Astounding Origin of Life Stories

While riding out Folly Road near Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds), I commenced to cogitating about origin of life (OoL) research. Papa Darwin speculated that it may have happened in some "warm little pond" but was reluctant to say much on the subject. Deep in thought, I was startled when Stevia Dolce spoke to me. She was with Lisa Myworries. They had made the trip from the Darwin Ranch up yonder at deception pass. Since they asked, I told them what I was thinking, which came from what I had been reading. Algae pond near Hurley, NY, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen What passes for origin of life scientific research seems increasingly desperate and is more like fantasy storytelling than real science. Lots of maybe, possibly, perhaps , and other weasel words populate the stories. Volcanic eruptions (like this one in Iceland ) pour out all sorts of gasses, some of them toxic, and lightning during those may have sparked life. Or was it methane and soda in a lake in C...