Evolutionists Admit Inability to Explain Heart Types

There are four types of hearts in living things, and even after many years of trying, Darwinists are still having a dreadful time explaining their evolution. They presuppose evolution in the first place. Despite all the failures of evidence for it, few stop to wonder if their foundation is sound or sand. Hearts allegedly evolved from an open system in simpler organisms into the complex closed systems up to four-chambered hearts. Evolutionists admit that "little is known" about how all the necessary changes could take place. Model of human heart, Unsplash / Robina Weermeijer Numerous modifications would be necessary for the heart to evolve into multi-chambered. Also, there are changes necessary in the entire organism, since blood is needed for organs and other things to function. Creatures would need to survive while their irreducibly complex systems were changing. Evolutionists know it evolved (Hail Darwin! Blessed be!), but they don't even try to explain how it h...