
Showing posts with the label Christian

Textbooks Indoctrinating Children for Darwin

Although many Western countries had Judeo-Christian values when they were founded, they have drifted from them over the years. People still enjoy the fruits of those values to some extent but are mostly unaware of where they originated. Different values are taught in schools. State-run education is a misnomer; it is actually indoctrination. Yes, indoctrination  is a word that is often casually used, but it is used very deliberately in this case. The school system has control of children for about a thousand hours a year. They teach materialistic and atheistic "values," especially evolution. Textbooks, Freeimages /  Jean Scheijen It is hypocritical for atheists and other secularists/humanists to be outraged when Christian parents want to instill their morals and principles in their children. Christians are supposedly indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! The opposite is true. Evolution is paramount, and liars for Darwin believe that, according to their fundamentally-flawed mo

Worldviews and the Value of Human Life

Although many Western countries developed from Christian principles, they are becoming increasingly secular. Even so, there are still some undercurrents of those ideals in society. A woman announces that she is expecting a child and people celebrate. Ultrasound pictures are shown. Expectant parents love this person they have never met in the flesh. Evolution devalues humanity and atheists desperately cling to that myth. It is not just a biological subject but a worldview. Evolutionists consider all forms of life to be related — and equally meaningless. But they cannot consistently live with such beliefs. Woman showing ultrasound, Unsplash / Christin Noelle People with a secular (indeed, anti-Christian) worldview celebrate death. People like this are usually on the political left, and it has been said that abortion is like a sacrament for them. They celebrate the killing of unborn babies! And yet, they get involved in conservation efforts and want to save the baby seals. The Christian

The 2024 Solar Eclipse and Divine Judgment

Posts and articles here will be sporadic for a few days or weeks until things get more under control. People are totally (heh!) excited about the February 8, 2024 solar eclipse, even more so than they were in 2017. Scientists can make observations, make predictions, test equipment, and so on. I'm happy for them. This one will be a bit different than the last one . It is not just for scientists, either. Just two days ago at church, I was talking with a couple of ladies who have friends in the area of totality. They are taking a trip there. Also, I saw people asking a worker at a big box store if they had the eclipse glasses. Get ISO 12312-2 from a reputable dealer to be safe . So I was surprised to hear that God's judgment on the formerly United States is part of the festivities. Total solar eclipse 2017, NASA / Aubrey Gemignani (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Bluntly, these people who see "signs" and "prophecy fulfillment" are embarras

The Senses and Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Since my wife has gone to be with Jesus and I am alone now, I have to be much more precise in my daily activities. Getting ready for work each morning requires attention to detail and following a routine. During the morning hustle, I noticed how the senses play a part in our daily lives. The alarm is on my phone ("Heaven Changes Everything") which goes off at almost the same time as the timer turns on the lamp. It is a mite cool in here because I dial down the heat for the night. Since I leave for work in about 100 minutes, I leave the heat alone. View from bedroom with lamp on timer, modified with FotoSketcher The faint smell of scented wax from the heater that Charlene liked reaches me and I remember using the device last night. I didn't like to smell cigarette from a neighbor's apartment. Sometimes the smell of doobie intrudes. It used to wake her up in the middle of the night, but Polly Pothead moved out and I don't have to deal with th

Assumed Atheism Harming Religious Students

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Internet atheists express their hatred of God and bigotry toward Christians quite freely from the safety of their keyboards, and they insist on asserting false facts. One of these is that creationists believe "God did it" is a sufficient scientific explanation for something. They are unable to meet the challenge to produce a creation scientist who uses that idea. Another false fact is that if someone is not an atheist, he or she is not a real scientist. Although ridiculous, it shows their bigotry. It is also a way to control science itself to fit their own naturalistic beliefs. Train waiting on tracks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I read long ago in a UFO publication is that they first seek natural and rational explanations before appealing to UFOs. I have seen a similar view used by paranormal researchers (never mind whether or not experiences were genuine). In simple terms, science uses methodological naturalism . While Christians presupp

Young Earth Evolution, Todd Wood, and Me

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an article I would rather not write, but my experiences and thoughts may be useful to others. Maybe I will get insight from them. A spell back, I was confused by Dr. Todd Wood who appeared in the creation science film Is Genesis History . Well, it was afterward that I was confused. He seemed to be advocating for baryons-to-biochemist evolution . After a bit of investigation, I wrote an article discussing both my confusion and also a video he made that seemed to settle things. Todd Wood with Del Tackett, Is Genesis History screenshot, modified with FotoSketcher Although I am a nobody, I was hoping that he would respond to the article. That didn't happen. After a while, I stopped paying attention to Dr. Wood's activities. Then some articles from Answers in Genesis got my attention. They were doing a series on young-earth evolution , which is something new to me. The idea seems contradictory, because evolution demands deep time and a denial of th

Misportraying Atheists as Driven by Reason

Back in 2013, an article in Psychology Today  portrayed atheists in a positive way. There was an undercurrent of victimhood where these nice folks just want to go about their business and just happen to disbelieve in God and the supernatural. They do not bother others. One problem atheists have is that those who are not so militant read and hear the propaganda from angry misotheists. That would explain how a co-worker reluctantly told me that she is an atheist, acting like she expected some kind of personal attack. It is the professing atheists who are on the prod . Although they portray themselves as moved by science, evidence, and reason, very few show skill in those areas. It is interesting that a discussion can be civil until evolution is not shown reverence. Then the fangs and claws come out because atoms-to-atheist evolution is foundational to their worldview. After all, they need a creation myth to go with their belief that reason brings some kind of salvation. Take a warning fr

Immanuel Kant, the Enlightenment, and the Old Testament

There was a period in certain parts of Europe called (with a passel of hubris in the eyes of this child) the Age of Reason  or the Enlightenment . These things do not simply spring up on their own, but are developed from religious, cultural, intellectual, political, and other cultural views that happened before. The Enlightenment was by no means unified. Some had a fondness for Classical things (Socrates himself was particularly missed by Voltaire). Some wanted knowledge without the senses, others believed knowledge could be achieved by reason alone. This period is sometimes considered a triumph of atheism (indeed, the bloody French Revolution was the culmination). Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles, was an atheist who lived at this time. His Zoonomia  was unfluential to Charlie . Immanuel Kant by Johann Gottlieb Becker, 1768, modified with PhotoFunia Criticism of the Bible was widespread at this time with efforts to find excuses to intellectualize it away. (For that matter,

Deconstructing the Faith?

There is a kind of pseudo-intellectual process called deconstruction , where people supposedly analyze their Christian faith and choose to modify it or apostatize. There are performers in the Christian music industry who have "deconverted", but this kind of thing is also done by people who are not celebrities. Several times in my own experience, I have heard of and even encountered people who claimed to be former Christians or ex-creationists. When they talk about what they left behind, they show an appalling lack of knowledge, indicating they never were Christians or creationists. Unsplash / Danny Howe It can be extremely helpful for people to question or deconstruct things they have been taught, which is something that I have done myself. There has to be a foundation, since everyone has a worldview . Deconstructing teachings based on assumptions and traditions, then seeing if they have validity according to the ultimate standard (for Christians, it should be the Bible) can

Elevator to Another Reality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Games of one sort or another have always been popular, and are even more so nowadays. There are things called Alternate Reality (AR) games  that are set in the real world but with their own twists. When shopping for a computer and peripherals, I see criteria on how they are suitable for gaming. Some are specifically designed for it. There are also low-tech paranormal games such as summoning Bloody Mary , and others that are considered dangerous. The Elevator Game has several names, and it is intriguing — enhanced by dark associations. Unsplash / Kirk Lai It has been around for a few years. Some say the Elevator to Another World game originated in Korea, but others find mentions of it from Japan, where a fatal elevator accident may have been the inspiration. Also, the modern multiverse myth seems to be an influence. It may also have evolved with influence from the popularity of AR games. The Elevator to Another World probably became more famous due to the myste

Detective Work on a Vile Attack

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Sometimes we make snap judgments without considering whether or not we have sufficient information, and these can be dreadful when further material is presented (consider Proverbs 18:17 for an example). Quite often, judgments are done based on emotions instead of facts. There are times when a decision must be made instantly, such as to avoid a traffic accident. Many other times people need to stop and think things through. Sometimes we need to assemble the details and examine the facts like a detective. Pexels / cottonbro Something that detectives and real journalists have in common the the need to know who, what, where, when, why, and how . The detective attempts to determine if a case can be made regarding guilt or innocence, the journalist sees if it's fit to report (the leftists among them make up their own fake news). We can apply some sleuthing in our daily lives. This case is regarding a serious internet attack on a Christian and his church. Regular

The Failure of Cures from Stem Cells

A few years ago, there was a great deal of excitement over the promise of stem cell research. It was touted as a way to treat and cure numerous ailments, and has even been promised by leftist political candidates as promoting science. Of course, "science" cannot advance without murdering babies, according to those sidewinders. Adult stem cells gave hope that research could be conducted morally because it would not involve child sacrifice. Now we hear far less about stem cells nowadays. Stem Cells image credit: USFDA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) People were ready to slap leather over the promise of stem cell therapies, and Christians are enemies of science that interfered (also see " UK Prime Minister addresses Climate Change, but undermines Christian doctrines "). Their information came from what "scientists say" through the secular science industry (especially the press), but they were just talking through their hats . After all t

The Work Ethic Begins in Genesis

Many of us reluctantly get up and go to the workplace, then take satisfaction in a job well done. These days, some people have an entitlement mentality where they expect money for doing little or nothing at all. We were designed to do work. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Fran Hogan  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The work ethic is important in Western civilization. It was emphasized by the Protestant Reformers who noticed that it is a strong aspect of Christianity. Indeed, the value of work is all through the Bible and goes back to Genesis. Someone can be a construction worker, CEO, musician, ranch hand, stay-at-home mom, working with the developmentally disabled, author, or any of a myriad of professions. There's honor in that, especially when the worker seeks to glorify God. Paul urges Christians, “to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you” (1 Thessalonians 4:11). But the biblical mandate for work goes far deeper and further back than these i

Rethinking Dr. Todd Wood, Evolution, and Creation Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Restrain your equines. This child is not doubting biblical creation science. What follows has some personal material, including a confession and a bit of an apology to Dr. Todd Wood. There are several points to be made, and I hope I can spark your thinking a mite. Modified from a "meme" floating around teh interweb Background Dr. Wood was one of the scientists in Is Genesis History? , a video I reviewed and recommended . I later purchased a set of additional videos from them that had several scientists giving lectures. Some time later, I learned that he said : Evolution is not a theory in crisis. It is not teetering on the verge of collapse. It has not failed as a scientific explanation. There is evidence for evolution, gobs and gobs of it. It is not just speculation or a faith choice or an assumption or a religion. It is a productive framework for lots of biological research, and it has amazing explanatory power. There is no conspiracy to hide t