
Showing posts with the label ApologetiX

Assumed Atheism Harming Religious Students

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Internet atheists express their hatred of God and bigotry toward Christians quite freely from the safety of their keyboards, and they insist on asserting false facts. One of these is that creationists believe "God did it" is a sufficient scientific explanation for something. They are unable to meet the challenge to produce a creation scientist who uses that idea. Another false fact is that if someone is not an atheist, he or she is not a real scientist. Although ridiculous, it shows their bigotry. It is also a way to control science itself to fit their own naturalistic beliefs. Train waiting on tracks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I read long ago in a UFO publication is that they first seek natural and rational explanations before appealing to UFOs. I have seen a similar view used by paranormal researchers (never mind whether or not experiences were genuine). In simple terms, science uses methodological naturalism . While Christians presupp

Pseudogenes and Dead-End Darwinism

Stevia Dolce, the lead baker at the Darwin Ranch up yonder near Deception Pass, surprised me with a visit. She brought Dekker Halls, who was visiting for the Christmas season. They heard talk about pseudogenes that did not sit right with them and wanted to ask me. After digging into the fabulous croissants that Stevia brought, we commenced to discussing the problem. Evolutionary thinking is bad for medical science, and even science itself. Scientists studied DNA, but expected everything to code for proteins. Big mistake. Directional street sign generator at RedKid Like when someone receives a delivery that isn't interesting, "Just set it over there" and it gets forgotten. These things called pseudogenes  look like genes, but did not work the way Darwinists expected. "Why do you say Darwinists , Cowboy Bob?" Dekker asked. "Nobody really believes classical Darwinism anymore." I replied, "True, but it has a couple of uses. The first one is for simpli

The Wonder and Why of Christmas

Some folks get jaded with Christmas, reading or hearing readings of the birth of Jesus, the arrival of the Magi, the census taken while Quirinius was governor, and more. Same old thing every year, right? Some of us terribly miss the "same old" that we will never have again... If we slow down and pay attention, there is a great deal to give us a sense of wonder. Hundreds of years before, Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin . Micah 5:2 prophesied where. Ironically, some prophesies were fulfilled by unbelievers. Nativity of Jesus figurines, Pexels / Susanne Jutzeler We can also find out that there are many misconceptions surrounding Christmas (especially that "Christmas is pagan and you can't celebrate it" nonsense ). That bad old innkeeper who turned Mary and Joseph away, but his kindhearted wife attended to the delivery — never happened. The Magi were powerful king makers, and there was probably an entourage, not just three (three gifts  are me

Isaiah and the Virgin Birth Prophecy

It may come as a shock to some folks, but biblical prophets did not necessarily  foretell future events. They spoke the words of God and admonished wayward people. However, some prophesied noteworthy events — such as Isaiah and the virgin birth of Jesus. Atheists cannot handle prophecy and try to denigrate it by saying people who came later got creative and fabricated the foretelling. (They assert but never provide evidence.) Isaiah 7:14 reads, ". . .the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son. . ." Disputes exist if she is a virgin or only a young woman. Isaiah , Ernest Meissonier, 1838 There are several problems with this passage. If the girl was just a young woman, the prophecy is no big deal. Also, the word translated as young woman or virgin can legitimately be translated either way. Context is important, as are historical events. We learn, to the dismay of misotheists, that it was indeed a virgin that conceived according to prophecy. Isaiah is a beloved book of the

Eyes, and Evolution Falsified Again

Believers in universal common descent evolution appear to have cognitive difficulties, or mayhaps it is bravado. I say this because when faced with data they cannot explain, deep-time anomalies, theories shown to be false, they pretend to receive good news and something important about evolution has been learned. Indeed, fundamentalist evolutionists may shuffle the deck and deal again, but they do not question if the deck is valid in the first place — the deck being evolution. They need to cowboy up and question evolution itself. Fighter pilot with nice eyes wearing an oxygen mask, Flickr / Aviatrix (public domain) In their determination to give praise to Papa Darwin, some of his disciples compared the eyes of mammals with those of cephalopods. Interesting that people and critters have two eyes, but many like birds and cuttlefish use each eye independently — but some cuttlefish occasionally use stereoscopic vision. The differences in eyes also means the organisms with them need to hav

Two Living Things that Give Off Salt

There are words with phile  or similar in them that often mean a love of something, such as philosophy (love or wisdom or learning). The word structure can also make it seem like an organism has a fondness for something, actually meaning that it thrives in a certain environment. A thermophile  lives in extremely hot areas such as the thermal vents on the ocean floor. Want to take a crack at halophyte ? That one is a bit tricky, but it uses the word for salt. There are plants that thrive in saline conditions inhospitable to many other plants. Athel Tamarisk, iNaturalist / Xochitl Zambrano ( CC BY 4.0 ) Athel tamarisk is one of those stubborn plants that lives in deserts and is found in many parts of the world. One of its handels is the Athel pine, and it does resemble pine in some ways. It is also useful as a windbreak, and since it doesn't burn easily, it can be used to hinder fire. When it lives in saline conditions, it actually gives off salt! Athel tamarisk was designed by the

Giant Exoplanet Discredits Secular Theories

About planet formation, that is. Actually, those secular theories have already been discredited. The nebular hypothesis of planetary formation has accretion: Planets form because the stuff sticks together. Secularists know that this has problems  even in our own solar system. Also,  disk instability  is a failed rescuing device. Believers in the Big Bang and cosmic evolution apply their ideas of star and solar system formation to exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars). Problems with secular theories are seen in our own backyard ( consider axial tilt ), and are extremely apparent with exoplanets like LHS 3154b. Large planet orbiting a small star, AI graphic made at  Img2Go This maverick should not exist, and the secular science industry is in a tizzy. Interestingly, secularists frantically try to shoot down anything that threatens a prevailing viewpoint. LHS 3154b was measured by one method and nobody (including the lapdog science reporters) raised questions or wanted more data. Inte

Those Enigmatic Philistines

When reading history in the Bible and seeing the word Philistines , one might want to heave a sigh and mutter about troublemakers. The most famous passages about them are probably with David and Goliath (who was probably a mercenary), Samson beating up on them, and when Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant. They are mentioned numerous times throughout the Old Testament. More often than not, they were indeed troublemakers. They cause problems today for Bible scholars and historians who want to know who they were in the first place. Pottery Votive Gift to Philistine Shrine, 9th Century BC, Flickr / Gary Todd (Public Domain) Philistines lived in several areas, and seem to have come from Crete. The Bible seems to conflict with other historical accounts and archaeology. However, there are several things that need to be considered, including that the name itself seems to have been used loosely — and retroactively. The Philistines are a problematic people group in the Bible. Scholars arg

Evolution Narrative Drives Bird Tracks in Dinosaur Strata Story

The story is that the geologic column shows fossils in an orderly progression from simple to complex, and the fossil record is complete, without gaps. Russell Watchtower and his Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch up near Deception Pass have been successfully convincing folks that the preceding is a true story. In reality, there are fossils out of order. If people had healthy skepticism and dared to question evolution, they would know about fossil placement problems. A new report on fossilized bird footprints sparked a rescuing device. It did not go well. One of the birdlike footprints from Maphutseng, Lesotho (left), and a false colour depth map of the print (right) PLOS ONE 2023 / Abrahams et al. 2023 (CC-BY 4.0) via New Scientist There must be quite a few stupid people buying the malarkey that evolutionists put out. The predominant narrative dictates that dinosaurs evolved into birds despite no actual evidence. Instead of questioning the story, some other critters came around and

Jesus and the Miracle of Sight

The greatest miracle of Jesus...there are many ideas about what that may be, and those are probably influenced by personal preference or knowledge. John 11:43-44 records how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and there were others as well. Those are pretty impressive. Jesus is the Creator (John 1:3, Col. 1:16, Heb. 1:2), so making the earth, life, entire universe — a substantial miracle. Calming a storm by speaking to it (he created everything by speaking), healing people, walking on water. An eye surgeon believes giving sight to the man born blind is a huge miracle. Healing the man born blind by Jesus Christ , Vasily Surikov, 1888 As a side note, in John 9:2, his disciples asked, "...who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?" How could he have sinned if he was born that way? Someone pointed out that the disciples were talking about reincarnation, and Jesus dismissed the idea. This child wonders if they were also toying with the idea of karma. Eithe

Fantasyland and Scientism Speculations

As people who have studied apologetics or even simply observed the way atheists treat Christians see, atheists have a penchant for playing word games. For example, when something was posted about scientism, a tinhorn lied and said we were against science . Wrong-o! Scientism essentially fits the definitions of a religion, being a way of life and a kind of salvation. People with that worldview act like science is the only way to knowledge. Ironically, it does not make them the intellectually elite — scientism is self-refuting . Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing , William Blake, 1786 (Darwin's watching face added, obviously) As noted several times, the secular science industry supports leftist causes ( here is a recent report ). In return, those politicians give tax money. Secularists have a materialistic belief system that provides a dubious foundation for morality . It is indeed unfortunate that many people have faith in an unrealistic view of what they consider to be

Science Leaves Unbelievers Without Excuse

Somewhere around 56 AD, Paul wrote the Epistle to the Romans. Presuppositional apologists such as this child frequently refer to Romans 1:18-23 which explains that evidence for God is obvious to everyone. They are without excuse, choosing to unrighteously suppress the truth. As I have stated before, science and technology progress and humanity discovers all sorts of things that testify of the Creator. These can be in the deepest parts of space or found under high-powered microscopes. Scientists are realizing that organisms appear to be engineered. Ribosome mRNA, Wikimedia Commons / LadyofHats (PD) When someone in the secular science industry uses words that even hint at design and creation, it's "Katie, bar the door!" time. They want the praise to go to evolution. Someone will say that things appear  to be designed but they really are not. That is a theological opinion, old son, not science. Indeed, some are skittish about discussing biological machines  because those ar

Biblical Chronology Integrated with Historical Witnesses

Christians know that the Bible is the written Word of God, and many unbelievers admit that it is historically accurate. However, people have struggled with correlating the chronologies with historical events. There are several reasons for discrepancies. Biblical creationists like the dates of James Ussher, but a few consider them almost sacred text. He did have some flaws in his methodology, and in the years since, new knowledge has come to light. Also, other historical records are sometimes inaccurate or use different dating methods. Clocks, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann ( geralt ) It was learned that different anchor dates  were used in texts. Those were not always used consistently and sometimes changed altogether, so adjustments had to be made. There are two major schools of thought on chronologies that are discussed in the paper linked below. Although it is rather long and detailed, people like me are able to get something useful out of the material, and not study the numerous charts. Th

Paganism is Increasing

It is interesting that atheists and other unbelievers will ridicule Christians for believing in what they call "fairy tales" such as creation and the Genesis Flood. This is a modern, enlightened age. But they give believers in paganism a pass. Just before my wife's memorial service, a woman came up to me and gave me a stone and a quartz crystal. She said they have special properties. New Age, pagan, and other occult practices are accepted, not mocked, and are increasing today. Indeed, they have been gaining popularity for quite some time. Pagan robe and mask, Unsplash / Rob Griffin It is my contention that many people want to feel that they are better than others, having the inside track, belong to the One True Church, read the real Bible , support the correct political movement, pick the winning sports team — we become idolators. Atheists pretend to be smarter than theists. Evolution is saturated with paganism, such as pantheism. The atheopath who calls himself Aron Ra

These Jellyfish can Learn

While box jellyfish are notorious for having painful or even lethal stings from their tentacles, this one is harmless to humans. Mayhaps it is because they are so tiny. These little fellas are north of South America and the Caribbean Sea around mangroves. They swim vigorously near the surface. One would not expect anything interesting out of these brainless creatures, but the Creator shows his design skill in even the tiniest organisms. These box jellies have a complex nerve system. Researchers were amazed that they showed associative learning, not just reflexive responses. Box jellyfish, iNaturalist / snigdhasehgal ( CC BY-NC 4.0 ) Of course, foolish scientists gave praise to Darwin and made up some unsupportable speculations about the "dawn of the evolution of the nervous system," since we're all related. Because evolution. Even with all the evidence of creation and design in extreme details, Darwin's acolytes still refuse to give glory to God for what they discove

Evosplaining Ancient DNA

When Darwin's acolytes evosplain, anything goes. The complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™ is frequently invoked, bringing along compatible principles such as bad logic, ignoring inconvenient facts, and all that good stuff. When dinosaur soft tissues were found, it was, "Katie, bar the door!" Evolutionists assume deep time (it is imperative for their storytelling), so they tried all sorts of rescuing devices to get away from the implications. Similar things happen with ancient DNA. Derived from DNA and clock images at Clker clipart DNA is fragile, so it should not last very long. Ideal conditions can extend its shelf life on occasion. The narrative demands deep time, so it is presumed that Neanderthal DNA is 50,000 years old. Because evolution. Darwinists put on top hats and tap dance around the age limits of DNA. They simply cannot allow themselves to face the fact that evidence consistently shows that the earth is far younger than they want to believe. Ther

Mercury Troubles Deep-Time Scientists

Many of the planets in our solar system are recalcitrant toward deep time, as seen from  Pluto at one end and Mercury at the other . There is a frequent problem for cosmology in that planets and moons are showing signs of relative youth, not billions of years. Indeed, our own moon shows geological activity . Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, only slightly larger than dwarf planet Pluto. But it has a magnetic field (as predicted by biblical creationist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys ). It is also showing recent geological activity. NASA / Johns Hopkins University APL / Carnegie Institution (usage does not imply endorsement) Secular scientists expect that planets cooled after their formation from hot gasses a mighty long time ago, but they are seeing that evidence does not fit their views. Certain features on the surface of Mercury are dated at an upper limit of 300 million years. (Anti-creationists may scoff at this and other upper limits because they don't support bib

A Dinosaur Studies Reformation

While a passel of people are celebrating fear, death, and evil on Halloween, many Christians take note of October 31 as Reformation Day . That is when German priest used the social media of his day, nailing 95 theses to the Wittenberg door. Most movements and revolutions do not happen overnight, and a kind of dinosaur reformation is happening in paleontology right now. I have said that evolutionists are working for creationists , since they are well-heeled but we can analyze their claims — including those about dinosaurs and such. Dinosaur nailing scroll to wooden door made with Bing AI The secular science industry has been making pronouncements in its authority that do not comport with science and logic, using dinosaurs as evolutionary propaganda. Biblical creationists and others look at their assertions, compare them with evidence, and frequently find them lacking. In addition, there is new research that is mighty difficult for secularists to ignore or suppress — even in their own ra

Humans Brains Wired for Visual Perception

Reverend Thomas Bayes (1701-1761) could not have dreamed that his work would be extremely important in statistics, usually in the form of the Bayesian inference . It has been discovered that the human brain uses this advanced cognition ability — built in by the Master Engineer. There is no need here to delve into details of how the theorem or the inference work. Suffice to say that new information reaches the mind, then it is compared to existing knowledge to see if existing knowledge needs to be changed. X-ray-style image of skull and brain, Freeimages / Miranda Knox The complexity of the brain has long been a problem for evolutionists. Interestingly, the paper discussing the experiment that concluded that we are wired for advanced thinking skills is quite interesting. Evolution was mentioned needlessly in it, and the word  design was used. That is far more logical than to think evolution could build the complexities of the human brain. As neurological research continues, it will onl

Cosmologists Dancing in the Dark Energy and Matter

There is a common amazed joke about how forecasters can claim to predict climatic conditions decades in the future, but are wrong about the weather three days hence — and still keep their jobs. What is baffling to this child is how believers in cosmic and other forms of evolution can also be wrong so much and still be employed. Dark matter is supposed to comprise most of the universe, but its existence is occasionally inferred. In 2006, it was alleged is was proven, but that was not so . No real evidence has been found for dark matter and dark energy, but cosmologists still get paid. Peasants dancing image from Library of Congress , background removed , modified, public domain So many years after each of the darks has been alleged to exist, efforts to find anything substantial have failed. Cosmic evolutionists are dancing around the problems by claiming to be excited about their deficiencies (something we have often seen from biological evolutionists), and dancing with joy because they