Refuting the D.M.S. Watson Quote Mining Accusation

Acolytes in the Darwin Death Cult™ tend to lie. A lot. Especially those patrolling the web, seeking to destroy infidels who have the unmitigated gall to dare question evolution. Evidence against evolution, evidence for special creation, those are bad enough. But quotes by evolutionists who express doubt? Katie, bar the door! When creationists quote Darwinists who admit that there are problems with their belief system, things get...truly bizarre. Although the secular science industry, its press, and supporters on the internet have had their dishonesty documented numerous times, they accuse us of lying. Pixabay / Henryk Niestrój It really puts burrs under the saddles of misotheists and evolutionists when we point out that evolutionists are not in agreement, and many know they don't have science on their side. There are far more than one might expect. A principle in US law applies here: remarks that work against people saying or writing them are admissible in court ...