
Showing posts with the label Archaeopteryx

Non-Science in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution

In Through the Looking-Glass by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (writing as Lewis Carroll), the White Queen boasted of having been able to believe six impossible things before breakfast. That book was published in 1871, and Charles Darwin had published On the Origin of Species  in 1859. Believing impossible things seems to have been growing in popularity. Although the idea of dinosaurs evolving into birds is treated as a scientific fact by many of Darwin's disciples, actual scientific facts are ignored or denied. Evidence and dating systems of secularists work against them, but they still believe impossible things. Archaeopteryx by Dr. Thompsons Seifenpulver , ca. 1900 An early attempt to bolster Darwinism was Archaeopteryx . This bad boy should have been left alone, as most secular paleontologists admitted that it was just a bird, not a transitional form between dinosaurs and birds. Secular dating methods as showing Archie as being older than dinosaurs. Yet some secular paleontologists

Darwinists Lay Egg with Bird Fossil

Those desperate evolutionists and their wacky ideas. You rub them out, scrub them out, logic them out, science them out — and their bad ideas still leave unsightly stains on science. They tried and failed with Archaeopteryx , now a new bird fossil that looks a great deal like Archie has joined the fun. Rather than deciding to cowboy up and admit that evidence supports recent creation and the Genesis Flood, evolutionists keep trying to prop up poor science. In this case, these jaspers want to find evidence of bird evolution, so they took a gander at Funky Prima Donna. Oh, wait. That's Fukuipteryx prima , found in 2013 and the paper was published in November 2019. F. prima is damaging to evolutionary concepts. It is in the "wrong" place in the strata, and more. The scientists found that the new bird species was quite similar to the so-called “first bird,” the Archaeopteryx , found in Upper Jurassic rocks in southern Germany. It had a similarly large wishbone, an unf

That Flighty Archaeopteryx

When I was giving creation science presentations, I mentioned that Archaeopteryx was not a transitional form, but rather, a true bird. I was surprised that  some die-hard types refused to relinquish their claim that Archie is a "transitional form". Now he keep flying back into the news. The latest news: He's still just a bird. A strange one with odd features, but still just a bird. The fossilized bird known as Archaeopteryx has had quite a history of identity crises. Researchers once classified it as a "missing link" between dinosaurs and birds. It was considered to be an ancient bird, then changed to a dinosaur, and now it's supposed to be a bird again. So, what is it?  Nature News reported in July that an analysis of fossil traits "suggests that Archaeopteryx is not a bird at all," but instead more closely resembled dinosaurs.  ICR News responded at the time that because "it had core features that define birds, such as flight