
Showing posts with the label Galileo

The Bible and Copernicus

There are many stories floating around about Nicolas Copernicus, but many are completely false. (Atheistic revisionists are partly to blame.) He was in fact a Christian who believed that studying the heavens glorified God. His views did not contradict the Bible. Copernicus is credited with the heliocentric view (the earth orbits the sun). He reluctantly brought forward his view. Church leaders were enthusiastic about it at first, and geocentric (the earth moves around the sun) scientists and philosophers opposed him. Copernicus in the tower at Frombork , Jan Matejko, 1872 His model was discussed for about seventy-five years, but it seems to have received some backlash from Galileo. Frankly (mind if I call you Frank?), Galileo was a bit of a jerk and brought trouble on himself . (Atheistic revisionists made up many things about him, too.) Galileo drew from the work of Copernicus, then brought physical evidence to the discussion of which objects orbits what; it was no longer just philoso...

Eradicating Falsehoods about Galileo

It is a fact that atheists are not known for their truthfulness, and this spoils things for those who tend to be honest. The article linked below was published in 2009 but it is still a resource to counter errors and falsehoods about Galileo that are spread by atheists. One frequent talking point by misotheists is the fiction that there is a war between science and religion. This is easily dismissed because there are scientists who are also biblical creationists. In addition, many founders of scientific fields were biblical creationists — including Galileo. Statue of Galileo from Hippopx , background changed at removebg , Jupiter image from NASA The rest of this post will look a bit awkward, as I am using speech to text from a hospital bed between tests and things before my open heart surgery. The Roman Catholic Church was open to what Galileo had written at first. In fact, his problems came from the entrenched science establishment of the day. They were fond of the ptolemaic system, i...