Information in a Single Hair
Something that prompted me to watch television shows on forensic science in crime scene investigations was learning that origins science is forensic in nature. Biblical creationists, Intelligent Design enthusiasts, and evolutionists attempt to use forensic science to determine events in the past. In detective shows based in modern times, technicians are glad to find strands of hair (even better if the root is intact). The hair contains DNA and other information. However, the hair itself is distinct from animal fur, which is readily apparent under a microscope. Human hair under a microscope, Flickr / BobMacInnes ( CC BY 2.0 ) Our hair is different than that of the beasts, old son. While misotheists and other evolutionists like to insist that humans are animals (which can be true from a classification standpoint ), we are much more than that. There are many biological distinctions which reflect the fact that we are distinctly created by God. Hairs are one of the most common biological p...