DNA, Fetal Cells, and Women's Health

Going to have to use expensive words in this post, especially since the subject is rather technical. A chimera is a mythological creature made of multiple parts. Depending on the myth it would have the head of a lion, snake tail, and the body of a goat. This word has been incorporated into biological and medical sciences involving ethical considerations regarding biological tampering . Chimaera image credit: Wikimedia Commons / ArthurWeasley That was the easy part of the vocabulary. Now we move on to microchimerism, and you can see micro in there as well as chimera , but adding -ism does not make it into a religion. Instead, it is a rapidly-developing area of study for women's health. Simply put, it is male DNA in a woman's body, had has a great deal to do with fetal development. God's ideal for marriage and procreation is one man and one woman . T he DNA is found in father, mother, and child , which includes a woman having multiple fathers for her children, and a...