
Showing posts with the label Ice Age

Mammoth Problems in Greenland

Secular scientists are committed to uniformitarianism ("the present is the key to the past") for the most part. Slow and gradual processes do not support observed evidence, so their worldview keeps them attempting to find explanations. Greenland is an icy place, but it was not always that way. There are canyons there (yippie ky yay, Bill Nye), plants were found underneath the ice sheet, the ice deposited quickly and not over huge amounts of time, and more. An ecosystem in the northern part of Greenland has been detected. Greenland north coast image credit: NASA /  Michael Studinger  (usage does not imply endorsement) The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) has developed in some amazing ways. In this case, soil was analyzed and critters that lived in northern Greenland could be determined. But mammoths ? How did those  get up there? This is pretty far north. The biodiversity is a tough thing for secular scientists to explain in the first place

Snowball Earth Never Ends

Secular geologists wear Deep Time Spectacles, so any data they observe is interpreted to indicate millions or billions of years. Keep in mind that secular, creation, and Intelligent Design scientists all have the same data to work with. It invariably comes down to worldviews and presuppositions. May as well fill those millions of years (that Darwin needs to perform his wonders) with a passel of events. Creationists believe the evidence shows only one Ice Age while secularists believe in many. One of a controversial idea on the secular side is Snowball Earth. Snowball Earth, Flickr /  guano  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) There is plenty of evidence that the Ice Age happened, but only in a portion of the Northern Hemisphere. Snowball Earth presents glaciation extending all the way down toward the equator. Not all secular geologists ride for that brand, and with good reason: It never ends. Not only are secularists unable to postulate a believable cause for the Ice Age, but they cannot find a way to en

Megalakes of the Sahara

Long ago, the Sahara was a really great place. Lots of lakes, good for fishing and swimming — it probably was not called Sahara, as that name is derived from Arabic  ṣaḥrāʾ which means desert. The fact that the region was wet is known to researchers. Something in dispute is the existence of megalakes. There is still Lake Chad, an important water supply and ecosystem that touches on four countries. It is large now, but was much bigger in the past. Today it is fed by rivers. Sahara sand dune, USDA / E.L Skidmore (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is evidence that these megalakes existed, but residents of the secular science industry tend to ignore them or even deny their reality. One reason is that they cannot give a plausible explanation for how they formed. On the other hand, biblical creation scientists have an explanation to offer that involves the Ice Age, which happened much quicker than proponents of an old earth would like to consider. Researchers have l

Great Sand Dunes, the Ice Age, and the Genesis Flood

Heading west in the formerly United States, a traveler encounters the Rocky Mountains (which we generously share with Canada). The state of Colorado has the  Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve , larger than the Sleeping Bear Dunes of Michigan. You ever walk onto a sandy beach and make ouch noises because it is hot? In the summer, these puppies are substantially hotter than the air temperature. We will move on to discuss how the dunes got there. Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Flickr / NPS Natural Resources (public domain) Consider sand a spell (like when you remembered hot-footing it on the beach). It is unique and small. Both uniformitarian and creation geologists agree that there have to be special conditions to make a sand dune in the first place, and there are also conditions that can stop it from happening, such as grass growing. Conditions today would not let those dunes form, so they obviously had to be very different in the past. The culprit is the Ice

The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy

After traveling on the racing circuit, Miles Prower decided to return to these parts for a spell. He told me of a solo excursion to the difficult-to-reach Glen Roy in the Scottish Highlands to see the Parallel Roads. Legends have it that they were made by kings, Finegal the Giant, or faeries. Miles was very interested in what are called the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, and the story secular geologists tell about their formation is slightly more plausible than giants making them. Shorelines of glacial lakes are the usual explanation. Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, Flickr / IrenicRhonda ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) As seen with the Chicxulub big rock dinosaur extinction story, uniformitarian scientists tend to ignore certain important details that foul up their narratives. In this case, the movement of glaciers doesn't work with the story. Also like Chicxulub (and other geologic features), creation science models for the Ice Age caused by the Genesis Flood fit the observed evidence quite handil

The Ice Age and Sleeping Bear Dunes

The lower peninsula of Michigan is rather large, and when the upper peninsula is added, the size is more impressive. In the northern regions, there are interesting features testifying of the Genesis Flood, including Mackinac Island and Pictured Rocks . People from Lower Michigan have convenient maps of the area in their hands, pointing out where they lived and traveled. (Since I lived my first forty years there, I point to several locations on my map.) Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore is renowned for its beauty. It also interests geologists. Sleeping Bear Dunes, Flickr / Rachel Kramer ( CC-BY-2.0 ) There is abundant evidence that glaciers did a great deal of carving and landscaping. Once they receded, the land gave a sigh of relief and began to change shape some more. The city of Petoskey is near the Sleeping Bear Dunes, and the state stone is also called Petoskey. It is actually made of fossilized corals moved by the glaciers. The dunes and the Ice Age are a result of the glo

Plants Beneath Greenland Ice Sheet, and the Genesis Flood

Although this subject was discussed in one of the posts on " Plants Under Ice Fluster Evolutionists ," there are additional details that should be considered. Also, the technical parts will appeal to some people while the rest of us read around those and learn something anyway. Believers in deep time think that drilled ice cores provide evidence for millions of years, but there are problems that are not brought to the table. Including faulty logic. Consider that they act as  if evidence can be interpreted in their favor, they win . In this case, if one strips off the presuppositions that hang on evidence like barnacles, it points to the Genesis Flood! Greenland ice sheet, Wikimedia Commons / Eric Gaba ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There is ice, and plants under the ice. Secularists are surprised because they believe in multiple ice ages, each conveniently destroying evidence of the last so all they have is interpretations  of marine sediments. When ice core data like this and others are

Mantle Viscosity and Genesis Flood Models

When people need to get the oil changed in a vehicle, the word viscosity  is likely to be used. To oversimplify, viscosity refers to thickness. Drop a pebble in a glass of water and it sinks quickly. Do the same in a glass of high-viscosity motor oil, it is much slower. Maybe a geologist slices into a pie and thinks about cutting through the lithosphere and into the magma, but I digest — I mean, digress. Sort of. That liquid rock down below also has viscosity. This affects the thinner areas of the lithosphere. Earth crust cutaway illustration derivative, Wikimedia Commons / Washiucho (Public Domain) Uniformitarian geologists believe this thinning (deformation) is extremely slow, and creation scientists believe it to be much quicker. Secular geologists believe that glacial rebound affects viscosity in certain areas, but it has been shown to be similar in non-glacial areas as well. Creationists use Genesis Flood and the subsequent Ice Age in their models and find that rebound is much mo

Collapsing Arches Make Darwin Sad

Dust-to-Darwin evolution requires huge amounts of time, and secular geologists try to provide them. People are assured that Earth is billions of years old. They protect their belief system includes arguing from presuppositions and neglecting alternative explanations for observed data. Landforms that are supposed to be ancient have been collapsing — often dramatically. We recently saw how there have been large collapses of the cliffs of Dorset . Places in the American Southwest that were supposed to be millions of years old, and expected to last millions of years more, have crashed. Metate Arch, Devil's Garden, Flickr / Ken Lund ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The guiding principle of secular geology is uniformitarianism : slow 'n' gradual processes over long periods. When asked about the causes of erosion, people will mention water and wind. Something that may not come to mind is lightning. I reckon severe weather, with heavy rainfall and lighting, is difficult to factor into secular pr

Visitors to the Americas — First by Boat?

A few days ago, Roland Meadows and I were riding out near Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds) and the horses got nervous when we drew nearer to Deception Pass and the Darwin Ranch. We took another trail. Away. The ranch got us jawing about how animals dispersed after the Flood, and humans spread out after the language incident at Babel. I said that in the early nineteenth century, Russians came to Alaska and into California — note the bear and stars on their flag. Brazilian coast, ESA ( CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Roland stated that around the Ice Age, animals dispersed by land and by rafting on log mats . He also told me that Greenland was green when the Vikings sailed to it way back yonder. What was very interesting to me, however, that Shoeleather Express was not the only means of travel. They were able to sail the seas earlier than evolutionists thought. There is also evidence that ancient peoples came to the Americas by boat

Creation Science Geology and Cave Formation

My father would have been 100 years old today. According to the consensus of secular geologists, slow and gradual processes observed today explain what happened in the distant past. Even though this view is saturated with difficulties, it is still held by the majority of secular geologists and evolutionists. Uniformitarian puts a smile on Darwin's face because evolution needs deep time. Secularists believe the formation of caves and those decorative effects inside refute biblical creation science and the Genesis Flood. They conveniently ignore that the same charges they make against creationists also work against their own paradigms. Secularists also work from a serious lack of understanding of the Flood and subsequent Ice Age, preferring prejudicial conjecture instead. Acids occur naturally, and it is thought that caves can form by carbonic acid, but this idea does not work. Their explanations cannot overcome obstacles. Were caves formed in the past by sulfuric acid? That seems to

Creationists and Ice Core Research

Proponents of deep time circulate their talking points (or so it seems; there is a great deal of similarity), and one of these is that ice core layers prove that the earth is old. Simply counting layers is not useful . Many ice cores have been drilled in eastern Greenland and the Antarctic. Biblical creationists do not shy away from challenges, putting their Bibles over their heads and simply chanting Scripture. No, creation scientists meet them. Although they do not have the funding of the secular science industry, they can analyze available data. EastGRIP ice core, Wikimedia Commons / Helle Astrid Kjær ( CC BY 4.0 ) It is interesting that creationists agree with their secular counterparts in the results of ice cores in the upper layers. In the lower layers, however, come the problems. Secularists presuppose deep time so Papa Darwin can have those years to work his magic. Biblical creationists presuppose a young earth. Each group interprets data according to their worldviews. While t

The Genesis Flood, Doggerland, and the Ice Age

In uniformitarian beliefs, Earth is billions of years old and most geological events happened slowly. With their deep-time assumptions, there were multiple ice ages in the distant past that did not leave evidence of their occurrences. The so-called last ice age is what is usually discussed. Sea levels were lower for a good part of the Ice Age. Land bridges connected many parts of the world , such as Australia to New Guinea, Alaska to Siberia, the Weald-Artois Anticline connecting Britain and France, etc. People and animals traveled. That last one is the area where Doggerland was above water for a spell. Doggerland, Wikimedia Commons / Polaris999 (PD) Although there are speculations about places and events in the past, Doggerland was real. Artifacts are being found even now. Sea levels were lower, but the ice sheets melted and the levels rose again. Doggerland was submerged. The land bridge connecting Britain and France was destroyed. All y'all gotta stay put, c'est la vie. Sec

Genesis, Ephesus Harbor, and Radiocarbon Dating

Rivers produce sediment through erosion, and they also pick up other particles, eventually dropping the silt when the currents decrease. At the mouth of a river, dropped silt changes the landscape. Harbors get clogged over time. The city of Ephesus was important in New Testament times, and was located on an estuary of the River Kaystros. This became silted up and useless as a harbor, and the silting was observed in recorded history. Geologists are studying the area but have troubles with the dating methods. Views of the harbor road in Ephesus, Flickr / ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Core samples were taken, but the radiometric dating involved has a great deal of difficulty from contamination and that cold ocean water inflates the results. There are also problems correlating dates with historical records. It is indeed unfortunate that secularists reject biblical history and creation science Genesis Flood and Ice Age models out of hand, since those would help them get better radiocarbo

Mackinac, the Genesis Flood, and Medical Science

If you took a notion to visit Mackinac Island State Park way up yonder between the peninsulas of Michigan, it would be a hefty drive. Using I-75 from the state capital of Lansing and going in almost a straight line by the map, count on driving 3-1/2 hours one way. You would probably find it worthwhile. Despite spelling discrepancies with -nac and -naw, it is pronounced MACK-i-naw. The island is in view of the huge suspension bridge. A creation geologist can use the physical features to describe stages in the Genesis Flood as well as the Ice Age. Old Fort Mackinac from the pasture (cropped), ca. 1900, Library of Congress People who read biblical creation science material are likely to learn some things about the Genesis Flood, especially since it was not simply rain and the fountains of the great deep. As is observed, there are many megasequences laid down by water, and these span continents. Depositions occurred in stages. At Mackinac Island, some of the first laid down by the Flood w

Antarctic, Greenland Ice Sheets and the Genesis Flood

While I get along most of the time with Rusty Swingset, Cliff Swallows, and their workers at the Darwin Ranch, their vexatious antics get tiresome. It seems that atheists and other evolutionists get overwrought about biblical creation science, so they refuse to consider our answers to what they are attacking. In this case, the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. There are several and all are given huge ages in Darwin years. That is considered proof that the biblical timescale is wrong and should be discarded. Not hardly! Greenland ice sheet, Flickr / Bernt Rostad ( CC BY 2.0 ) The main problem with deep time is that facts are first filtered through...wait for it...the narrative. Secularists take interpretation-laden "facts" and use them to support their views. Scientific material that does not support the narrative is ignored, waved away, or adjusted so it fits. Meanwhile, biblical creationists do  have an explanation for the Ice Age, ice sheets, and other cool stuff usi

Mammoth Mysteries Explained by the Genesis Flood

Uniformitarian (slow and gradual processes) scientists are baffled by the woolly mammoths, those elephants frequently associated with the Ice Age. These critters primarily lived in the upper areas of the Northern Hemisphere. A huge mystery is why they went extinct. Among the millions of remains, those found in permanently frozen soil way up north baffles secularists the most. These areas did not have glaciers, so they are not found in glacier ice. Imaginative speculations about these mysteries have stampeded for many years. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Some people think (and I bought into this years ago) that they were frozen very quickly. A reason people got that idea is because food was still in their stomachs. That concept fails for several reasons, including elephant stomach biology and the fact that they died in different seasons, not all at once. These and other problems for evolutionists are answered by using biblical creation science models of t

Volcano Research Supports Creation Science Flood Models

The Genesis Flood is extremely important in creation science, and there are Flood models postulated to correspond with observational evidence. Of course, biblical creationists disagree on details and put forward differing models, but agree that the Word of God is of primary importance. People tend to have a superficial knowledge of the Flood, thinking it was only  40 days and nights. No, the waters were on the earth for 150 days. There was much more happening than rain, and creationists are interested in paleontology, geology, and volcanism. Havre Volcano, original image: NASA / Jeff Schmaltz LANCE / EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC (usage does not imply endorsement) Submitted for your approval are two short articles. First, biblical creationists reject the stories of multiple ice ages that secularists tell because there is no real evidence for them, but there is abundant evidence for one Ice Age. The global Flood of Noah's day involved catastrophic geological processes, inc

The Ice Age, Climate Change, and a Tonga Volcano

On some enchanted evening, you may want to journey the south Pacific from Hawai'i to New Zealand. On the way, you will see the archipelago Kingdom of Tonga. It has 136 islands, but people only live on 36 of them. Most of those are on the largest island, Tongatapu. There was a big volcanic eruption. The volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai is one of those that is mostly submerged and sticks up out of the ocean. It is some distance from the main island, but it made an impression. Satellite view of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai erupting, cropped from  NASA et alia , (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Eruptions are unpredictable. Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai had erupted throughout its history, and several have occurred since 2009. HT-HH had been making noise for a few weeks more recently, presenting a minor eruption. The eruption on 15 January 2022 caused tsunamis, the shock wave was heard all the way to Alaska, and Australia and other areas had to deal with ash com

Rescuing the Snowball Earth Scenario

In their efforts to deny the literal history recorded in Genesis, secular scientists have caused themselves a great deal of scientific and intellectual trouble. Some jasper will dream up a scenario that seems plausible at first glance, then the facts contradict it. For example, the Ice Age. Louis Agassiz was not the first to propose an ice age, but he was persistent. It was doubted at first, but when secular geologists realized that it would help them distance themselves from geology caused by the Genesis Flood, they saddled up. Snowball Earth image: Flickr / guano  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) In fact, they wanted more ice ages. However, there was this small problem of evidence — t'weren't none. At least, not for the number they wanted spread out over five major periods. The Snowball Earth concept has most of the planet covered in ice, but has problems they just can't skate around. One of these is the " Faint Young Sun Paradox ", where the sun is too cool to provide enough w