A Genesis Flood Geology Perspective of Tasmania and Australia

While it is useful to see the geology of the Grand Canyon and such in North America, head over to Australia for some fascinating things. If you go way south to Melbourne, you are on your way to the southernmost state of 'Straya, which is Tasmania. Head east, and you can find New Zealand. But not today. Tassie has a thousand islands, the main one is comparable in size to Switzerland or West Virginia, but far less populous. Most of the others are tiny and unpopulated, or have special uses. Tasmania and southeast coast of Australia / Visible Earth, Jacques Descloitres / NASA / GSFC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular geologists draw from their deep-time worldview to explain geological features, but many of those are tendentious and have serious weaknesses. They also tend to ignore interpretations of data that are not according to their uniformitarian beliefs. Creation scientists also operate from their worldview and interpret data based on the biblical narrati...