The Surprising Human Voice

Many birds and animals communicate audibly, and even some fishes and whales make themselves heard to each other. Mates, offspring, and certain others recognize each others' sounds. The human voice, however, has many features to set us apart from critters. Credit: Pixabay / Free-Photos (edited) There are certain types of speakers that I like to hear, probably because of pitch and timbre . You have probably had the same experience where it is pleasant to hear someone talking. We can also tell people apart when they speak or sing (I'll allow that some are difficult until you listen for a spell). We have more range and versatility than the creatures God made — they're not built that way. Language is something that sets us apart (see " Language Itself Testifies of the Creator "). Pronunciations in some languages require a great deal of work (such as when someone who speaks English tries to learn Russian, for example). No animals write songs in a language, p...