
A Code Needs a Mind

If I had a notion to type <a href=""><b>Question Evolution Day</b></a>, most people would pay it no nevermind, though many would recognize it as HTML coding. In this text portion of the Weblog, it's only a curiosity and has little function. Putting it where it belongs, you see this link in bold type:  Question Evolution Day . Similarly, Samuel F.B. Morse came up with the first binary code that traveled over the "singing wires" of telegraph lines. Someone who knew that code would send messages to a a clerk who would decode them for the intended recipient. Savvy Native Americans as well as outlaws on the run would cut the lines to hinder communications so town folk couldn't call for help. Image credit: Pixabay / OpenClipartVectors (click link for large image) Languages are complex codes, and anyone with a lick of sense can understand that the words on this site, the

Snowflakes and Crystallography

People in northern latitudes are usually well acquainted with snow, whether the Rocky Mountains, Washington, Michigan, New York, Alberta, Siberia, or wherever. We've seen it coming down hard and heavy, with heaps of it making things downright unsafe to head out to work, especially late in January. Turn this upside down, and areas in the southern hemisphere get snow, just ask the penguins and people in some parts of Australia, for instance (at the right time of year). To see actual crystals is something we may not stop to ponder, but individual snow flakes are quite a wonder. Image credit: FreeImages / "Lufthansa Snowflakes 1 / Harpreet Padam Studying individual snowflakes led to the field of crystallography. Scientists are puzzled as to why water molecules are programmed to have six sides, and why there are over eighty basic types of snow crystals. What does this have to do with evolution? In a way, not a whole lot, because there is no organized complexity. But an evolu

Eugenics, Abortion, and Evolutionary Deceptions

One complaint that is raised against biblical creationists is that we're wasting our time dealing with a biological theory, but evolution is much more than that. Not only does it rely on various scientific fields, it is also a philosophy of life. This is ironic, since evolution is based on death. Evolutionary thinking has given us social applications of Darwinian principles in tyrants like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, and others . This, in turn, is based on eugenics, where the unfit are disallowed to reproduce — and are eliminated. Image credit: Pixabay / Skitterphoto The social Darwinism "science" of eugenics was popular in the United States, but fell out of favor when Adolph Hitler used it in his quest for power. However, eugenics never really disappeared. Eugenics has been used under different names, and is regaining popularity again. The worst way is the evolutionary eugenics is used to justify abortion. Taking the view that God created humans in his image gives a radi

A Frog with Antifreeze?

So, if a creature has no heartbeat, not breathing, is frozen solid, what is the likely medical opinion? "He's dead, Jim." Not necessarily. Some critters have been endowed by their Creator with certain ways of surviving in extreme cold. Why not? They have been enabled to adapt, else we'd have a much larger number of extinctions going on. A spell back, I posted about the "antifreeze" in the Eastern box turtle . There are also some frogs that have similar abilities. Image credit: Modified from US National Park Service The wood frog baffles atoms-to-amphibian evolutionists. Although certain times of year are just what a frog would cotton to, what with insects and all. But when the temperatures go below zero and it turns into a frogsicle, well, how does it survive? During winter in Alaska, the wood frog (Rana sylvatica) freezes so that it looks like a frog-shaped piece of ice. While frozen, the frog stops breathing, its heart stops beating, its blood

False Reporting in the Science Press

Every once in a while, a Conservative radio talk show host will compile sound clips where newscasters and pundits are using the same key words on the same story. I'm not going into political stuff here, this is just a handy example: In 2007, George W. Bush was criticized for needing gravitas, a word that doesn't exactly appear in common speech, and Rush Limbaugh showed how it was suddenly popular on that one topic . This seems to be the way things are done — including the evolutionary propaganda media. Generated at . This could lead to future fun. We have enough problems when scientists make pronouncements of their opinions as if they had done rigorous research, came to valid conclusions, and can support their claims, but were only giving opinions instead. It gets worse when the biased owlhoots who are looking for sensational stories get mighty rambunctious with their stories, all the while singing in harmony. The whole thing turns into a goat rodeo. Then,

Did Birds Have a "Big Bang"?

Another example of evolutionary storytelling is with the alleged evolution of birds. Our fine feathered friends (except at 4 AM on a summer day when I'm trying to sleep in, I don't cotton to that) have been puzzling for bacteria-to- bobolink evolutionists for quite a spell now. Still, they come up with some interesting stories. Not so much science though, that needs evidence and that kind of thing. Image credit: morgueFile / ARTG33K74 Naturally, the "dinosaurs evolved into birds" presupposition is invoked, and other circular reasoning. They also tend to overlook important data and still make unsustainable triumphant proclamations. They still can't change the truth: God created birds and everything else with variety and adaptability, and he did it recently. A recent press release from the National Science Foundation claims that the “big bang” of bird evolution has been mapped, revealing the history and origin of birds, feathers, flight, and song. But do t

Doubts on Human-Chimp DNA Research

For many years, the claim that humans and chimpanzees were extremely similar in DNA was proclaimed by the Evo Sith as a kind of secularist gospel truth. The degree of similarity varied, depending on who you talked to, sometimes as high as 98-99 percent. When this icon of evolutionism was checked and found to be lacking, the science involved seemed to be largely ignored and the "fact" was still spread around. Image assembled from clip art at Clker When creationist scientist Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins re-evaluated the data, he came up with a much smaller similarity. Then the jungle erupted with screams of simians denying the results. However, I was contacted by computer programmer Glenn Williamson who updated me on the results obtained by Dr. Tomkins. At first, I was mighty suspicious, since I get a passel of hassle from tinhorns who want to dismiss creation science material out of hand. Mr. Williamson furnished me with useful links. It turns out that the software that Tomkins