
Showing posts with the label Dinosaurs

Multiple Evolutionary Miracles and Bird Flight

Watching or reading material on dinosaurs from secular sources, the story that they evolved into birds frequently comes up. Many things are ignored, including how birds and dinosaurs existed at the same time but museums disingenuously omit this in their displays . Dino-to-bird evolution is also presented as a subject of scientific unity. False. Not only creationists, but some secular scientists reject it. They are not allowed to eat dinner with the big people, and have to scarf it down from paper plates while standing in the alley outside the main hall. Imagined dinosaur bird, Pixabay / Tirriko Evolutionists get mighty sneaky. If they can't prove something, change the facts — or in this case, definitions of dinosaurs  and birds . Presupposing dinosaurs evolved into birds, now we have "non-avian dinosaurs" in the definition. They require trust, but deceive people. Delving into creation science material on dino-to-bird evolution reveals numerous difficulties that changing l

Deep Time Used to Evosplain Dinosaur Difficulties

One of the most ridiculous ways of justifying universal common descent is to throw huge amounts of time into a problem, such as saying, "Given enough time, anything can happen." That may seem plausible for a fairy tale and Darwin's magic wand , but not for people who want real answers. It seems to be a common occurrence that dinosaurs are found where denizens of the secular science industry say they should not be. However, scientists do not question their evolutionary paradigm because they presume it is the only possible explanation for what is observed, thus eliminating better material. Minqaria, Wikimedia Commons / UnexpectedDinoLesson ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) (modified) Lambeosaurs (a kind of duckbill) strayed from their expected home ranges and were found in Morocco. Using naturalistic paradigms, a scientist evosplained this by invoking millions of years and saying that mayhaps the ungainly beasties swam there. This jasper also tried to escape the obvious implications of the

Hugeness in Ancient Aquatic Reptiles

Request of Christians: It has been six months today since my wife died. Things are tough, and I ask for your prayers. Although one may think of huge critters when the word dinosaur  is mentioned, there was an extreme range of sizes. Some were about the size of turkeys. The large ones were very large indeed, and it seems that scientists naming them are running out of ways to say, "Even bigger yet." Aquatic lizards like plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs also had differing sizes. When they went huge, they did it in a big way. Big animals swimming coerces the question, "Did their size cause drag in the water and make locomotion difficult?" Modified ichthyosaur postage stamp of Yemen, 1990 Through tendentious dating methods, believers in universal common descent evolution and deep time assert that the largest of these appeared (code word for "evolved" even though there is no evidence for their evolution ) first, then came the smaller ones. Using flow simulations, st

Darwinoptera, Skye, and Lying for Evolution

Obstreperous atheists and fundamentalist evolutionists patrol teh interwebz, targeting Darwin doubters for destruction. They have many weapons drawn and ready, but one of these is dominant: Arbitrary assertions. When those are frequently used to put down Christians and creationists, the people using them are being illogical and indicating that their worldview is incoherent. It is indeed unfortunate when scientists also build arguments on arbitrary and false statements instead of actual evidence. But then, it has also been shown that storytelling brings in the grant money. Darwinoptera pterosaurs, Flickr / Francisco Gil ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Just off the western coast of Scotland is a group of islands called the Inner Hebrides. A representative of a pterosaur clade called Darwinoptera had apparently been found on the largest, the Isle of Skye. (A nice place to fly, certainly.) Evolutionists were surprised, especially since certain pterosaurs were only known in China, not Scotland. To cov

Tyrannosaurini from out of Time

Not too long ago, I finished loading supplies into my buckboard and was ready to head on out of town. Of a sudden, I saw Stevia Dolce, the lead baker at the Darwin Ranch. With her was Lotta Lyez who was promoted as an assistant to the cook. Feeling a mite playful, I asked Lotta if she was going to pick up some Tyrannosaurini, it was between the fettuccine and linguine. She stared a moment, then gave a bit of an "Oh, you!" hand flip as Stevia smiled. The wordplay may not have happened if I had not been reading about the sudden appearance of T. Rex  and family. Tyrannosaurus rex , RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Some fossil parts were examined again and the critter was renamed because of subtle differences that were found. (I wonder if that's a bit drastic since people, animals, and so on have variations without having to be branded as a different species.) In the report, homage was given to the puny god of evolution, but with a difference. It is known that dinosaurs have no evoluti

Evosplaining Dinosaur Extinction with Volcanic Activity

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often  evosplain dinosaur extinction with the Chicxulub big rock impact, insisting on consensus among evolutionists. There is  some consensus, but a majority does not make truth. There are serious  problems with that impact story . One of the most obvious is that if the asteroid (or comet, or meteorite) killed off the dinosaurs, it should have taken a passel of more fragile creatures as well. It has been suggested that volcanic activity was important to destroying the dinosaurs. Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact,  NASA Goddard A fragment of agreement exists between secular and creation scientists: There was a great deal of volcanic activity in Earth's past. Of course, the two camps have no agreement on the hows and whys of the volcanism. If secularists didn't have a "Katie, bar the door!" attitude toward creation science models of the Genesis Flood and Ice Age, they might see that they are getting closer to

Mysterious Mummified Dinosaur Skin

While mummification  may refer to the deliberate act of preserving a dead body, the word is also used to describe a critter that has died, then shriveled and dried up. People find mummified rodents and such in sheds and attics. If those had died in nature, scavengers and bacteria would have made short work of the remains. In yet another instance of something being remarkably well-preserved, some mummified  Edmontosaurus  skin falls into that category — and it is quite mysterious. Modified postage stamp of an Edmontosaurus  head from the author's collection Secular scientists are attempting to explain the process of how it could be mummified and then preserved, and they are on the right track when they refer to burial by a flood. Of course, they reject the global Genesis Flood even though fossil layers extend across continents. People may easily think that the Genesis Flood was lots of rain and that the fountains of the deep were opened up (Gen. 7:11), not knowing that the Flood was

Evolution Narrative Drives Bird Tracks in Dinosaur Strata Story

The story is that the geologic column shows fossils in an orderly progression from simple to complex, and the fossil record is complete, without gaps. Russell Watchtower and his Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch up near Deception Pass have been successfully convincing folks that the preceding is a true story. In reality, there are fossils out of order. If people had healthy skepticism and dared to question evolution, they would know about fossil placement problems. A new report on fossilized bird footprints sparked a rescuing device. It did not go well. One of the birdlike footprints from Maphutseng, Lesotho (left), and a false colour depth map of the print (right) PLOS ONE 2023 / Abrahams et al. 2023 (CC-BY 4.0) via New Scientist There must be quite a few stupid people buying the malarkey that evolutionists put out. The predominant narrative dictates that dinosaurs evolved into birds despite no actual evidence. Instead of questioning the story, some other critters came around and

The Dinosaur with the Super-Sized Identity Crisis

While time is erroneously considered to be a hero of the particles-to-paleontologist evolution story, it is often useful when sorting out evolutionary speculations. Evolutionists seek fame, and it is not uncommon for them to make assertions based on mediocre evidence. They often have woefully incomplete skeletons displayed as evidence for their story. In the case of Supersaurus , a few bones were found in the 1970s. Very large bones. Presenting for your pondering pleasure, Ultrasaurus ! (And the crowd goes wild) . It was portrayed in many places. However, there were problems... Supersaurus , Wikimedia Commons / LadyofHats (PD, modified) The paleontologist did not make the moniker  Ultrasaurus  official, so someone else used it for his own version. The first one was renamed it Ultrasoros , changing the next-to-the-last letter. That's bad enough to cause identity problems for the critter, but it was later determined that the bones belonged to two different types of dinosaurs, one

A Dinosaur Studies Reformation

While a passel of people are celebrating fear, death, and evil on Halloween, many Christians take note of October 31 as Reformation Day . That is when German priest used the social media of his day, nailing 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. Most movements and revolutions do not happen overnight, and a kind of dinosaur reformation is happening in paleontology right now. I have said that evolutionists are working for creationists , since they are well-heeled but we can analyze their claims — including those about dinosaurs and such. Dinosaur nailing scroll to wooden door made with Bing AI The secular science industry has been making pronouncements in its authority that do not comport with science and logic, using dinosaurs as evolutionary propaganda. Biblical creationists and others look at their assertions, compare them with evidence, and frequently find them lacking. In addition, there is new research that is mighty difficult for secularists to ignore or suppress — even in their own ra

Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Story Unravels

When discussions turn to dinosaur extinction, those of a secular mindset invariably say that it was caused by the huge rock from the sky that hit  Chicxulub . Although it is the most common claim, there is no consensus. Indeed, this smashing story raises a prairie schooner-full of questions . The Chicxulub impact is a non-answer for dinosaur extinction, and people with any knowledge in this area should be aware of it. Some scientists think it was the big slam and  volcanic activity that did in the dinosaurs . Well, there are still unanswered questions — and more are being asked. Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact,  NASA Goddard Evolution is a death cult, and that is painfully obvious here because death supposedly causes new creatures to spring into life. The asteroid/comet/meteorite/whatever hits and things die such as those big and bad dinosaurs. Delicate things like butterflies and small critters survived, as did flowering plants ( the Bearded Buddha hates those things ). Me

More Dinosaur Fossils, Further Flood Evidence

Sometimes it is difficult not to laugh when someone says that there is no evidence for the Genesis Flood, and that it played no part in dinosaur extinction. But secular scientists cannot disagree with the fact that billions of fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Although the secular paradigm is uniformitarianism (slow and gradual process over long periods of time), even they are beginning to invoke the occasional watery catastrophe when they find it necessary. There are echoes of this in recent findings including two new dinosaurs near Morocco. Rugops primus, pencil drawing, Wikimedia Commons  Nobumichi Tamura / Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There are parts of North America, England, China and others that attract paleontologists. Some areas are underexplored (which makes some sense, no cause to dig when little or nothing has been found). The big Chicxulub asteroid story is the favorite for the extinction of dinosaurs, but not all secularists are on board. That's why there

Dinosaurs Jump Through Hoops for Evolutionists

Yeah, sure. Evolution is the manipulation and omission of facts so that evidence gives the appearance of supporting it, especially since people are deceived. (This is because they have not been taught to think critically.) Secularists can tell tales of dinosaurs and make them seem to obey the bidding of naturalists. Some famous illusionists may seem to make huge statues disappear, have their heads drop off, levitate, or even the comparatively tame card tricks — which can still be impressive. The tricks have the appearance of legitimacy because only a select few know important details. Dinosaur jumping through hoop made at NightCafe AI image generator As you have probably gathered, the tricks are on those on the receiving end of evolutionary propaganda. Some of us know how to watch for weasel words where probably, scientists think, and other things are used to get people excited because they think they are learning scientific facts. They won't because dinosaurs were created, not ev

Dinosaur Biomolecules and the Iron-Toast Union

Believers in descent with modifications were aghast when Mary Schweitzer announced that soft tissues were found in dinosaur fossils. That is old news, but less old is the supercilious attempt to use iron as a preservative . Some fundamentalist evolutionists accepted that despite its glaring problems. Another rescuing device was proposed that applied the  Maillard reactions of toasted bread to dinosaur proteins , but that did not work. The secular science industry is toying with a new hope for their rebellion against the Creator. It combines the two rescuing devices. Made at  PhotoFunia  with an image on Pixabay by  Ralph Sure, why not? Since both of those ideas fail, mayhaps putting them together will make a complete answer. That'll be the day! However, like so many other explanations by advocates of deep time and evolution, devotees will pick it up and use it as ammunition against creationists — not understanding its weaknesses. Once again, the evidence indicates recent creation

No Love for Dinosaur Soft Tissues

Keep in mind that the word fossil  is often used loosely in paleontology, not always permineralized (turned to stone). Soft tissues and the like have been found for many years, and fossil hunter Mary Anning did paintings with fossilized octopus ink in 1865 . Squid ink was allegedly 165 million years old  and also used for artwork. Believers in an ancient earth were forced to notice soft tissues when Mary Schweitzer announced soft, pliable dinosaur blood vessels in 2004. This could not be ignored. Claiming contamination did not work, so to give Darwin the millions of years he needs his wonders to perform, weird excuses ensued. Dinosaur, RGBStock / Kevin Tuck , modified at Photo Funny In their worldview, secular scientists presuppose that Earth is ancient and that life evolved from minerals. They are continually thwarted by the facts, and have to force what is observed into their presuppositions. It would be in their best interests to question deep time and question evolution, since the

Getting Lip from Tyrannosaurus Rex

Before the predominance of profanity, people would sternly warn someone not to give them any lip. Basically it meant not to be disrespectful, but could also mean to stop talking, or other things. Or get mouthy. Tyrannosaurus rex has been portrayed as giving lip. It may be literal. Like so many other things in paleontology, further studies result in rethinking how critters looked and sometimes how they acted. After examining bones and teeth, some paleontologists think that T. rex may have had lips. T. rex with lips image generated with AI at Bing I told the AI art generator to give it human lips because reasons and stuff. Lizard lips to go with lizard hips... Interesting that it took decades for people to catch on to the idea of dinosaurs having lips, since lips are useful. It is an interesting development in paleontology, but there's no way of knowing if the idea is right — unless an exceptionally well-preserved fossil or mummified body was found. That may not be such a surprise th

Ichthyosaurs Icky to Evolution

My friend Hammond Suisse was talking to some of the hands from the Darwin Ranch in town, and there were a mite glum because of recent reports on fish lizards (ichthyosaurs). They knew that the narrative about evolving and re-evolving did not hold water. Now this. Despite claims of fundamentalist evolutionists, there are fossils out of sequence. Since there is no reasonable evidence for the evolution of those extinct marine lizards, one owlhoot came up with the idea that they evolved in bursts . Now there is an ichthyosaur fossil in the wrong place. Ichthyosaur, Copyright Expired Science Illustrations /  Heinrich Harder , 1916 Way up yonder, north of Norway, is an island called Spitsbergen. The source of the consternation was found there. No signs of evolution, this monster (some of these wet dinosaur cousins were huge ) was fully formed and in rocks that are dated by secularists as 250 million years old. That is too old for the evolutionary scenario, but right in keeping with the fact

Scientists Admit to Rapid Burial of Scelidosaurus

Scelidosaurus was a weird thing, plain and simple. It went on all fours but the front legs were shorter than those in the back. Mayhaps its contemporaries would see it when it was standing still and think it was crouched and ready to spring, but no, it was just built that way. It is known for being mostly complete and several have been found in the British Isles — except for that one that is found way over in Arizona. The first one was found in 1858. Scelidosaurus harrisonii, Wikimedia Commons / 5of7 ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) That premier specimen was sent to Richard Owen (who gave the world the word dinosaur .) He figured it was a land creature, but was washed out to sea and quickly buried. Paleontologists are coming around to that way of thinking, especially because of such excellent fossil preservation They will not accept the Genesis Flood as the most rational explanation. If someone has a plan that consistently fails, does it make sense to continue using it? Not hardly! Secular scientist

Sauropod Storytelling is Evoporn

Rusty Swingset is working with his masters in the secular science industry to award a prize. It would be a visit to Deception Pass and the Darwin Ranch itself. (This child thinks that Dr. P. Martin Sander wants to win it and do horseback riding, mayhaps see the Winkie Guards and their supervisor, Lisa Myworries.) He did a tremendous favor to science itself by writing about how sauropod dinosaurs evolved, and he made it open access. Be still, my beating heart! We can learn what Darwin's acolytes know. Brontosaurus, Flickr /  Chobist  ( CC BY 2.0 ) What does this boon to the betterment of science actually say? Words related to  evolve  are used excessively and without need. (I reckon it makes the material sound more sciency and all that good stuff.)  Part of my sarcasm is because there is actually no evidence of dinosaur evolution, but a passel of myths . What do we learn from Dr. Sander? Where is the logic, for crying out loud? Does he succeed in making evolutionists feel good? The

Dinosaurs Getting Makeovers

My prospector friend Stormie Waters and Ruby Slippers wanted a break from working on the upcoming nuptials for Ruby, so they stopped by my spread. We were talking about this and that, when what to our wondering eyes should appear but Rusty Swingset. Rusty is the foreman at the Darwin Ranch, and he even brought his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself again). Like I have said before, creationists and evolutionists can meet up, visit a spell, then shake hands and part friendly. They were in the area, and Rusty wanted some firearms advice. Velociraptor skeletal cast, WikiComm / Jens Lallensack ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) After we talked about that and cleaned his shootin' iron, discussions turned into just chin music. My ears pricked up like a cat's when Jacqueline idly mentioned that Rusty was helping evolutionary scientists give makeovers to dinosaurs. While paleontologists can learn a great deal from fossils and skeletal remains, there are serious limitations. Some fossils ar