
Showing posts with the label Science

Politically Correct Science and Easter Island

Although political correctness (a wide-ranging term often unrelated to politics) and cultural sensitivity frequently become absurd, sometimes they can be useful. Ayers Rock in Australia is also known as the Aboriginal name Uluru.  Easter Island and its people are now called  Rapa Nui . While it was arrogant of the white explorers to assign names of their own choosing without so much as a by your leave, leftist ideologies often demonize white people. The secular science industry embraces leftist cultural ideas, and this is illustrated with the history of Easter Island. Easter Island statues, Flickr / The TerraMar Project ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia On a side note, the head statues on Easter Island are famous. What is less known is that bodies of a sort are attached to those heads and buried underground. There are stories about how the isolated population of Rapa Nui degenerated and collapsed, even to the point of wars and cannibalism. A big part of it was ecocide , the overu

People Increasingly Distrust the Secular Science Industry

That moment when "Imma have me a sammich" sounds like a good idea, but there is a problem. Opening up the bread wrapper, pulling out the bread, and — mold spots. You cannot discard those slices and trust the rest, either, because it spreads unseen and can be harmful . People have a confused trust/distrust relationship with the secular science industry. It has been shown numerous times here and elsewhere that they have a leftist bias and that their ethics are craptacular. The leftist corruption spreads throughout science, the media, entertainment, sports, and more. Moldy bread, Flickr / Lynn Friedman ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) I am once again telling you that there are people working in the secular science industry that have some integrity and want to do their jobs, but the organizations are heavily biased. Unfortunately, secularists embrace materialism (essentially, atheism) and therefore reject the Creator, who is the ultimate source of morality and ethics. They uphold evolutionar

Pseudoscience, Authority, and Definitions

When people call something a pseudoscience , the meaning depends on who is making the claim. The definition is vague and malleable like a putty you can squish between your toes and track onto the carpet. It is used to provoke negative emotions, often by those who are attempting to protect consensus in the secular science industry from scrutiny. Ironically, Wickedpedia defines and discusses pseudoscience , and its material can be used to define evolution as a pseudoscience. Further, pseudoscience supposedly lacks falsifiability — a frequent problem in evolutionary research. Phrenological skull, WikiComm / Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Phrenology was, to state it simply, the study of the brain and skull to determine behavior. It was also considered for use in criminology. Phrenology is listed as a pseudoscience, but was it really that or simply discredited by better science? Asking for a friend. Several fields considered pseudosciences (astrology, f'rinstance) are pro

Liars for Darwin Influencing Elections

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although this content has special concern to Americans, readers from other countries may want to read and learn see if your own country is doing the same kinds of things. As stated before, it is indeed unfortunate that science material has political content, but the secular science industry is prompting examination. Two things must be repeated. First, scientists are not  dispassionate and willing to follow where the evidence leads. They are biased and have presuppositions like everyone else. Second, note that critical thinking skills apply in many areas of life, but are now seldom taught. Marionette puppets, Unsplash / János Venczák Remember, scientists per se  are not the problem, as many of them want to do science stuff and hopefully improve the world. The secular science industry is a major concern, and wants to be involved in pulling the strings of political power. They promote causes dear to the cold hearts of the political left, so gullible jaspers accept

Woodpeckers and Other Science Errors

In an unusual series of events, Lisa Myworries, supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, sent word to me to help her get some supplies. Apparently the other ranch hands were busy, so I hitched up the buckboard, headed west on Folly Road past Stinking Lake, and on toward Deception Pass. Aside from a few glowers from the Winkie Guards, the trip was uneventful.  On the way back, Lisa started talking about birds. Woodpeckers are her favorite. She mentioned the shock-absorbing bone in their skulls. I was reluctant to correct her, but I felt compelled. Downy and hairy woodpeckers from Birds of New York  by Louis Agassiz Fuertes , 1910 & 1914 (PD) Correcting someone on a small detail is seldom worthwhile, especially a friend. If it must be done, it should be done gently. Let her keep her dignity. "Actually," I said, "that was a scientific truism for many years but was recently rejected. More deliberate thinking, better science, and all that good stuff. I mistake

This Mars is not my Home

People have wanted to visit and even colonize Mars for a very long time. Science fiction is filled with stories of doing so, and people continue to have high hopes. For that matter, secular scientists keep trying to find evidence for some kind of life there. There are science fiction stories that explore some of the problems that were known during the times they were written, but more trouble has been recently discovered. These include making the journey itself, visiting, and especially trying to stay on Mars. Mars,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mayhaps I should say "spoiler alert," but people are not likely to be bothered if I tell them that the very first episode of The Twilight Zone  in 1959, "Where Is Everybody?" was about the problem of loneliness in space travel. Indeed, those who take such a long trip would be expecting a one-way trip that lasts quite a spell. Then they have to get along on the red planet — if they g

Evolutionary Scientists of Doom

It has been strongly established that the secular science industry supports causes of political leftists, and there are several reasons for this. In the formerly United States, the Democrat Party effectively buys votes by promising people what they want — such as generous funding for the secular science industry. There are secular scientists who just want to contribute to science so the world is a better place. Folks in power in academia and science establishments are the ones so left wing, they fly in circles. Working scientists may or may not be agreeing with leftist goals. Goat photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified at PhotoFunia Study on it a while. Secularists are furthering leftist agendas, including: Man-made (anthropogenic) climate change , which is one of their darlings Gender confusion and homosexuality Sexual immorality They love abortion Using deception to promote their views This child believes (as should most professing Christians) that they serve the wrong spirit. Secu

Evolutionists Making Up Facts Again

Just yesterday, I was in town to send a telegram over the singing wires, then stopped in at the eatery. At the next table were several executives of the Darwin Ranch. They were finishing lunch before saddling up and riding back to Deception Pass. I was on the prod after having dealt with the same old "put 'em on the defensive" remarks from atheists. The ranch folks were getting rambunctious. Dewey Lye was going on about new research on feather evolution. I mentioned there has never been conclusive  evidence for dinosaur feathers. Al Buehterawl took a deep breath and evosplained it to me. Pond off Sawkill Road, Kingston, NY, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen , modified with FotoSketcher Actually, I learned very little. Researchers were looking in the wrong place at the wrong things on the wrong birds. Eventually, dinosaur scales were compared to those of crocodiles, so the dinosaur was getting ready  to evolve. "Evidence" was obtained by citing a paper from several

Wondering at Fungi Free Will

Another title I never imagined that I would use. A few scientists have been thinking that perhaps some things have consciousness, even cells themselves. We should not be entirely surprised, then, that the question has been raised whether or not fungi have free will. Wait, what? Many people would consider that idea a mite goofy, but in the true  spirit of science and inquiry, put presuppositions and assumptions on hold for a spell. Creation Science, Intelligent Design, plate tectonics, the flood that carved out the Channeled Scablands , and others were originally rejected. Orange Bracket Fungi, Flickr / Bernard Spragg NZ (public domain) "Hey, look! Some mushrooms came up out of the ground after last night's heavy rain! I dare you to eat one!" Best not to do that. Fungi come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. This means they are very common. It's natural to assume they don't have cognition, let alone, free will. To consider the free will question, other questions sh

Evolution is Slow, Except when it is Fast

It must be good  to be involved in the secular science industry. As seen here many times, research can be committed while ignoring important data, free money from governments in return for supporting leftist political views, adoration from the propaganda-consuming public. Good , to them. They can also change the definitions of words with the ol' bait 'n' switch. That is, change  is called evolution  even though nothing changed into something else. Speciation and variation fit biblical creation science, old son. It is also acceptable to invoke Darwinist Privilege™. Stopwatch image from Unsplash / Veri Ivanova , modified with Darwin's profile There is a wagon train-load of living fossils , which are organisms that were thought extinct then found alive and well, essentially unchanged over supposed millions of years. The excuse for that is stasis : They didn't evolve because they didn't have to, or there was no need to do so. That is just plain stupid, because Earth

Evolutionary Fairy Tales and Trait Origins

Atheists and other anti-creationists have a tendency to say that the Bible is "fairy tales," but they clearly have only a cursory knowledge of its contents. Fairy tales tend to use "Once upon a time..." and do not have details. The Bible has specific details. Particles-to-paleontologist evolution is touted as science, but it is vague historical science at best. While evolutionists cannot give dates and times, there should be some specifics. A writer at LiveScience  got herself a notion to tell readers how ten traits in animals evolved. It did not go well. Charles Darwin, magic fairy of evolution generated with AI at NightCafe Many of the explanations offered were infested with bad reasoning. Worse, some actually ignored basic facts of science and displayed ignorance not only of evolutionary mythology, but animal anatomy and behavior. This child believes that the secular science industry succeeds at bushwhacking so many people is that they do not have logical thinkin

Increasing Bunko in Secular Science Papers

The secular science industry has had a long-standing problem with junk in peer-reviewed papers. Sometimes bad science gets through and papers are retracted, but the number of plagiarized, poorly researched, and outright fraudulent papers is increasing at an amazing rate. When found, retractions are often issued. When found. You see that, Seymour? Some tricksters are skilled and subtle. By the time bunko is discovered, serious damage may have been done. Like fraudulent human ancestors in the evolutionary parade, bad science can be built on fake science. Indeed, science paper fraud can be dangerous. There are many reasons for fraudulent papers. While scientists are viewed as paragons of virtue and impartially following where the evidence leads, that image is the opposite of the truth. They are often pushed to publish, and some will do almost anything to get their name in lights and the money that goes with it. One way that bad science and fraud can be missed is when reviewers are having

No Evolution of Reptile Skin in 286 Million Years?

If you take a notion to saddle up and ride out Oklahoma way, there are several things for which it is known. A part of Tornado Alley is there, the famous Route 66, and that amniote skin dated millions of years old. No, that last one has not crossed the radar of many folks, but it is significant to both secular and creation scientists. A cave system was filled in (imagine what it took to not only dig out, but to find it) and it contained that small piece of amniote skin. Crocodile photo by Ravi Jandhyala at Flickr ( CC by 2.0 ) Y'all may be wondering how a piece of reptile skin can last for 286 million years according to conventional dating methods. Researchers have an explanation. Incomplete science to the rescue! It was preserved by hydrocarbons. There is a serious problem with that idea. Also, Earth is quite active, and to think this cave system was undisturbed for all that alleged time is silly. No evolution to see here, just faulty work from the secular science industry. Skin

Alien Visitations, Star Trek, and Science

Science fiction encompasses a wide range of topics, some with very little science, others use a great deal. Many stories have been made that were given different locations and times that could easily have been transplanted Westerns and so forth; it is versatile. Partaking in science fiction requires a substantial amount of the suspension of disbelief (accepting unlikely or impossible things so a story can be enjoyed). Some science fiction makes up principles or inventions on the fly, but others try to use real or plausible science in their stories. It is also a format for speculation on morality and ethics. Warp Speed, Pixabay / Samkh Star Trek required suspending disbelief quite a bit, but much of their science fiction was just plausible enough. It was also hardcore atheistic and evolutionary propaganda, as I discussed in " Straw Man Trek ." "Yeah, Cowboy Bob! Why are we talking about science fiction and Star Trek?" Science fiction helps people become more inquisi

James Tour and Lee Cronin on the Origin of Life

Darwin skeptic Dr. James Tour has been in the news related to Intelligent Design lately, quite probably because he is a brilliant scientist and outspoken Christian. He issued a challenge to ten origin-of-life researchers , but not one rose to accept it. A few months back, he had a debate with atheopath Dave Farina. It did not go well. Farina is abusive and irrational, and Dr. Tour also got excited but was not offensive . Something similar happened with Drs. Tour and Cronin. My Pond-Full-o-Algae photo modified at PhotoFunia In a pair of articles by Casey Luskin, we learn that Dr. Lee Cronin agreed to have a public discussion with Dr. Tour. Apparently Cronin was civil, he still managed to say things that were untrue about Tour, and he spent a quite a bit of time focusing on his opponent rather than dealing with the science. James talked about origin-of-life science and its tremendous problems, but Lee seems to have avoided the subject for the most part. There was a recent exchange at The

Symbiosis and Interfaces

Science is constantly growing and changing, some disciplines more than others. There are models and predictions used to explain data, especially in historical areas such as origins. Many areas are underdeveloped and need work. Creation science also has areas that need to be explored and strengthened. For example, Genesis Flood models have tremendous explanatory abilities, but certain areas need work. Creationists point these out and have calls to action. One area in biology that needs analysis and understanding is symbiotic relationships and interfaces. Artist concept of Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, NASA / MSFC (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) As stated before, theories and models come and go, but biblical creationists (also called young-earth or young-age creationists) keep the inerrancy of Scripture as a priority. If a model has problems with science or Scripture, it needs to go away. Living things have their niches in ecological environments. Understanding how they

Assumed Atheism Harming Religious Students

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Internet atheists express their hatred of God and bigotry toward Christians quite freely from the safety of their keyboards, and they insist on asserting false facts. One of these is that creationists believe "God did it" is a sufficient scientific explanation for something. They are unable to meet the challenge to produce a creation scientist who uses that idea. Another false fact is that if someone is not an atheist, he or she is not a real scientist. Although ridiculous, it shows their bigotry. It is also a way to control science itself to fit their own naturalistic beliefs. Train waiting on tracks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I read long ago in a UFO publication is that they first seek natural and rational explanations before appealing to UFOs. I have seen a similar view used by paranormal researchers (never mind whether or not experiences were genuine). In simple terms, science uses methodological naturalism . While Christians presupp

The Evolution You Know is Wrong

For people who are knowledgeable about origins science, it may strike them as ironic when creationists are ridiculed by Darwin's disciples. On social(ist) media, it is not uncommon for an evolutionist to berate a creationist who knows more about evolution than he does. Creationists are stupid for not believing science, they claim. But study on it a spell. There are frequent reports coming out of the secular science industry where something happened "earlier than believed" and a new discovery causes a rethink. There are no unchanging and demonstrable laws in evolutionary science. Some believers in evolution admit that there have been quite a few challenges to their beliefs over the years. These seem to be happening more frequently. Unfortunately, "studies" and "research" deserve "scare quotes" because they raise numerous questions on their topics, and frequently do little more than produce propaganda. Secularists often seem oblivious to the fa

The Human Brain is Amazing and Baffling

So many thing that have been studied, possibly even considered to have been fully understood, became disunderstood later on. Some models of the atom were proposed in seemingly rapid succession, Schrödinger's quantum model being the current favorite. Genetics was begun by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) and continues to be developed — and challenging to scientists. Both of these testify to the genius of the Creator. Something else that when scientists are understanding it, theories become frustrated is: The human brain. X-ray-style image of skull and brain, Freeimages / Miranda Knox In A. Conan Doyle's "The Blue Carbuncle," Sherlock Holmes stated the myth that people with larger skulls are more intelligent . People who are analytical use the left side of their brains more, and intuitive people use the right side. But that notion is disputed, and sometimes the brain rewires itself. There are people who live their lives not knowing that significant portions of their bra

Fantasyland and Scientism Speculations

As people who have studied apologetics or even simply observed the way atheists treat Christians see, atheists have a penchant for playing word games. For example, when something was posted about scientism, a tinhorn lied and said we were against science . Wrong-o! Scientism essentially fits the definitions of a religion, being a way of life and a kind of salvation. People with that worldview act like science is the only way to knowledge. Ironically, it does not make them the intellectually elite — scientism is self-refuting . Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing , William Blake, 1786 (Darwin's watching face added, obviously) As noted several times, the secular science industry supports leftist causes ( here is a recent report ). In return, those politicians give tax money. Secularists have a materialistic belief system that provides a dubious foundation for morality . It is indeed unfortunate that many people have faith in an unrealistic view of what they consider to be