Grave News About Pterosaurs

Even when the evidence is against them, Darwin's Drones continue to preach their worldview. Nobody in evolution can explain the pterosaurs. They were reptiles capable of powered flight (as opposed to simply gliding), and some were enormous. Perhaps it is a good thing that they are mostly (if not completely) extinct today. A large number of pterosaur bones were spread out in a massive burial area. This is exciting for paleontologists, who believe they can learn details about the creatures. However, they waved aside the possibility of a catastrophic burial, and said that they were buried individually. This is despite the obvious flood markings of the strata, and the fact that the pterosaurs were well-preserved. No explanation is offered to how they evolved, even though a potential wealth of information is becoming available. The best thing to do is to drop the failed evolutionary paradigm and examine the biblical creationist Flood models, which give a far better explanation o...