Electric Fish and Non-Evolution

Sharks and rays are in the same biological grouping, which gives us some interesting characters. Manta rays are nice to watch as they appear to fly underwater. Unfortunately, rays have a tendency to be unattractive. They have some interesting and unique traits.

There are several kinds of fishes that have electric organs, but none of them are Hammond organs used with amplifiers in rock bands. The organs (or structures) play a vital part in the lives of these fish, including sensory and offensive/defensive applications.

Fish like the spotted torpedo have electric organs. Evolutionists use refutable speculations to explain them, but they point to creation.
Spotted Torpedo, Flickr / Philippe Guillaume (CC BY 2.0)
Have you ever seen animated cartoons where a character gets zapped by an electric "eel" and they light up while jumping around? Yeah, those fish can pack quite a punch like the spotted torpedo and others, but they are not closely related.

Darwin's disciples unconvincingly evosplain how those structures evolved. It's called the Stuff Happens Law, sort of like:

"How did it get that way?"
"Stuff Happens"
"What kind of stuff?"
"Evolution stuff. It's too complicated for you to understand."

They say that sodium channels in muscles and genes were duplicated, but some were lost, then out popped these electrical abilities. But those are more Just-So Stories that have no plausibility, especially since electric fish are not understood all that well. Also, their "explanations" defy genetics. What is plausible, and has been the reasonable conclusion many times over, is that traits were intelligently designed by the Creator. And it wasn't that long ago.
How did such an electric structure with these incredible abilities come about? Evolutionists say by the duplication of the gene that codes for submicroscopic sodium channels in muscles and sodium channel genes that have been repeatedly lost.

But how do they know? The channels evolved allegedly by duplication in deep evolutionary time. In other words, in the unobserved past. Stephen Meyer addresses studies regarding the alleged evolution of various genes (that code, for example, sodium channels):

You can read it all, for no charge, at "A Shocking Case for Creation." Here is a short video on electric "eels" (well, they do look like eels) with some interesting things. Someone should tell the narrator that those fish she mentions are called BET-tuhs, not BAY-tuhs. It's even spelled with a second t, betta: