Fast Talking in Evolutionary Presentations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen And now for something completely different. For a long time, it was said that "pictures don't lie". That's not so true, especially if someone gets some photo editing happening, such as the imaginative material seen here if you scroll down . Even without editing trickery, some impressive illusions can be created using lines, colors, and shading. 3-D effects are impressive. Credit: Pixabay / uroburos Let's move on to a different kind of illusion. My wife got me interested in a television program on the truTV cable network called The Carbonaro Effect, which is a hidden camera "magic" show where Michael Carbonaro plays comedic illusion pranks on people in various settings. I do not believe there are any camera tricks involved. The individual segments are usually very brief, and I haven't seen him do the same trick twice. Carbonaro is extremely talented and personable, and very skilled in sleight-of-hand and fast talking ...