Hoedown at the Darwin Ranch with Skull KNM–ER 1470

Seeing evolution where it ain't and making unfounded declarations can be hard work, especially with the stress of keeping that grant money rolling in. So the hands at the Darwin Ranch have the occasional hoedown featuring a Western square dance . They do it academically, of course, and sometimes they don't even know they're dancing. In the case of Skull KNM-ER 1470, it was more of a freestyle dance. Let's take a look-see down memory lane — and see how the pigs won the prize. Bow to your partner, bow to your corner. Images combined from clip art at Clker . In 1972, a skull was found in Kenya. As usual, the evolutionists hurried to claim that this was a transitional form between human and ape. Promenade right. But right from the get-go, there were disagreements about dating. One bit of evidence contradicts another bit of evidence. Promenade left. Radiometric dating was conflicted, so using evolutionary and long-age biases, they picked out the dates the preferred....