
Showing posts with the label Institute for Creation Research

Puzzling Plant Fossils and — Evolutionary Experimentation?

If someone gets a notion to saddle up and ride to the extreme northeast of the US, going on through Maine in a certain place will get them to the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Some fossilized plants were found there that paleontologists described as "enigmatic." One reason for this wording is that they show an extreme amount of detail, which seems to be increasingly common among fossils nowadays. In addition, scientists were surprised at the complexity of the fossilized plants. Neither of these facts are surprising to creationists. Fossilized water fern (image adjusted), Fossil Butte, Wyoming, National Park Service (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Yet again, secular paleontologists are assuming deep time and evolution, which in turn dictates the way they interpret evidence. Creationists have the same evidence, but presuppose recent creation and biblical truth in their interpretations (see " What is Really Seen from the Webb Telescope " for

Tales of Tails of Supposed Human Ancestors

Something that puts a burr under my saddle is the insistence by evolutionists that we did not come from monkeys, and creationists do not want us to say that, either. It is because we are to accurately represent what they believe. Okay, I get that. But it gets a bit difficult. Study on this: Our alleged ancestors and relatives sure did look like monkeys, and some had tails. Specifically, evolutionists say that although monkeys, apes, and humans had a common ancestor, we diverged millions of years ago — and we lost our tails somewhere along the line. Ring-tailed lemur, Pexels / Magda Ehlers Which  supposed ancestor and when  the tail loss occurred, nobody knows. There is no evidence, but the story requires these things. A loyal Darwinist in the media wrote, indicating that there is kinda-sorta a link between tail loss and a birth defect, and genetics. Sounds like faith. Unfortunately, the faith of secularists is in their narrative, and whatever it takes to deny the work of the Creator. A

Evolution Taken by Faith in Plant Receptors

Some of the hands from the Darwin Ranch traveled down from Deception Pass and gone into town to celebrate. Rusty Swingset, the foreman, was even paying for their drinks. The reason? Some evolutionists had used education, technology, and skill in making a hybrid plant receptor, supposedly demonstrating no intelligence or Designer was necessary. Study on that a spell. Good science is often tainted by worthless efforts to prove evolution. Plants pay attention to their environment with receptors, and two of them control development and immunity. Woodland sunflower, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is not an isolated incident. Instead, faulty logic, incomplete evidence, materialistic presuppositions, and more are common. For that matter, part of our DNA was called "junk" by tinhorns who did not know what they were doing and used a faulty dataset. Other Darwinists gleefully joined in and added their two grotzits-worth of opinions "Junk" DNA became the consensus — and it

Moths Emit Sounds to Thwart Bats, Evolutionists Giddy

Bats are flying around, emitting their sonar to seek food, avoiding objects. Their echolocation is extremely precise . These skilled fliers have shown no signs of evolution in the fossil record. Something else that shows no sign of evolution is the moth. Battington McBatty wants a tasty moth, but the ermine moth is being obstinate. In fact, Emily E. Moth is sensing and defending against the radar with her ownself. It is more interesting that these moths are not only deaf, but do not know they are making the sound that baffles bats! Yponomeutidae, Wikimedia Commons / Hectonichus ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) The moths not only designed to emit the sound, but amplify it through their own systems. Scientists are trying to find out how this ability evolved, tainting the research with, "Hail Darwin! Merry meet!" (It is  possible to do science without plugging into evolution. More should do it.) It may be possible to use biomimetics and imitate the sound amplification techniques, but glory us

Great Sand Dunes, the Ice Age, and the Genesis Flood

Heading west in the formerly United States, a traveler encounters the Rocky Mountains (which we generously share with Canada). The state of Colorado has the  Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve , larger than the Sleeping Bear Dunes of Michigan. You ever walk onto a sandy beach and make ouch noises because it is hot? In the summer, these puppies are substantially hotter than the air temperature. We will move on to discuss how the dunes got there. Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve, Flickr / NPS Natural Resources (public domain) Consider sand a spell (like when you remembered hot-footing it on the beach). It is unique and small. Both uniformitarian and creation geologists agree that there have to be special conditions to make a sand dune in the first place, and there are also conditions that can stop it from happening, such as grass growing. Conditions today would not let those dunes form, so they obviously had to be very different in the past. The culprit is the Ice

Eye Cell Complexity Baffles Evolutionists

In the days when Charles Darwin roamed the earth, he wrote that believing the complexities of the eye came about through natural selection seemed "absurd in the highest degree." Then he proceeded to believe absurdity anyway — and increased knowledge makes things worse for evolutionists since then. The human ear is a marvel , but the eye is even more amazing. Both eye and ear gather information from outside, then the brain has to arrange and make sense of the input. The retina alone is about as complex as the brain! Photoreceptors in a human retina, NIH / National Eye Institute (usage does not imply endorsement) The eye "appeared" (Darwinspeak for "evolved"), but once again evolution is assumed, not demonstrated. Researchers claim that the retinal cell types among several critters go way back in evolutionary history and are "conserved." In other words, there is no evidence of evolution. Worse for secularists, they are tacitly admitting not to com

Mixed Andes Fossils and Evolutionary Storytelling

Down Colombia way near near the town of Villa de Leyva is an area full of fossils. Paleontologists like it a lot. However, what they found is challenging to uniformitarian beliefs (deep time, slow and gradual processes). The scientific principle of Making Things Up™ was implemented. Regular readers have probably noticed that the secular science industry has a habit of evosplaining  with fake facts, ignoring real facts, and raising unanswered questions. Apparently, what matters more than scientific truth is praising Darwin and bolstering deep time so the grant money keeps coming in. Villa de Leyva, Colombia toward Andes Mountains, Flickr / Rosario González Morón ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) In the article linked below, there is an example of something that makes this child wonder how the researchers got advanced degrees in the first place. Giving weak explanations for what is observed as if there was no other possibility is commonplace. It just so happens that the story they are confabulating appe

Beauty and Design in the Motmot

To stop and think on it for a while, beauty  is a word used to describe many things. Sunsets, waterfalls, canyons, the cosmos, certain people, animals, birds, and much more can be called beautiful. That word  also describes other things picked up by our senses, things not visual. Spring is coming in our neck of the woods. I heard a house finch today singing what I call the "Happy to be a birdie" song, which is beautiful. Who would have thought that beauty could make me sad? It is because my beloved wife is not here to share it with me. Motmot photo by Andy Morffew at Pxhere, modified at PhotoFunia The most likely place to see the motmot bird is in Central America, and maybe further south a ways. It has distinct markings — "What's the deal with the defective tail, Cowboy Bob?" Scientists have found that there certain barbs fall off, which at first may feed into the "poor design, therefore evolution" arguments. In fact, even secular scientists admit tha

Tyrannosaurini from out of Time

Not too long ago, I finished loading supplies into my buckboard and was ready to head on out of town. Of a sudden, I saw Stevia Dolce, the lead baker at the Darwin Ranch. With her was Lotta Lyez who was promoted as an assistant to the cook. Feeling a mite playful, I asked Lotta if she was going to pick up some Tyrannosaurini, it was between the fettuccine and linguine. She stared a moment, then gave a bit of an "Oh, you!" hand flip as Stevia smiled. The wordplay may not have happened if I had not been reading about the sudden appearance of T. Rex  and family. Tyrannosaurus rex , RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Some fossil parts were examined again and the critter was renamed because of subtle differences that were found. (I wonder if that's a bit drastic since people, animals, and so on have variations without having to be branded as a different species.) In the report, homage was given to the puny god of evolution, but with a difference. It is known that dinosaurs have no evoluti

No Evolution of Reptile Skin in 286 Million Years?

If you take a notion to saddle up and ride out Oklahoma way, there are several things for which it is known. A part of Tornado Alley is there, the famous Route 66, and that amniote skin dated millions of years old. No, that last one has not crossed the radar of many folks, but it is significant to both secular and creation scientists. A cave system was filled in (imagine what it took to not only dig out, but to find it) and it contained that small piece of amniote skin. Crocodile photo by Ravi Jandhyala at Flickr ( CC by 2.0 ) Y'all may be wondering how a piece of reptile skin can last for 286 million years according to conventional dating methods. Researchers have an explanation. Incomplete science to the rescue! It was preserved by hydrocarbons. There is a serious problem with that idea. Also, Earth is quite active, and to think this cave system was undisturbed for all that alleged time is silly. No evolution to see here, just faulty work from the secular science industry. Skin

Biomimetics and Hummingbird Wing Motions

Biomimetics (or biomimicry) is an amazing area where scientists study abilities the Master Engineer has provided to creatures, then copying them for human use. Of course, secularists do not thank God for what they have learned. Hummingbirds are the subject of this study. One in particular lives on the left coast of North America, mostly in the formerly United States but also a bit north and south of what passes for its borders. Anna's hummingbird is an amazingly agile critter  the size of a table tennis ball, with an upper weight of 5.7 grams (0.2 ounces). Anna's hummingbird, Flickr / USFWS, Robert McMorran ( CC BY 2.0 ) Because of their unique wing motions, Anna's hummingbirds navigate small openings that other birds could not even consider: They can keep flapping. Studies of this bird are being conducted for possible use in small aerial vehicles. The fossil record shows that there has been no appreciable change in hummingbirds in all those Darwin years ( like other creat

Creation and Poisonous Plants

The other day, I saw a graphic called First Day in Heaven  that was meant to portray someone joyfully embracing Jesus upon their arrival. I said that this is how I pictured it with my beloved wife. Someone replied that she will greet me with open arms again. A vile atheist chided that person for "lying" to me. Aside from having the decency to let me have my comfort even though he rejects the truth of the gospel, he was assuming that there is no Heaven, so we are wrong — or lying. Because atheism. This is similar to how atheists and evolutionists call on biblical creationists to explain our views on things, yet they often assume we are wrong or lying and will not listen to us. That is not the way to have an intelligent discussion. How can some poisonous plants be a part of God's original very good  creation from a creationist perspective? Both skeptics and many Christians want to know. Sosnowsky’s hogweed, Wikimedia Commons / Krzysztof Ziarnek ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Creationist

Small RNAs Show Masterful Engineering

DNA is a fabulous molecule, vitally important to living things. Studies of the genome show functions of DNA, then further details and mechanisms are discovered. Epigenetic changes are essentially on top of the genome, regulating how genes are expressed. Also extremely important is RNA, and new research is showing that there are small RNAs that have some extremely important functions. It is also amazing that some changes made can be passed along to offspring, which is not good news for molecules-to-microbiologist evolution. DNA illustration, Pixabay / Miroslaw Miras Researchers injected RNA molecules into certain cells and saw that genes could be affected, even silenced. MicroRNAs regulate gene expression in an important way. Most of their work is outside the nucleus of the cell  but not always. Some of these can even help communications systems between cells. Also, these miRNAs are part of three main systems. Yes, life is the product of the Master Engineer, and the irreducible complex

DNA Sequence Is More Bad News for Evolutionists

Once again, the combination of the desire to learn plus advances in technology conspire to thwart the wishes of evolutionists. It happens in a big way with the Webb space telescope . Some secular geologists are echoing some of creation science  because of additional studies. Now this... While a great deal of DNA sequencing has been accomplished, and there is still more work to be done. Y chromosome analysis of humans and great apes did not go well for evolutionists. Genetics never has been helpful to evolution. DNA puzzle, Pixabay / qimono (modified) The old "ninety-eight percent similarity" between human and chimpanzee genome has long been refuted  (but Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ repeat it anyway), and this new research is another major setback for evolution. Comparing chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes shows they are only twenty-six percent similar. Factor in a 2010 study and secularists should cowboy up and admit that there is no evidence for evolution, but a great deal

Evosplaining Dinosaur Extinction with Volcanic Activity

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often  evosplain dinosaur extinction with the Chicxulub big rock impact, insisting on consensus among evolutionists. There is  some consensus, but a majority does not make truth. There are serious  problems with that impact story . One of the most obvious is that if the asteroid (or comet, or meteorite) killed off the dinosaurs, it should have taken a passel of more fragile creatures as well. It has been suggested that volcanic activity was important to destroying the dinosaurs. Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact,  NASA Goddard A fragment of agreement exists between secular and creation scientists: There was a great deal of volcanic activity in Earth's past. Of course, the two camps have no agreement on the hows and whys of the volcanism. If secularists didn't have a "Katie, bar the door!" attitude toward creation science models of the Genesis Flood and Ice Age, they might see that they are getting closer to

Inner Workings of DNA Repair

Believers in molecules-to-mechanic evolution maintain that vertical change happens through natural selection and mutations. However, those mutations need huge amounts of time to accumulate, and a strong argument for a young earth is genetic entropy . That is, at the rate of mutations seen today factored into the assumed age of humans on Earth, we should be extinct. Evolutionists have another problem to contend with, and that is how built-in biological DNA repair mechanisms are working to keep mutations at a minimum. Welder with DNA, original image: Pixabay / Natsan P Matias ; modified with DNA image from Clker clipart From a biblical creation viewpoint, everything was very good immediately after creation (Gen. 1:31). Death and degeneration entered into creation when Adam sinned (Rom. 5:19). Things began to go downhill. Mutations slipped through the repair systems and things are increasingly worse. Even so, those repair mechanisms are extremely effective at slowing down mutations that D

Fossil Butte National Monument and the Genesis Flood

National parks and national monuments are under the auspices of the US National Park Service. Down Wyoming way is Fossil Butte National Monument , which is famous for asparagus. Just checking, it is famous for fossils. Officially, it is a ridge, not a butte, it just looks like a butte from some angles. The area itself is the National Monument, and there is a passel of fossils (mostly plants and fish). While you cannot dig up and take home fossils, it is on the Green River Formation which is extremely large. Get fossils from non-government land if you wish. Double rainbow on Fossil Butte, National Park Service The official story involves a lake, but the fossils indicate otherwise. Several creatures are distinctly salt water, and it takes a great deal of rapidly-deposited sediment to make the fossils — many of which are excellent. While the NPS tells tales of deep time, the observed evidence clearly fits the global Genesis Flood for many reasons. Southwestern Wyoming contains one of the

No Evolution in Fossil Leaf Miner

Time and time again, believers in descent with modifications find a problem with their story and pretend that it gives them insight. Many even feign excitement. Interesting that they dig in deeper instead of cowboying up and admitting that their paradigm is fundamentally flawed. Insects that burrow into leaves and eat them from the inside are known as leaf miners . In an area known for extremely well-preserved fossils, leaf miners were found — showing no change in millions of Darwin years. Miner, Comstock Mine, 1861 via National Archives , colorized at Lunapic , then modified at PhotoFunia It was also one of those "earlier than thought" moments that happen frequently. Insects eating the leaves at the time of fossilization were exhibiting the same behavior that their living counterparts have. The evidence better supports recent creation, old son. The doctoral candidate in charge (was he lighting candles to Darwin to impress others in the secular science industry?) cited evolut

H. naledi and Fake Science News

It seems that the critter known has Homo naledi  has generated confusion and controversy from the get-go, and the unreliable dating methods used by secular scientists do not help anyone. Wishful thinking, bad science, and other propaganda efforts have been used to pose Lucy as a human ancestor , but that does not seem to be happening to such extremes with H. naledi . It could be from a desire for accuracy, but claims about H. naledi  are being challenged. Homo naledi facial reconstruction, Wikimedia Commons / Cicero Moraes et al  ( CC BY 4.0 ) One may wonder at first if some researchers were mixing up this guy with Neanderthals because they made claims made that it acted like humans. (That would make its relationship to humans seem a mite more plausible.) One thought is that it buried its dead, but the researcher ignored several important facts that give lie to this idea. Another suggestion is that it made tools. Apparently H. naledi  had an artistic bent because of what looked like

Butterflies, Cancer, and Biomimetics

It has been said that dogs and cats can see things that we cannot. Based on some of their actions (including giving warnings and such), it may very well be true. We have trichromatic vision, which means all the colors we see are combinations of red, green, and blue. RGB codes are frequently used to get specific colors. Studies show that many critters see colors beyond our range, on into the ultraviolet. Someone took a notion to study the vision of an Asian swallowtail butterfly. It can see ultraviolet. Asian swallowtail butterfly, Flickr / Zorac&Visar ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 )  These flutterbyes can convert ultraviolet light into visible light — an example of specified complexity that defies evolution and testifies of the Creator's skill. Certain things in cancerous tissues are more concentrated and show up under UV light. Scientists are using biomimetics, drawing inspiration from the butterfly's vision, to work on a means of finding cancer! It’s something right out of science f