The Mourning Dove and the Ghost Army

Nothing supernatural here, but the Ghost Army of World War 2 and the "ghosts" of hauntings have one thing in common: both are fake. Well, the Ghost Army was kind of real, in that it was a group of soldiers setting up a massive deception on a German Panzer division. Mourning Dove / lovetheson / FreeImages Have you heard the expression, "The best defense is a good offense"? If you study on it a bit, you'll see that a related ploy is also effective, to get your superior opponent to fear you. Amazingly, the pigeon-related mourning dove and the Ghost Army have something in common, but the bird was given its technique by our Creator — a technique that bacteria-to-bird evolution could not possibly explain. Sometimes the best defense is an offense, even when the “offense” is really a bold bluff. This tactic is valued in wartime, and when God uses this principle He deserves our appreciation. America’s top-secret World War II “Ghost Army” used cleverness and...