
Showing posts from April, 2020

Human Fossil Remains in Australia Thwart Evolutionists

We recently examined a prairie schooner-full of articles introduced in two posts ( beginning with this one ) that demonstrated how the hands at the Darwin Ranch were busy rewriting their conflicting versions of human origins. Rusty Swingset, the foreman, got frustrated and went bowling. H. erectus fossil remains have paleoanthropologists trying to salvage or work around the Out of Africa (OoA) and Multiregional models. Credit: Flickr / Ryan Somma ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Essentially, Homo erectus was used in the idea that humans evolved in Africa and then saddled up to ride for other parts of the globe. The OoA model has had supporters and detractors slapping leather with each other for quite a spell, and several other models have been proposed to evosplain the data: those skulls in 'Straya don't belong there because evolution. Genetic research makes them worse for evolutionists. These finds are fine with biblical creationists, but there is some disagreement in their ranks re...

Puzzing Polaris and Stellar Evolution

Many of us in the Northern Hemisphere began stargazing by finding the Big Dipper (or Plough) and using the stars as pointers, and the two on the end of the "bowl" would point to Polaris , the North Star. This was also the beginning of the Little Dipper's handle. While Polaris seems fixed in the sky, it is not that way in the long run. Credit: Flickr / DSS / Giuseppe Donatiello (public domain) At one time, the North Star was Thuban, but that changed because of the precession of the Earth. Ever spin a toy top? It wobbles, and if you could have a laser pointer attached to the top, you might see it draw circles on the ceiling. The same thing happens with the earth, but since it is much larger, the precession takes a mighty long time and would take about 26,000 years to complete one cycle. Polaris is also a Cepheid variable , a kind of star that changes its intensity. (The name came from a star in the constellation Cepheus, which was the first of this kind of variabl...

Embracing the Venom

It is a strange twist to think that something that can kill you may also save you or alleviate your suffering. American states that have the death penalty by lethal injection are being asked to furnish those drugs for use in COVID-19 Coronavirus patients. In a similar way, venomous creatures can help us. Cottonmouth snake image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Chinmay7 ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) If you take a stroll and get yourself bitten by a timber rattler, you'll probably need some antivenom right quick. Where do medical personnel get antivenom to treat snake bites, scorpion stings, and other dangerous poisons? From the critters that cause the problem in the first place! This article on antivenom is very interesting. Folks have used venoms for a variety of applications for millennia, and people nowadays are getting more interested in natural remedies and treatments in place of built-from-the-ground-up chemistry. Applications are being developed for cancer treatments, pain relief an...

Misrepresenting Christians on Childbirth Pain Relief

Since the religion of atheism is irrational and incoherent, atheists have a natural proclivity to misrepresent Christian and creationist beliefs. If they were as interested in reason as they claim, they would not be so all fired up to malign their Creator. This helps illustrate the fact that their hatred of God, the Bible, Christians, and creationists is not based on logic, but is a spiritual matter. Take for example the fake news that James Simpson opposed pain relief during Childbirth. Mostly made at Add Letters Quite often, atheists will go to atheist clearinghouses for unoriginal spurious thoughts that support their preconceptions. These use circular reasoning from false authorities for ideas like Christianity being copied from pagan religions , generalizing when oligophrenic professing Christians refuse medical care based on "faith" that all Christians are this way, the so-called war between science and faith, Galileo persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church , and...

Muddling Through Another Rewrite of Human Evolution - Part 2

In Part 1, we saw that proponents of evolution have a mess, and they are constantly needing to rewrite human evolution because the facts do not fit the narrative. As we continue, we see that other scientific disciplines are also recalcitrant to evolutionary ideas. Background image :  The Passion of Creation ,  Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Radiometric dates assigned to Neanderthal remains conflict with archaeological finds, and the radiometric dating methods used are based on circular reasoning. In addition, these dates were disingenuously adjusted to fit what scientists wanted — especially when they were more compatible with biblical timelines. The archaeologists discovered that the Neanderthals engaged in the same kinds of activities that modern humans would enjoy. A recent report in the journal Science mixed detailed archaeological finds with stories about human origins. As is typical, age assignments for fossils fit evolutionary time instead of the Bible’s much shorter...

Muddling Through Another Rewrite of Human Evolution - Part 1

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution have contrived a number of stories to convince the world (and themselves) that we evolved through trial and error, vast amounts of time, survival of the fittest. Our putative ancestors were critters that looked a great deal like monkeys and apes. However, their stories have many problems, so they are constantly changing. Background image :  The Passion of Creation ,  Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Public indoctrination centers (commonly known as schools , but more accurately as branches of the Ministry of Truth) do a good job in presenting varnished tales of tails and origins, but they do not seem to teach students how to think critically. Instead, they lasso the evoporn and believe it, even when facts disputed or rejected by evolutionists. Somehow this gives them license to ridicule, as if such actions prove that they are right; note that logic doesn't seem to be stressed by the evolutionary Ministry of Truth, either, and Darwi...

Save the Planet by Killing Humans?

Updated and addendum added 4-23-2020.  It should not be surprising to learn that Earth Day is on the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), since good ideas about taking care of the environment are a masque for more sinister purposes. Environmental extremists hold to old Earth and evolutionary views. I didn't realize it was the 50th Earth Day anniversary until it was happening. Credit: Pixabay / ÄŒeÅ¡tina Atheists and leftists (Lenin was both) will manufacture a false crisis or exploit a real one. For example, they have been saddling up and riding with the Darwinists to manipulate facts and emotions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic .  To enact Draconian controls over the sheeple and institute Marxism, some falsely claim that Earth is overpopulated and that such growth is unsustainable. Such views often come from the ridiculous assertions of Paul Ehrlich who based his views on Malthus . Of course, Marx approved of Charles Darwin, and neither believed that peopl...

Another New Pterosaur Discovery

Pterosaurs have been interesting additions to movies about dinosaurs and such, and most of us probably can picture the winged reptiles. What may be less known is that there were many types. Big ones, little ones, many teeth, no teeth — in many parts of the world. Now paleontologists have added another one. Credit: Modified from an image at Wikimedia Commons by Antonio R. Mihaila ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The hands at the Darwin Ranch are so excited about this, they are going to add it to the festivities when they dance around the maypole. But they still don't know where to place it on the failed evolutionary tree, and have no evidence of its evolution. We may be tempted to say, "Big deal, another flying reptile". Well, it is a discovery, and we can expect additional news about recent pterosaur fossils because some are very well preserved and have soft tissues. That is always bad news for proponents of deep time because these critters were created far more recently than the...

Atheists Presupposing Naturalism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Atheists and most evolutionists presuppose the philosophy of naturalism in their approaches to evidence. Their worldview demands it since they reject anything that indicates intelligent design — or worse to them, the God of the Bible. As we have seen, the commitment of Darwin's acolytes to naturalism is more important to them than properly interpreting evidence . The Three Philosophers by Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco, 1509 Atheists consider themselves messengers of reason, and you will frequently find them online touting their wisdom and intelligence because they reject God. However, our Creator does not have a passel of respect for their alleged wisdom (Rom. 1:18-23, Psalm 14:1, Prov. 1:8, 1 Cor. 1:19-21). It is amazing how they seek their identities in slapping leather with the God they claim does not exist. Arbitrary In The Ultimate Proof of Creation , Dr. Jason Lisle discusses a kind of checklist that he calls AIP . The A is for arb...

The Young Earth and Swimming in the Sahara

Have you ever wondered why the ancient Egyptians chose an arid, sandy place to live? "This here's the spot!" "What? Where? We're standing in sand, and it's hot enough to boil a monkey's brain. Kind of arid, ain't it?" "It's good for my sinuses. Let's commence to building us a civilization". As you well know, that didn't happen. In a like manner, if you read your Bible, you'll see that the Promised Land is frequently referred to as "flowing with milk and honey" such as in Numbers 13:27. (Not literally, of course. It was an expression to say that it was a fabulous place.) People wanted to take it away from the Israelites for a long time, partly because it was a nice place and also because they hated God's people. This painting in the Cave of Swimmers is located in the Libyan Desert area of the Sahara Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Roland Unger ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) It may come as a shock, but the...

Opossums are not Particular

Marsupials are plentiful in Australia and other areas, but if you take a notion to find one in North America, your choices are limited. Just one, the opossum. They cause arguments among evolutionists regarding their origin and dispersal and they are examples of the Master Engineer's planning. Credit: Flickr / Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren ( CC by 2.0 ) If you've been in these parts, you've seen them. Sometimes rooting through the garbage, living under the utility shed, up a tree hanging by the tail, and so on. The Virginia opossum species is known for its ability to reproduce frequently. (Despite the hillbilly stories, they are not considered good chow.) Opossums are opportunists when it comes to living quarters and what to eat — in fact, they are indirectly beneficial for our health by eating passels of ticks that carry Lyme disease . Don't expect to find a 'possum coat next to the mink, though, because it only looks good on the critter it was designed...

Mutations and Adding Information

Something that Papa Darwin did not foresee was that mutations would be utilized to save his failing story of evolution, since natural selection did not cause the changes that he claimed. It has long been said by creationists (including this child) that mutations do not add information to the genome. That statement is insufficient. Credit: Pixabay / Vicki Nunn Some folks only know about mutations from stories, so if there is a radiation leak or a critter is mutated, it becomes something clunky or an improved human with great powers. Maybe even with the ability to shoot power bolts from the eyes. In fact, mutations are not quick. They take a mighty long time to accumulate, and they seldom help the organism. When creationists say that mutations do not add information, several things are at play here. One of the most important parts is vocabulary. What do you mean, information ? It is intangible and can be difficult to define . The word evolution needs to be carefully defined. Als...

An Abundance of Dubious Models

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Models and simulations are important in many areas related to science, but they are only as good as the information that are utilized. Regular readers have seen many posts with links to articles discussing faulty models (including yesterday's " Increasing Dark Matter Desperation ") using mathematics and various scenarios. Credit: Freeimages / Sanja Gjenero No researcher is completely unbiased and objective. They operate from their worldviews, presuppositions, and agendas. Many times, important data are ignored or even suppressed, which frequently happens with global climate change models. Michael Mann used a fraudulent "hockey stick" graph to support global warming. Indeed, environmentalists are driven by their emotions and agendas, with predictions that have failed many times over the years, often suppressing pertinent information and indulging in fake science (see " Climate Change Alarmism vs God " and " Deluded...

Increasing Dark Matter Desperation

Although science is supposed to be about investigating ideas with evidentiary support, secular astronomers (as well as Darwinists) imagine something and then try to find evidence for it. They are riding for the Big Bang-Deep Time brand and are locked into naturalistic presuppositions, putting forth desperate and puerile attempts to justify their blind faith. Image source: NASA , ESA, S. Beckwith (STScI), and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Because the Big Bang works as well as a drunken outlaw at a church ice cream social, it has been Frankensteined many times in efforts to make it function. Dark Matter is one of those rescuing devices conjured up because laws of physics and observed evidence don't rightly comport with secular cosmogony and cosmology. They are like the Whos down in Whoville that Jim Carrey's Grinch described as relentless . Several new efforts have been run up the flagpole, but not many folks are...