
Showing posts from February, 2020

Denying the Order of Creation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are certain elements in our lives that, try as some people may, still reflect what our Creator has designed us to know. When we say that something is morally right or wrong, we are appealing to a higher authority. This may be simply the law or cultural trends, but we ultimately appeal to God's laws. Men and women are made to be different and complement each other in marriage . Despite notions to the contrary, the truth that is inside us (Rom. 2:15-16) still affirms the order of creation. The Holy Family by Martin Schongauer, 1480 - 1490 Believers in universal common ancestor evolution are unable to cogently explain why sexual reproduction even exists. After all, it's a mite inefficient in an evolutionary worldview because asexual reproduction is better. The plan of our Creator was for marriage to be between one man and one woman. In an episode of The Briefing, Dr. Mohler was discussing articles about what is called homosexual "marria...

SETI Wasting Money and Resources

It is eminently logical that one cannot locate something that does not exist. The fun people at the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence outfit have spent many years and mucho dinero searching and hoping that space aliens are saying, "Howdy, Earth folks!" But they come up empty, and want more. Alien image credit: Pixabay / 024-657-834 Frame and other items: PhotoFunia What would they do with an alien if they found one? According to the pronouncements of deep time proponents, any signals we might receive would have been sent many years ago. Maybe they should get with the people who believe that Uncle Xaphizd and his companions have been living among us for a mighty long time. It's on YouTube, so it must be true. Biblical creationists contend that there are no intelligent life forms in outer space, and that secularists are riding at full gallop to try to find some sign of ET life because they think it would validate atoms-to alien evolution so they can deny t...

Consider the Barn Owl

When I step out on the porch at night or when walking to the car in the early morning darkness, I hear an owl hooting. We live on the outskirts of town and there are many trees, so this is not surprising. I've never heard one in nature before. However, it is not the subject of the post because barn owls do not hoot. Credit: Unsplash / Joshua J. Cotten These birds are widely distributed and can be found on most continents. The name is simple enough, because they like to nest in barns. Farmers like them because these hunters help themselves to rodents. (I heard that they were also called church owls, but atheists probably sued someone over the name.) Ever notice the "heart"-shaped face? It is a part of the elaborate mechanism that the Creator used when designing their sensitive and accurate hearing ability. The valentine face of a barn owl is not just for decoration. It actually helps him find dinner. The two sides of this distinctive facial disk serve as sound coll...

Junk DNA Beliefs Interfere with Medical Science

It is bad enough when minerals-to-microbiologist proponents use faulty arguments to put the spurs to their beliefs, but it is far worse when they hinder science. Especially medical science. We have seen the harmful results of this with so-called vestigial structures , and evolutionary reasoning has given us "junk" DNA. This embarrassing concept is based on ignorance as well as presupposing evolution. Basically, "We can't find a use for what we see, so it must be useless leftovers from evolution". Creationists have said all along that the Master Engineer puts things in their places for definite purposes, and subsequent findings for non-coding DNA have shown it to be essential. Yippie ky yay, secularists! However, medical science has been held back by such evolutionary foolishness. The term ‘junk DNA’ became popular in the 1960s. It was used to support neo-Darwinism, since it is widely known that recessive mutations accumulate relentlessly in sexually repr...

Seafloor Nodules and Faulty Deep Time Reasoning

Way down where it is mighty damp, the seafloor, are some things called nodules or pellets. Secular scientists insist through radiometric dating that the things take millions of years to form. Like so many other attempts to make the earth seem old, bad logic is necessary. Credit: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) These nuggets — millions of them — are formed when exposed to seawater, but stop when covered by a certain amount of sediment. This raises questions about some of the larger nodules, because according to secularist reckoning, they shouldn't be there. Since they are there and a potential source of materials that humans need, forms of deep-sea mining are being developed. Once again, the narrative supersedes observed evidence and interferes with actual scientific research. Pellets (or nodules ) composed of various metals, such as manganese and iron, often litter the ocean floor. These nodules form when c...

Fossils but no Evolution — Again

Believers in universal common descent often claim that fossils support their views. Fossils are discovered, but there are still no undisputed transitional forms. They will point to fossils of critters that were much larger in the past, then cry "Darwin!" and release the dogs of evolution — when none exists. Original image from Pixno by Richard Segal A mighty huge sea turtle fossil is bringing forward the bravado from fundamentalist evolutionists, saying that it gives insight into turtle evolution but they have to rewrite the science books again. They certainly have a passel of hubris. Then Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ troll social media proclaiming victory over creationists, but they are actually carrying bags of hot air brought on by global warming. Moving on... A new tyrannosaur was dubbed the "Reaper of Death" and the faith that maybe they would get answers in the future (that ain't how science works, Hoss) was written. A bee fossil was found that wa...

Betelgeuse Befuddles Astronomers

Secular astronomers and scientists doing the research with space probes are constantly being amazed by what they have found. That is because the universe is recalcitrant when it comes to obeying celestial evolution dogma. So, some of us are not so surprised that they are surprised about Betelgeuse. Orion with Betelgeuse emphasized Modified from an image by Pixabay / sl1990 Betelgeuse is a red giant. Secularists have their scheme of things regarding how stars are formed and eventually "die", but this extremely large star is not acting in an expected manner. Mayhaps they should put aside their deep time assumptions and check out the truth of recent creation. Anyway, that dimming thing leaves us wondering what Betelgeuse will do, but seeing it growing dimmer is baffling. Astronomers are puzzled by the dimming of one of the brightest stars in the sky, Betelgeuse in Orion. Amateur astronomers quickly learn to identify Betelgeuse, the right shoulder in the constellation...

Creation and Biological Production Clocks

When an engineer is contracted for a project, many things must be established from the beginning. Production clocks are essential because a project would be chaotic if things were not done properly and in order. Embryonic clocks support a creation science model for biological engineering. Credit: Freeimages / Frederic Carmel In a study of chicken embryos, researchers saw that development progresses in a distinct order. There are several biological development clocks in organisms, some work faster, slower, adjust speeds, and more. They also sense conditions in their environments and adjust accordingly. This specified complexity cannot be explained by molecules-to-mother evolution, but makes complete sense when we realize that we have a Creator. This Creator has explained himself in the Bible. Two recent findings in biology add confirmation that biological functions are best characterized by engineering principles. This research describes a number of sophisticated internal clocks...

Ancient Seeds and the Master Engineer

During some archaeology work in Israel, some seeds were discovered dated at about 2,000 years old. Date is the operative word with two meanings because they were date palm tree seeds. Using controlled conditions, some of those seeds were coaxed into growing. Phoenix dactylifera image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Wilfredo R Rodriguez ( CC0 1.0 PD ) An engineer will develop something for a purpose, and more advanced techniques are included to deal with adverse contingencies. The Master Engineer loads a tremendous amount of genetic information into seeds, and they can die and then come back. More than that, the organisms that come from seeds are also designed to reproduce. Dates are popular for their taste and health benefits, and even medicinal qualities; clearly they are one of God's provisions for humanity. The extinct Judean variety of Phoenix dactylifera seeds grew, their genome was sequenced and agricultural processes from way back when were discerned. The clever fol...

The Genesis Flood and Roman Concrete?

We have seen many examples of how evolutionary anthropology and chronological snobbery leads people to think that since we are living in a technologically advanced society, we is far more smarter than ancient folks. Neanderthals proved that wrong , but we can see that the ancient Romans were also intelligent. Ancient Roman concrete wall image credit: Flickr / Xerones ( CC by-NC 2.0 ) Think about it. There are remnants of Roman construction that are a couple thousand years old or more, yet we have concrete buildings constructed by the cheapest bidder that may not last more than a few decades — even with above water. Those old boys way back then knew what they were doing, and this shows in their seaside construction. Similar scientific principles were used by the Romans can also be seen in sedimentation from the Genesis Flood! The ancient Romans used a type of concrete that is far more durable in seaside applications than our modern concrete. Modern cement in constant contact wi...

Dark Energy May Fade to Black

First, a word of caution. We keep seeing how materialists get all excited and shoot holes in the saloon ceiling in their exuberance about something they think proves something, then it turns out to be nothing. Research shows big problems in the belief in dark energy. Type 1a supernova 2005ke image credit: NASA /Swift /S. Immler (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The Big Bang took center stage as the main cosmogony by secularists and compromising churchians. However, observations and additional calculations found flaws, so rescuing devices like dark matter and dark energy were cobbled together. They may look good in models, but since they presuppose naturalism instead of the Creator, it is no surprise that further adjustments are frequently necessary for cosmic evolution. You know how fundamentalists evolutionists will say foolish things like, "Write a paper and get it peer reviewed, then get a Nobel Prize!" The prize is not all it's cracked up ...

Secularist Religious Hypocrisy in Brazil

Since politicians are known to light a shuck out of there when confronted by loud special interest groups, it should be interesting to see how long this lasts. In January of 2020, the administration of Brazil's president appointed a creation advocate for their graduate study programs. Secularists are angry. Angry, I tell you! The advocate is Benedito Guimarães Aguiar Neto, and Katie, bar the door, he has a religious background! Worse, he wants to introduce Intelligent Design! First of all, if he's talking about using material from the Intelligent Design movement, they are most certainly not creationists . Don't be riding on ahead of me now and rein in a moment: the ID movement is not creationist, but creationists frequently use intelligent design arguments and examples. You savvy that, pilgrim? As far as Benedito's qualifications, those are not under consideration. Secularists have a nasty habit of using someone's religion as leverage against them as if th...

Let Me Be Polystrate With You

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As we have seen, there are numerous problems with particles-to-paleontologist evolution as well as deep-time dogma. Rusty Swingset and his crew at the Darwin Ranch get mighty ornery about all the discoveries of soft tissues and other remnants , but many people overlook polystrate fossils . Polystrate tree in Nova Scotia image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Michael C. Rygel ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) You may want to save this article for reference. Creationists have used polystrate fossils for many years as evidence for the Genesis Flood . Most commonly used are vertical trees in rock layers, often coal seams. "B-b-b-but Cowboy Bob! We have Wikipedia, Propaganda Talk Origins, strong opinions, and other excuses!" Like geological theories, rescuing devices and "explanations" for polystrate fossils are contrived . Cognate on it for a spell. The layers are alleged to be millions of years in the making but the tree was considerate enough to stay pu...

The RubisCO Enzyme and Evolution

Believers in universal common ancestry evolution are known to appeal to dysteleology , which is essentially saying that the Creator fouled things up. Such feckless arguments are primarily based on personal preference and often include a fundamental lack of knowledge of the object in question. Fore example, the RubisCO enzyme. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Ericlin1337 ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) This is evosplained as "inefficient" by people who lack sufficient knowledge of the subject. The enzyme is slow compared to other internal mechanisms, and is one of the earliest to have evolved (evidence not required, just assume). In reality, it is more effective than those who deny the work of the Master Engineer want to admit. One of our readers, J.D. from the U.S., asked us a question about the efficiency of the RubisCO enzyme, which takes part in plant respiration: Hello! So, a certain person I interact with claims that RubisCO, an enzyme in the body, is ‘proof’ that evolution is t...

Apophis, Asteroid of Doom?

Watchers of the skies have some rather sophisticated equipment, and they detected 99942 asteroid Apophis in 2004. This bad boy is named after the Egyptian deity of chaos and darkness , an enemy of the sun god Ra. Fearmongers are saying that it fits Bible prophesy and will strike Earth. Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech The chances of impacting our blue marble in 2029 were small at first, and NASA ruled it out later on. (There are uncertainties in tracking these distant things.) Some people may be able to see it as it makes its pass then, and the chance of an impact in 2036 are also ruled out . When you have someone saying that everyone else is wrong and he is the one to believe, recalculate with his standards, scientists ignored him. Still, people want to sell books. We saw that before with previous predictions and false prophesies involving blood moons, global warming, CERN , end-of-the-world date setting (biblical numerology), and so on, and books did indeed sell. People like the...

Naturalism and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Riders for the Darwin brand are usually committed to and presuppose naturalism , the belief that natural laws and processes are the only things that exist, as their foundation. Naturalism is essentially an atheistic view, so this is something with which we must contend on Question Evolution Day. Original image before modification from RGBStock / Dave Dyet QED is an existential threat to those who try to suppress intellectual and academic freedoms, as well as freedoms of speech and thought. Militant Darwinists who are riding herd do not tolerate their folks expressing doubt about evolution. Some who are safely established have done so , but they still imperil their careers and reputations in the secular science industry and academic institutions. Who will they please (John 12:43), and at what cost (Mark 8:36)? Although there are secular scientists who have not heard of creation science and are taught to believe that evolution is the only possible ...

First Degree Atheopathy

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen While we want to reach people with honest inquiries and remove stumbling blocks on Question Evolution Day , those of us who spend any amount of time discussing biblical creation science online encounter furious atheopaths (see atheopath definition in footnote 1, here ) and militant Darwinists. While pretending to be harbingers of science and reason, they frequently display little knowledge of either. Critics of Christianity, the Bible, biblical creation, and so on use social media when they seek to slap leather with us. They know that God exists (Romans 1:18-23. Psalm 14:1, Proverbs 1:7) and presuppose philosophical naturalism. I fully believe that they are intent on validating their rebellion against God and biblical authority (Job 40:8). If someone holds a position that they dislike, the positions are misrepresented; the person is called an idiot and a liar, but they only succeed in displaying their own corruption . As I have said many times, some tinho...

Evolutionists Disliking Lichens

We have probably seen lichens in many places in various forms, but tend to pay them no nevermind. Some resemble houseplants, but they are far more complex and have baffled scientists for many years. They are actually different organisms that comprise individual entities. Wolf lichen image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Jason Hollinger ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) In the television show Stargate SG-1 , there was a complicated storyline involving Symbiotes , creatures that had humans as hosts but also gave them strength and healing. However, these things were wicked and took over the hosts' personalities. This is similar to a view that the symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae consisted of the fungus dominating the algae. This is not the case. Despite the view of Darwin and his followers that organisms competed, there are many living things in symbiotic relationships — all the way to the beneficial microorganisms living on and in each of us. Lichens not only show symbiosis, but th...

Baby Yoda and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is not a review of Star Wars -related entertainment, although I did like the first three movies that were released (Episodes 4, 5, 6) somewhat. However, an evolutionist took a notion to use an almost fanatical devotion to Darwin and commence to asserting that The Child ("Baby Yoda") figures into human evolution. Credit: Pixabay / K. Some time ago, we looked at the science of cuteness and how evolutionists have tried to make it seem that we evolved to respond to cute things. We like babies. Near the first of the year, stores are filled with calendars, and you can expect to see some of baby animals. Someone offers to show pictures of their children or grandchildren, and people (usually the women folk) make ooh and aww noises over them. I find other ways to be occupied. From my observations i t seems that males are less inclined to involve themselves in the adoration of infants. All of this is supposedly based on an evolutionary urge to r...