More Evidence of Noah's Flood in Australia

stock.xchng/liqfx Fossil graveyards have been discovered for many years, and more are being found. The fossils recently discovered in Geebung (near Brisbane) fit the biblical creationist Flood geology model quite well, despite the attempts of uniformitarian evolutionists to say otherwise. Overpass construction at Geebung, a northern Brisbane suburb, has dug up fossils of crocodiles, frogs, fish, shells and plants, buried in the last stages of Noah’s Flood, about 4,500 years ago. A piling rig recovered the fossils from a layer of oil shale some 15 m underground and dumped them in a spoil heap, where they were noticed. The fossils were within an area of sedimentary deposits that geologists have called the Petrie Formation. These cover an area of some 50 km north of the mouth of the Brisbane River. The Petrie Formation is one of a number of Tertiary basins in the Brisbane area, which include the Booval and Oxley Groups south of the Brisbane River. These basins consi...