
Showing posts with the label Medical Science

Draconian Darwinism Spreads Anti-Science

Regular readers have caught on that science thrives when challenged, and when views are protected, it stagnates. Atheism is where science goes to die in darkness. Despite the claim to follow where the evidence leads, scientists tend to protect their beliefs. Just ask  Ignaz Semmelweis . Creation science is rejected by the secular science industry because of their precommitment to naturalism, so evidence against evolution and in favor of special creation is suppressed. Draconian measures keep bad information in the public minds. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the background image Because the secular science industry has attitudes that are actually anti-science, they promote evolution — which is harmful to medical science . Vestigial organs/structures have been redefined because those alleged leftovers from our evolutionary past have been found to be useful. There are numerous examples where evolutionary thinking harmful to medicine. Many of Darwin's acolytes are passionate about their

Darwinists, Leave those Hospitals Alone!

There is a personal and coincidental reason for my interest in the article featured below. Today is 8 March, and I am recovering from knee surgery. The article came out on the first, and my surgical testing was on the second. When someone has a reputation for repeatedly fouling things up, do you want to entrust that person with something extremely important? Of course not. The same can be said for an ideology. It has been shown repeatedly that evolutionary thinking has been harmful to medical science, yet Darwin's acolytes want it entrenched. Original operating room photo at Pexels / Anna Shvets , then modified* Apparently, secularists are repeatedly given a pass: Racism in medical research Vestigial organs/structures such as the appendix are not vestigial Declaring not-understood DNA to be "junk,"  which has been refuted The false claim that antibiotic resistance proves evolution Fake science to support evolution in COVID-19 research We have also seen that secularists o

Evolutionists Wasting Time and Money

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Up yonder near Deception Pass lies the Darwin Ranch, but if you go without an invite, watch out because the Winkie Guards get a mite irritable about trespassing. An exception is when the ranch hands feel generous and share the peyote with them. We have seen in numerous posts that evolutionary thinking has actually been harmful to medical science. Such thinking has been a waste of time and money in other areas of science as well (for example, see " The Absence of Alien Contact "). It is a vexation to see supposedly educated folks get paid for doing nothing useful. Modified from a photograph at  Pixnio Tinhorns like Bill Nye the Leftist Propaganda Guy and others claim that science cannot advance without evolution, but that falsehood is easily refuted. Still, they proclaim it. There is a "meme" on Fakebook at Evolution is a Lie of a game show contestant being asked, "Which branch of the sciences has Darwinian evolution advanced the most sin

Medical Adhesives and Biomimetics

As most people probably know, biomimetics is taking what is observed in nature and mimicking it for human uses. Then they ignore the Creator or praise the puny gods of evolutionism. God has designed many things in nature for which we can obtain benefits through study and technology. This may not be directly  an example of biomimetics, but I expect to have knee surgery about six weeks from now. The effectiveness of elastic therapeutic tape (kinesiology tape) is disputed, but I have had less pain and more stability while using it. In some ways, this elastic cotton stuff mimics human skin. Just thought I would put this bit here. Medical bandages, Pixabay / Hans One way in which medical science has progressed is keeping repairs in place. Stitches are used to close up the skin but many times they do not need to be removed on a subsequent visit. They dissolve. How about replacing staples? Medical practitioners and patients alike would be glad of this. Some ingenious uses of biomimetics are p

Design Denial is a Science Stopper

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen From the standpoint of producing evidence for what they teach, biblical creationists can be baffled by the resistance displayed by anti-creationists. Some tinhorns claim that we never produce evidence — making such insipid claims on posts such as " Overview of Geologic Evidence of the Flood !" Material exposing evolutionary fraud and bad science is ignored or waved away. In literally thousands of books, articles, videos and such, Creationists and Intelligent design proponents have discussed how evidence for design is abundant. Instead of intelligently discussing interpretations of evidence, atheists and evolutionists go beyond insults and attempt to dehumanize us . Red-bellied woodpecker, Unsplash / Joshua J. Cotten When misotheists attempt to dehumanize us, it shuts down rational discourse. It also indicates fear on their part. Can't be letting evidence for design get wide circulation, nosiree! That's bad medicine for atheism. Further, what doe

Sleep is a Gift of the Creator

As I write this, I am recovering from the Rona. If I previously had a fever over 100, it is not in my memory. Doing the standard things: keep hydrated, fever reducers, stay cool but avoid getting a chill, eat if possible — and get plenty of sleep. This may be off the wall, but I have heard it said that if people push themselves too hard, their systems will lay them low. You will  get rest. That includes getting real sleep, sometimes quite a bit (like I have been doing the past couple of days). The Master Engineer designed sleep for several purposes. Sleeping baby, RGBStock / Adrian van Leen A couple more personal views before we move on. Some folks have dreams, then grab a book that supposedly tells them what it means. Some make sense (crossing a bridge while preparing to travel), others are ridiculous. Actually, dreams are usually the subconscious is trying to work things out. We sleep in different stages in our lives. Infants need a great deal of it, but not all at once. Later, we sl

Mackinac, the Genesis Flood, and Medical Science

If you took a notion to visit Mackinac Island State Park way up yonder between the peninsulas of Michigan, it would be a hefty drive. Using I-75 from the state capital of Lansing and going in almost a straight line by the map, count on driving 3-1/2 hours one way. You would probably find it worthwhile. Despite spelling discrepancies with -nac and -naw, it is pronounced MACK-i-naw. The island is in view of the huge suspension bridge. A creation geologist can use the physical features to describe stages in the Genesis Flood as well as the Ice Age. Old Fort Mackinac from the pasture (cropped), ca. 1900, Library of Congress People who read biblical creation science material are likely to learn some things about the Genesis Flood, especially since it was not simply rain and the fountains of the great deep. As is observed, there are many megasequences laid down by water, and these span continents. Depositions occurred in stages. At Mackinac Island, some of the first laid down by the Flood w

Infant Grasping is not Evidence for Evolution

As many parents and caretakers have seen, pressing a finger in the palm of an infant usually causes the child to hold on. It is interesting to experience, but tends to fade after a few weeks. Those who believe that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor claim that it is primitive  and  vestigial . Because evolution. Because ape infants do it. Darwinists have not fared well in their claims of vestigial structures, and saying such things about the Palmar Grasp Reflex is risible. Palmar Grasp Reflex, Open Resources for Nursing ( CC BY 4.0 ) One reason it is so foolish to claim that the reflex is an example of our alleged evolutionary ancestry is that it is very important, and if it is not being exhibited, it is a cause for concern . And yet, when Darwinoids say things like, "The original purpose of the reflex is vestigial or unknown, though it can aid in diagnosing specific pathologies. It serves nothing more than a rudimentary, phylogenetic function necessary for the arbore

An Extra Artery in the Forearm does not mean Evolution

Frankly, (mind if I call you Frank?) it gets tiresome when on one hand, angry atheists laugh about how Christians see evidence for creation in many places, yet purveyors of mesons-to-medical doctor evolution claim to have evidence for their views every which way. If evolution were true, its proponents would give us the good stuff instead of spurious evidence, especially loss of function . Not hardly! In this example, it is claimed that an extra artery in some people's forearms, the  persistent median artery , is an example of evolution. A little bit of medical knowledge about the development of an unborn child helps clear this up. Forearm, Pexels / Israelzin Oliveira I lack belief that the number of people who have this condition has been increasing, since only a small sample study from 1846 is utilized. That alleged increase is probably why Darwinists are claiming that this is evolution. Just like with losses of traits in organisms, no genetic information is added, and nothing cha

Secularists Making Disease Worse through Disinformation

Although the material here deals with medical science, ethics, and morality, it is disturbing in many ways. Some people may wish to stop reading. Imagine if you will a group of people that has a disease which is unsightly, painful, and itchy. They are the primary carriers. Other people outside this group can get the disease by engaging in certain behaviors with those who are infected, so the disease may spread to the general population. The secular science industry, leftists, the media (but I repeat myself) do not want to offend the infected group by telling them the facts. That group may get hurt feelings and feel ostracized. But telling them the truth can save lives. Electron micrograph of monkeypox particles, Flickr / NIAID  ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia This is what is happening with the monkeypox. (Some have suggested changing the name so people will feel better.) The word pandemic  has been uttered. Now, it may be a coincidence, but this child believes there was a resurge

Fascinating Medical Research on E. Coli

Microbes like bacteria were designed for their niches in the world, and most of them are good. Those that are harmful have left their first estate (displacement). E. coli  are extremely common, and falsely claimed to exhibit evolution . There are some extremely interesting traits in microbes with flagella. Those are things that look like long hairs coming off the microbes and are used to propel them. Biblical creationists and the Intelligent Design community have used irreducible complexity  arguments . It was Michael Behe who came up with the term regarding bacterial flagella. Bacterial Flagellum, WikiComm  Mora T et al ( CC BY 4.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Of course, Darwin's acolytes try to wave off irreducible complexity, and misotheists like to have their biases confirmed. But it's still true, and "Nuh uh , no it's not irreducible" is not a valid scientific refutation, old son. It is irrational to say that things only appear designed, but secularists have t

The Thymus and Harmful Evolutionary Medicine

Something that gets the hands at the Darwin Ranch on the prod is when creationists bring up past  embarrassments of evolutionists. In addition to their failed attempts to provide plausible human ancestors , there are numerous logical flaws in their research. One frequent error is arguing from ignorance. Many creationists, and even some evolutionists, complain about secularists acting like the mantle of scientist  allows them to speak ex cathedra . Speaking from evolutionary presuppositions and incomplete information, aspects of DNA were wrongly declared to be "junk" , and bodily organs were said to be "vestigial", which has been thoroughly refuted. Diagram with Thymus Gland, Wikimedia Commons / Cancer Research UK ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The thymus glad was said to be vestigial (a useless organ or structure that lost its purpose in the deep, dark past of evolutionary history). If those tinhorns had been less anti-creation and realized that the Master Engineer put things in

Evolutionists Admit Inability to Explain Heart Types

There are four types of hearts in living things, and even after many years of trying, Darwinists are still having a dreadful time explaining their evolution. They presuppose evolution in the first place. Despite all the failures of evidence for it, few stop to wonder if their foundation is sound or sand. Hearts allegedly evolved from an open system  in simpler organisms into the complex closed systems  up to four-chambered hearts. Evolutionists admit that "little is known" about how all the necessary changes could take place. Model of human heart, Unsplash / Robina Weermeijer Numerous modifications would be necessary for the heart to evolve into multi-chambered. Also, there are changes necessary in the entire organism, since blood is needed for organs and other things to function. Creatures would need to survive while their irreducibly complex systems were changing. Evolutionists know  it evolved (Hail Darwin! Blessed be!), but they don't even try to explain how it happen

Scientific Elitism and Critical Thinking

When scientists write papers or give presentations to the public, obviously they should have superior knowledge on their areas of expertise. The problem is when scientists act like they are superior to other people beyond this. People have been told to trust and follow the science in many areas such as COVID-19, global warming, evolution, and others. Many experts who are considered outsiders raise questions and present contrary evidence to their claims, and the elitist attitudes of the previous are revealed. The performance masques have slipped quite a bit lately. This "1889 Guy" was colorized at , further modified with FotoSketcher This elitism is especially evident in the secular science industry. They "know" they are right, and have also been married up with leftist political agenda. Elitists are motivated to make others agree with them. Unlike biblical creationists, for example, who do not shield people from evolutionary views but encourage critical

Medical Propaganda in Evolutionary Indoctrination

Proponents of universal common descent are rejoicing that more people are accepting evolution, partly through having  escalated their indoctrination efforts toward children . They actively censor Intelligent Design and creation science material with the excuse that they are "religious". That is disingenuous since evolution is foundational to atheism and the religion of secular humanism: They are promoting religion in public schools . Why is it so important to secularists to present only a naturalistic view and derail the learning process? Mostly made at PhotoFunia A frequent piece of rhetoric by secularists is that evolution is essential for medicine. That is the opposite of the truth. As regular readers have seen, evolutionary thinking is harmful  to medical science . Professionals and educators find it to have no practical value and just don't want it . But that doesn't stop some tinhorns from capitalizing on the coronavirus panics , and ramping up their censorship

Abortion and Rebellion against the Created Order

The ideal status of the family unit was established by God in the beginning, which was one man and one woman. This was attacked shortly thereafter, and has been ever since. In fact, it is increasing. The Christian worldview sees other humans as created in the image of God. It was shocking to pagan nations, but gradually began to take hold in cultures and governments. It was the Christian influences and advocacy that led to the abolition of slavery, and the elevation of women and children, because all are bearers of God's image. Empty bassinet, Freestocks /  Joanna Malinowska People who hate God (whether they admit it or not) have rebelled against his created order for the family unit. Secularists use political ideologies that are ultimately Marxist in outlook, pretending that they are doing what is best for people. They promote false alternatives for the family, and claim that abortion is a "woman's right" and "healthcare" and will keep the bassinet empty. I

Of Languages and Brains

There are many scientific and logical challenges for minerals-to-microscopist evolution, and a few are quite frustrating for its believers. One of the more disconcerting areas is the origin of language. Not only are evolutionists unable to come up with a plausible mechanism, language also speaks of the Creator . Although the secular science industry is red in tooth and claw protecting naturalism, there are a few mavericks who defy prevailing views and offer alternatives — as long as they don't jump the corral fence and run for freedom in biblical creation. Brain circuit board, Pixabay /  Gordon Johnson Apparently, learning a language is extremely beneficial and has several influences, but it is an accident. Culture plays a part. Chimpanzees are presumed to be our closest evolutionary relatives, but they cannot learn languages, nor can they teach their offspring. What little they know needs to be relearned in each generation. Also, they are simply not wired for it. Humans learn lang

The Heme Molecule Defies Evolution

The word heme  is not something in common speech, and even sounds like a shortened name. "Herm, have you met Heme? Kat wanted to know." Most people have heard of hemoglobin  and how it makes blood red. The heme molecule itself is both dangerous but also important. On a side note, cyanides are poisons, are useful in industrial and medical applications, and trace amounts are in our foods . Darwin's acolytes speculate that it was instrumental in the origin of life. Some things can be deadly but useful. Pixabay /  Narupon Promvichai This molecule has iron and binds to a component of protein. This and other metalloproteins  play nicely with various metals, helping various processes. Our mitochondria is the power plant of our cells, and it appears that heme regulates that activity. It probably affects the ATP in cells. Like other things in our cells, heme is manufactured in the correct amounts and the release is regulated because too much causes free radicals. No, not Marxist

Providential Direction and Hans Gram

Outside of medical science, most people have probably not heard of Hans Christian Gram. He was important in microbiology, especially in the development of stains used in slides. Cytoplasm  is the clear gel-like stuff within cells and outside the nucleus, but it is clear. The cell was considered simple at one time, but it is actually an amazing example of specified complexity. Through a series of providential events, Gram found a way to make the identification of pneumonia bacteria both observable and identifiable. Streptococcus Pneumonia in tissue, Flickr / Albaraa Mehdar ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) At the time of Hans Gram's discovery, a great deal was happening in the advancement of medical science. Work had been done to put stains on slides for microscope work, but finding the right ones for pneumonia bacteria was elusive. The discovery looked like an accident with a touch of serendipity involved, and it may cause one to think of Alexander Fleming's work with penicillin . (A Gram stai

Sexual Reproduction Refutes Evolution

When asked how sexual reproduction evolved, especially since an asexual means seems far more efficient, Charles Darwin replied, "I dunno. Hey, kindly give me another cup of that most excellent Ceylon tea, stout fellow!" The Bearded Buddha had no idea, nor do his disciples all these years later. Sexual reproduction is a problem of irreducible complexity on many levels, since many aspects had to be organized by the Master Engineer and working at the same time. What complicates matter further is that different creatures have different reproduction systems. Original image of French social dancing, from the 1800s / NY Public Library Evolutionism is so...utilitarian. Everything has a function, or it doesn't evolve. Critters are going around with an inner mechanism that insists, "Must propagate species." Meanwhile, humans have sex for recreation and intimacy (as well as for money or goods, but animals don't do that stuff). Some animals have amorous congress for ple