Dr. Duane Gish and Debating Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Dr. Duane T. Gish was born one hundred years ago today, and was referred to as "creation's bulldog". Thomas Henry Huxley was "Darwin's bulldog [ 1 ]", and C. Richard Dawkins was nicknamed "Darwin's Rottweiler [ 2 ]". The bulldog monikers refer to tenaciously advocating viewpoints. Original image furnished by Why?Outreach Today is the 100th anniversary of Dr. Gish's birth. He was involved in the foundation of the Creation Research Society and the development of the Institute for Creation Research [ 3 ]. He was 92 when he passed away in 2013. Here are some tributes and biographical sketches [ 4 ], [ 5 ], [ 6 ] ). Duane gave many lectures, as well as writing numerous books and articles. Many fish-to-Gish evolutionists and atheists with knowledge and life experience know of him from his 300 or so debates where evolutionists chose to slap leather with him. The Infamous "Gish Gallop" Trope Unfortunately, a pejora...