Math, Logic and Fundamentally Flawed Presuppositions

"Ow!", he cried out into the uncaring darkness of the living room. "What happened?", she asked, almost concerned. "You left out a number six and I tripped over it. Can't you put those things away when you're through with them?" What a stupid concept. Numerals are not tangible objects that can be tripped over or skipped across a pond. If you write the number "6" on a chalkboard, you have a representation of the numeral six, not "sixness" itself. If you erase that number from the chalkboard, the numeral of six continues to exist. Laws of logic are also intangible. You cannot put the law of identity in your pocket. You can type it out and then delete what you typed, but deleting your physical representation of the law does not cause it to cease to exist. Atheists and evolutionists are generally materialistic in their presuppositions. That is, they claim that the only reality is the material world, those things perce...