Evolution and Making New Genes

Darwin's concept of natural selection bringing on new and improved life forms from a single common ancestor has been largely abandoned in favor of evolution through mutations. The hands working at the Darwin Ranch are in no danger of losing their jobs, though, they can come up with some mighty interesting tales on how genes form in the first place.

Evolutionists mainly rely on genetic mutations as the driving force for their conjectures, but their mechanisms are not supported by evidence.

Even though Darwin's Drones think it's all settled science and take what scientists say as ironclad truth, when given some examination, the mechanisms for mutation are implausible. Experiments show that at least seven mutations are needed to make a protein-coding gene change into a different protein-coding gene. And we have a passel of genes in us. Then you have the problem of defining "beneficial" mutations, which is often subjective. Evidence does not support evolutionary conjectures, but evidence does support the biblical creation model.
The evolutionary apologist Jerry Coyne describes Darwinian evolution as,
life on earth evolved gradually beginning with one primitive species—perhaps a self-replicating molecule—that lived more than 3.5 billion years ago; it then branched out over time, throwing off many new and diverse species.
Ignoring the nonsensical suggestion that a single molecule “lived,” Coyne illustrates that evolution requires some very elaborate and dramatic forms of change. Indeed, evolution claims that during the course of earth history invertebrates transformed into vertebrates, non-flying creatures developed wings and started flying, and marine animals evolved legs and began walking.

The Evolution Motor?

The standard scenario is that chromosomal DNA undergoes changes (e.g., mutations) that can eventually form new genes. These new genes can alter the physical features and abilities of an organism. Eventually, enough new genes can change a dinosaur into a bird. Thus, evolutionists conclude that “the birth of new genes is an important motor of evolutionary innovation.”
To learn more, head on over to "How Are New Genes Made?