Evidential or Presuppositional Apologetics?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Although I have written on a similar topic before (" Presuppositions and Fallacies in Evolutionary Science "), I wanted to develop the subject further and provide some resources. Both articles are mainly written to edify Christians. The word apology has somewhat devolved over time so that common usage means someone is sorry: "I apologize for stealing your horse and shooting up the town". Simply put, apologetics is the branch of Christian theology that deals with giving a reasoned defense of the faith . We have to be careful to distinguish the word's usage, since there are atheist apologists, Mohammedan apologists, Roman Catholic apologists, and various non-religious apologists as well. So from here on out, I'm discussing Christian apologetics. There are various schools of apologetics. Perhaps some people choose an apologetic method because they admire celebrities that use a particular version. I've seen from three to ...