Creation, Genesis, and the Virgin Birth

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Th is article contains links to several items that are articles, videos, and audi o. I realize that this is a busy time of year for many, but if you have some time, I hope you 'll delve into the material. Or maybe save some of the items for a more convenient time. Although there is dispute about the actual day, most people who identify as Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25. No, we are not commanded to celebrate Christmas or Easter, we have the liberty to celebrate or leave it alone . (Saying it's wrong to celebrate because we're not commanded to do so is the argument from silence fallacy. Also, Jesus celebrated Hanukkah, John 10:22–39, although it was not a required observance. Nor are we required to observe Hanukkah , but some think it's a good idea .) We commemorate the day that Jesus Christ, God the Son, our Creator, humbled himself and took on human form for our redemption. Creationists have many reasons to celebrate the day ....