sloths, and many creatures in what was once a much nicer climate. Yes, there are human footprints as well. Assigning dates to them are a vexation to secular scientists because the results conflict with the narrative of when humans were supposed to live there. Fossil footprints, White Sands National Park / NPS photo (usage does not imply endorsement), modified at PhotoFunia Scientists are disagreeing about the carbon dating results, which showed that humans were in North America sooner than secular views expect and conflicts with the evolutionary story. Radiometric dating is dependent on assumptions , so the carbon dating used on relevant plants can be adjusted to more convenient levels. The sam

Laughing at the Evolution of Humor

Small edit 6-27-2024 Humor can be fascinating when you step back and look at it, wondering why  something is funny. We often laugh because we were taken by surprise. For that matter, sometimes we laugh when something is not all that funny but because we want to , and it helps us bond with others. There is a huge variety in what people consider humorous. I dislike those video collections of people falling and getting hurt, but the audiences are roaring with delight. Although I do not get feedback on it, I put humor in many posts that is often very subtle. The Laughing Cavalier / Frans Hals, 1624 People may "get" jokes because of their knowledge and experiences, and some may appeal to those who are more intellectually inclined. Also note that humor changes in individuals and cultures. F'rinstance, slapstick comedy was extremely popular in the early 20th century, but is seldom used now. I am known at my workplace for using quick plays on words. One reason is that there is s

Ancestor H. Habilis Losing his Job

It kind of gets me right here (I tap the upper part of my heart surgery scar), knowing that Homo habilis  will be losing his job as a handyman. His television series was canceled as well and he has to turn in his toolbelt immediately after the final episode is filmed. Mayhaps Tim Allen will be glad to get it back. Setting the fun aside, H. habilis  is a member of the evolutionary ancestor parade that culminates in you and me. Except there was more narrative than evidence since its "discovery" in 1960, which caused contention from the start. Toolbelt, Unsplash / Jesse Orrico There are no complete fossils of him, and their primary evidence is the skull labeled ER 1470. Other finds make things worse for evolutionists, who are admitting that they really know very little about human evolution. Well, of course they know very little — it never happened! Bits and pieces are inserted into a contrived narrative, and some scientists decided to pull back the reins and holler, "Whoa!

Evolution and Human Exceptionalism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  To be blunt, secularists detest human exceptionalism , insisting that "we are just animals," "we are all apes," "we are all fish," and similar things. Indeed, when doing some background on this article, one about monkeys in space on Wickedpedia used "other animals" and "other primates" in the opening sentence. Yes, according to self-serving definitions, we are animals/mammals/primates. Fine, that is useful for classification and scientific research. To say that we are only  animals which are more highly evolved, that comes from a naturalistic worldview . Chimpanzee Ham with trainers, credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement) It is interesting that those with this worldview cannot be consistent with living it. Our alleged cousins engage in cannibalism and other acts of extreme violence that are not allowed in human society — we cannot act like them. I know why, and so do you: Human exceptionalism. Intellig

Fossil Footprints and Evolutionary Circular Reasoning

One fine day in what is now Morocco, some folks took a notion to walk on a beach. Believers in descent with variations evolution guess at pragmatic reasons and not for fun. Mayhaps they were on their way to get some tangia with a side of zaalouk. Although researchers said the footprints were made by "hominins," they were clearly made by humans. Not just the robust he-men of the tribe, as the group had members of differing ages. Deep time is once again thrown at the public because reasons  and all that good stuff. Beach footprints via Freepik In addition to using a dating method that makes the footprints seem to be 90,000 years old, circular reasoning ensued. That is, they used a wagon train-load of assumptions and speculations about evolution in order to support evolution. The existence of footprints that old doesn't fit the evolutionary paradigm, and the narrative is more important than the facts — again. The article linked below discusses the footprints, and describes h

The Humanity of Neanderthals and their Religious Views

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, I came across an article by a supporter of the Intelligent Design movement regarding the possible religious views of Neanderthals. This was an article about another article which appeared in Psychology Today . Believers in particles-to-professor evolution desperately want Neanderthals to be transitions between humans and apelike critters. Instead, evidence continually shows that they were fully human. The fact that they shared their DNA with other humans is strong evidence for their humanity. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Neanderthals may be responsible for our sneezing from allergies , their hearing was like ours , the Y chromosome sure does look "modern," and more. Scientists have also looked for indications of less material aspects other than biology, paleontology, and anthropology. These include thinking and spirituality. Although some evolutionists insist on clinging to Neanderthals as a part of their sche

Insultingly Stupid Paper on Evolution, Fermentation, and Bigger Brains

It is well known in these parts that many of the hands at the Darwin Ranch add peyote buttons to their religious rituals. It is just after readings from God is not Real but I Hate Him Anyway  by Riekert Darkens. Sometimes the noisy celebrations can be heard all the way to Stinking Lake. No word if scientists in the secular science industry ingested peyote or fermented beverages in the writing of an insultingly stupid paper. Apparently, these jaspers think that fermentation technology was important in our evolutionary ancestors getting bigger brains. Neanderthal man drinking whisky, made with AI at NightCafé It amazes this child that disregarding important details and using bad logic do not result in scientists like these filing for unemployment. They do not question evolution in the first place, but assume it to prove it (circular reasoning). Some physiological effects of fermented products on "hominids" to grow bigger brains. As is too often the case, not a shred of evidence

H. naledi and Fake Science News

It seems that the critter known has Homo naledi  has generated confusion and controversy from the get-go, and the unreliable dating methods used by secular scientists do not help anyone. Wishful thinking, bad science, and other propaganda efforts have been used to pose Lucy as a human ancestor , but that does not seem to be happening to such extremes with H. naledi . It could be from a desire for accuracy, but claims about H. naledi  are being challenged. Homo naledi facial reconstruction, Wikimedia Commons / Cicero Moraes et al  ( CC BY 4.0 ) One may wonder at first if some researchers were mixing up this guy with Neanderthals because they made claims made that it acted like humans. (That would make its relationship to humans seem a mite more plausible.) One thought is that it buried its dead, but the researcher ignored several important facts that give lie to this idea. Another suggestion is that it made tools. Apparently H. naledi  had an artistic bent because of what looked like

Not Loving Lucy the Australopithecus Afarensis

Over the years, I have featured several articles on the alleged transitional form, the ape with kaleidoscope eyes, commonly known as Lucy. Earnest evolutionists try to slap down biblical creationists and other Darwin doubters claiming the ape from afar ( Afar is far from here, anyway) with talking points. A big problem with popularized science is that folks get notions lodged in their craniums, but retractions and refutations are often ignored. Indeed, knowledgeable creationists often correct believers in universal common descent with the facts. A great deal of information about Lucy in the public mind is wrong. Modified photo by Wikimedia Commons /  Shalom ,  kaleidoscopes from Freeimages /  Frizzy Lee Those who insist in atoms-to-ape evolution frequently present A. afarensis as a link as if scientists were in complete agreement, which is false. Lucy is contested as a link between apes and humans, and the walking upright thing is also a source of disagreement. Its status is sketch

Neanderthal Intelligence Threatening to Evolutionists

There is a substance called pitch  that is the result of geological processes, and that has been presented as a problem for biblical creationists. Pitch is the result of the Genesis Flood, so how could Noah coat the Ark with this waterproof tar-like substance (Gen. 6:14)? That is not such a "gotcha" as scoffers think, since pitch also comes from plant material . It has been learned that Neanderthals learned how to make and use pitch from birch trees. This shows yet again that they were smarter than secularists previously thought — and this threatens them. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Obviously, denizens of the secular science industry will not accept the fact that these fully-human folks were descendants of Adam, who was created intelligent from the get-go. Secularists are reluctant to relinquish the evolutionary link concept. Like my Question Evolution Day breakfast, there are link problems.   Excuses are made,

Evosplaining Human Ancestors Walking Upright

People who are skeptical of molecules-to-man evolution, and those who reject it outright, are labeled "science deniers" and ridiculed. We are stupid because evolution is a proven fact — even though it is called a theory , not a fact , by the secular science industry. Also, evolutionary scientists are constantly slapping leather with each other over interpretations of data and our alleged apemen ancestors , some ideas are...truly bizarre. New data prompts more odd things. The latest squabble involves how our supposed ancestors changed their posture. Remember, evolution is supposed to be unguided natural processes; the Stuff Happens Law  instead of teleology (purpose). Evolutionists say it but don't mean it, invoking outside forces and causes in keeping with the pantheistic nature of the ancient philosophy of evolution (the apostle Paul debated Epicurean evolutionists, for example, in Acts 17:16-32 ). Those extremely apelike things we supposedly evolved from originally lear

Giving Cave Painters a Hand

The long-held belief that Neanderthals and others were stupid brutes because they had not evolved intelligence yet has been fully overturned. They were fully human and intelligent, but Darwin's disciples do not want to admit that creationists were right all along, so they are called "archaic humans." These folks had some interesting cave paintings, and those have even impressed modern artists because of the skill involved. One puzzler was painting involving hands. Some researchers think that they may have determined some of what was going on. Handprint art in Gargas cave, WikiComm / José-Manuel Benito ( Public Domain ) Why hands? Well, a hand is something convenient to portray, and they were done in many caves. One cave showed a difference: missing fingers. It is unlikely that the residents had numerous accidents with chainsaws, and these were tucked away in an area that may have been special. Perhaps they were used to send signals. If you study on it, people use their ha

Monkeys, Tools, and Evolutionary Fantasies

Believers in universal common descent have a rough time using the science they claim to love. They also like to slap around logic, presupposing that everything evolved — which means they believe it without evidence as a starting point. Then commence to using circular reasoning. Another tactic they use is to suppress inconvenient evidence (the fallacy of exclusion ). Because certain living things have traits in common, Darwinists say this is evidence of evolution (often using the non-answer, convergent evolution ). Since apes and humans have traits in common, this is evidence of a common Designer. Macaque will not make tools, original image: Hippopx With their failed historical science machinations, evolutionists are bringing tears of embarrassment to Papa Darwin's eyes lately. Pieces of stone were found and attributed to ancient "hominids," but one bunch in Brazil was made by made by monkeys (possibly a brazillion of them). Another time, hilarity ensued when it was learn

Horsemanship and Evolution

The age of the American cowboy on the great cattle drives was from 1866 to 1886. They moved longhorns from Texas to railheads in Kansas, but the need for that work ended when railways were established further south. They knew, and other folks who work with horses know, that a horse and rider essentially become a unit. American Indians, Mongol warriors, and other groups of people throughout history also learned the joys and efficiency of working with horses. Reality and history do not fit Darwinian beliefs, however. A Turk Surrenders to a Greek Horseman , WikiArt / Eugene Delacroix Evolutionists essentially believe that our ancestors swung down from the trees, but they were too stupid to do much. So, they sat around in caves for a huge amount of time, presumably waiting for their brains to develop. The evolutionary timeline of history has a whole lotta nuffin, then many accomplishments in a tiny section at the end of the timeline. Sense it makes no. When history is examined, people are

Neanderthal Baked Crab Party

Those Neanderthals were an interesting group, and they were fond of having parties. Especially at the beach. Mayhaps last weekend was a clam bake, but this time it was a crab bake. Those things are a little more of a challenge to gather, which made it more rewarding. One Neanderthal was streaming a video of Beach Blanket Bingo , another was cranking up "Nothing but a Good Time" and someone had to get them to compromise before a fight broke out. Lots of food, cold drinks, telling stories around the fire... No fire here, but that is a story. Except that Neanderthals did know how to bake crabs. Salt-baked crab, Flickr / insatiablemunch ( CC BY 2.0 ) We are blessed to be living in a time when recipes have been passed along for generations and can be recorded for posterity. Cooking and baking techniques are in books and on television, and websites have thousands of recipes available. Also, people can always improvise ( I'm a hack at cooking ). Neanderthals baked crabs and it

Some Evolutionists Dissatisfied with Museum Reconstructions

Believers in universal common have been known to patronizingly tell creationists and other evolution doubters to go to a natural history museum and learn. What people see are exhibits with tendentious usages of evidence, displays involving artistic license, and so on. Actual science, not so much. Remember, facts do not speak for themselves, but are interpreted according to worldviews , and then presented. Secularists presuppose evolution and make that their starting point. Unfortunately, many are so convinced that it is true (despite contradictory or nonexistent evidence), they play fast and loose with their presentations. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Take a look at photos of  A. afarensis  (Lucy) models as well as other illustrations. I found some where a male specimen is gazing heavenward, as if contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Another exhibit has Lucy overjoyed that Alan arrived at the museum — or is that Steve? One model has

Human Evolution and Missing Links

Not long ago, Decker Halls was visiting the Darwin Ranch as a consultant or something. I saw Dewey Lye give him a lift to the train station, and after he adjusted the bough of holly on his lapel, Decker boarded the train. It turns out that Halls was trying to help them with the problem of missing links. Something that most evolutionists are unable to grasp is that they are presupposing evolution happened in the first place, then  they wonder why the evidence does not fit. This frequently happens. Mayhaps if they went back to square one and questioned evolution , they might not be so surprised that the links remain missing. Evolution is supposed  to be purposeless, gradual, and with a wagon train-load of transitional forms, but Darwin's disciples often make their own rules. Links between humans and alleged apelike ancestors are not only missing, but bad science and even fraud have been utilized to give the appearance that human evolution is settled science. Minerals-to-microscopist