Space Aliens and Worldviews

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People have speculated about life on other worlds, whether in our solar system or farther away, for a long time. To hear some people talk, it is a certainty that life exists out there, thataway. There are people who sincerely, passionately, believe that space aliens can be found at Area 51. Credit: Pixabay / Matthias Wewering A good part of this alien enthusiasm comes from presupposing deep time and atoms-to-aliens evolution. Sure are a lot of stars up yonder, and there must be many planets. On those planets, intelligent life must have evolved and developed amazing space travel abilities. It's all in the numbers, right? via GIPHY Centuries ago (I'm feeling old today), I fully believed in space aliens. Did I have evidence? Not hardly! In fact, nobody has any actual hard evidence . Like evolution, there are assumptions leading to conclusions, circular reasoning, wishful thinking, and more. Interesting that many atheists believe in extraterr...