The Creation Science Ice Age Model
The secular science industry tells us that there have been several ice ages, each lasting millions of years. Evidence exists for what they call the last ice age , but cannot explain how it started or ended. Biblical creationists believe there was only one Ice Age. Remember that secularist have an a priori commitment to deep time. The astronomical (Milankovitch) theory comports with their assumptions, but it is fundamentally flawed . Climate is very complex , and scares of climate change use incomplete information at best. Creationists have a strong model for the climate change of the Ice Age. Glaciers on the Melchoir Islands off Antarctica, Flickr / David Stanley ( CC BY 2.0 ) While there are probably other Ice Age models by biblical creationists, the one linked below has a great deal of explanatory power. Secularists resist creationist material, one reason being that it gives powerful evidence against their precious deep time. After all, the Bearded Buddha needs millions of yea...