
Showing posts with the label Brainwashing

British Evolution Indoctrination as Education

There was a time when educational institutions were places of learning, and for preparing young people to deal with the challenges of the world. Students were taught critical thinking and logic, and even how to present a strong debate. Not any longer. If a cowboy was to look at only the horses in one corral and claim that he has found the best horse in the whole wide world, that would be silly. Suppose he checked out the occupants of three corrals and made the same claim. Also silly. He might have a valid claim if he said, "I have examined the horses in three corrals, and the best one is that one over there." That's quite a bit more reasonable because he limited his claim and increased the amount of information that he had to work with. Biblical creationists (and a few others) lament how modern education does not do well in teaching critical thinking; creationists still try to teach people how to think, while secularists tell people what to think. We have seen b...

Accelerated Evolutionary Indoctrination of Children

Back in 2010, an atheopath on Twitter made a comment along the lines of, "Creatures are born atheist". I challenged him that his statement is an unprovable assumption. (Telling the truth gained me a stalker for a few years.) Shortly after, we learned that children are born believing in God ! This supports what the Bible teaches. But like any totalitarian knows, gotta get 'em while they're young and get that brainwashing going! Even though dust-to-Dawkins evolution is untrue, unprovable, untestable, unrepeatable, is a hindrance  to science, is ignored in biological sciences, well hey, it must  be taught, children must  believe in evolution. Why? My answer is that these Darwinista owlhoots want more recruits in their rebellion against the Creator, so they are getting more aggressive and Machiavellian in their tactics, including "reeducation". Interesting that the atheistic Soviet Union not only imprisoned, tortured, and executed Christians, but sent them t...

Christians Teaching Evolution to Children — YES!

Shielding children from atheistic interpretations of origins is not a good idea, because they will learn about common-ancestor evolution. It comes from all kinds of source, including entertainment, documentaries, friends — and education systems. Also, people need to know the predominant worldviews that they will encounter in life. This applies to public school, Christian school, and homeschooled students . Generated at If you study on it a mite, you'll see that it's best for the young 'uns to learn about evolution from knowledgeable Christians. Otherwise, they'll be given the best "evidence" without the flaws, and conjectures presented as "scientific research". Sure, everyone interprets and examines the world around them in light of their own worldviews, but evolutionists are disingenuous, and actively oppose evidence that is contrary to evolution. That's not education, old son, that's brainwashing! They're not abov...

Evolutionary Proselytizing Advantages

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Proponents of particles-to-propagandist evolution have an easy job. The groundwork has been laid by false science, popular opinion, appeals to authority, other logical fallacies, and especially through emotional manipulation. Propaganda techniques include: Using entertainment media Dominating the press Concentration and repetition Emotional manipulation Creating a common enemy to hate (such as biblical creation science) Pseudo-deification of a leader (done with Darwin, Dawkins, Nye, Tyson, and others) Appeal to a higher good ("science" education) Confusion (equivocating  evolution  and  science ) Arbitrary assertions Fraud peddled as science Control of textbooks Ridicule and more Since the scientific evidence is strongly against the  cult of evolutionism , fundamentalist evolutionists resort to emotional manipulation maneuvers resembling, "Real science is free of inflexible dogma and subject to independent peer review. Creati...

More Evolutionary Indoctrination of Children

“If you insist on teaching your children false-hoods—that the Earth is flat, that "Man" is not a product of evolution by natural selection—then you must expect, at the very least, that those of us who have freedom of speech will feel free to describe your teachings as the spreading of falsehoods, and will attempt to demonstrate this to your children at our earliest opportunity. Our future well-being—the well-being of all of us on the planet—depends on the education of our descendants.”  ― Daniel C. Dennett, Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life Darwin's Drones are constantly increasing their efforts to get people to believe in materialistic evolution. Perhaps they are upset that America, which makes significant contributions to the world in science and technology, still has a significant number of the population rejecting godless evolutionism . Some atheists make the absurd faith-based assertion (wishful thinking, really) that all cre...

Should Christians Teach Children About Evolution?

Occasionally, some creationists will post comments along the lines of, "I'll only teach the truth of creation to my kids, none of that evil-ution stuff in my house!" Unfortunately, this well-intentioned mindset does a disservice to young people because they cannot be insulated from evolution because it is pervasive and foundational to all sorts of evil. / "Studying Hard" / twinkledee Instead, we must present evolution — but within a biblical framework. We need to show not only the evidence that overwhelmingly supports creation and the Bible, but also the flaws of evolution that are seldom presented in a secular setting. Further, we need to teach them to think critically so they can see the flaws in the logic of evolution's proponents, and that evidence is interpreted through worldviews. Otherwise, when evolution is presented to them as fact (including "evidence" that is nothing more than speculations, hypotheses and even gu...

Bad Arguments from Evolutionists

When defending the truth of biblical creation science, sometimes we need to correct enthusiastic but inaccurate creationists about using bad arguments. It is indeed unfortunate that evolutionists do not feel the same way about correcting their  uninformed supporters. The article linked below describes several arguments that are common on the Web. Some of us are more public than others, so we encounter them frequently. It infuriates some of Darwin's Cheerleaders that we often know more about evolution than they do, and have to correct them about their own belief system! Why  they feel the need to patrol the Web and attack evolution unbelievers, I can only guess. Some even claim that they are protecting "science". Ridiculous. Science does not need protecting!  In fact, true science flourishes when scientists will examine contrary evidence instead of suppressing it like people are doing today. One "argument" that is not on the list is when we get people who ...

Evolution Thought Police Increase UK Creation Censorship

Evolution, under the guise of "science", is not taught with the evidence and critical thinking . Only one side of the evidence for evolution is presented in textbooks , which is nothing less than indoctrination. "Humanist" organizations and "science education" groups campaign to have any semblance of creation science removed from the classrooms. Groups like the NCSE and Australian Skeptics claim to be religiously neutral , but that is the opposite of the truth. The NCSE's activities show that they are opposed to free speech  and are willing to indulge in emotional manipulation . The BCSE is also blatantly disingenuous .  Darwin's Stormtroopers, the evolutionists who pa-TROLL the Web in the name of "science", display the same kind of intellectual acumen and integrity of their masters. That is, attack the person, equivocate evolution with science, protect "science" (as if science really needs protection!), misrepresent the ...

Questioning the Evolution Propagandists

The mainstream media and the science press have a few things in common. One is the presentation of one-sided news. Both are fond of the sensational stuff, and will be inaccurate to further their worldviews as well as increase sales. Secularists in the science press will take discoveries that are not yet fully analyzed, grab take the speculations of scientists or even make up their own "facts" by twisting or even ignoring actual facts . When given only one side of the story and getting dishonest with the truth, they go beyond propaganda and into brainwashing. Unfortunately, people are no longer trained to think analytically. Instead, they believe what "scientists say" and "studies show" . The more enthusiastic of Darwin's Cheerleaders will call us "liars" for daring to ask questions and show flaws in logic. (Ironically, when they call us liars for presenting evidence that they do not like, they are the ones who are liars, because they...

Making "Nutcracker Man" Dance

Give evolutionists some scraps of bone and rock, call an artist and stand back. Using their preconceptions, imaginations, speculations, guesses, commitment to naturalism and a boatload of logical fallacies, and you get something to put in a museum to promote an evolutionary worldview. As a bonus, it's promoted as science. (Know the difference between fantasy sports players and Darwin's Cheerleaders? Fantasy sports people are based in reality .) For example, look at "Nutcracker Man". "Nutcracker" courtesy of artur84 / First, Mary Leakey found a skull in 1959. Bits and pieces were found over the years, then more parts were found recently. Although there is dispute, this critter that apparently swung from trees is alleged to be an example of evolution in action. Actually, it is an example of fantasy evolution sports and a creature that became extinct. All the storytelling and imagination in the world cannot make Nutcracker Man danc...

Book Review: "The Deception" by Steven J. Wright

Review by Cowboy Bob Sorensen “To believe in creation, you have to believe in a God.  But what evidence is there for God anyway?  And if you were to find that evidence, how would you know which God was the correct one?  Doesn’t Hinduism have millions of gods?  Maybe one of them is the real god, and he or she created everything instead of the Judeo-Christian God.  Or what if it is the Christian God?  How would you know which of the thousands of denominations is the correct one to follow?  I might add that many ancient cultures and religions have similar myths on origins.  It goes to show that folklores get passed down and shared from culture to culture, but there is no scientific evidence to support them.  That’s why they are called myths.   “Class, I’m not here to debate God.  I have my own beliefs, but this is a science class, and we only study the natural things—the things that can be tested and proven with experiments. ...

Brainwashed to believe in evolution

"Whenever someone punctures the theory of evolution, he or she is subject to character assassination, so vested is the left in the philosophy of naturalism." — Jim Fletcher Whenever someone dares to show flaws in the religion of evolutionism, they are subject to ridicule. Why is that? I mean, really? If the "theory" of evolution can stand on its own merits, and if the spirit of true scientific inquiry is alive and well, evidences against evolution would be examined.  Media have always been biased, usually outrageously biased. All thinking people realize both liberals and conservatives are biased, although the liberal-dominated media in America point that finger at conservatives.  Though conservatives have a quasi-conservative news network, TV's deck is quite stacked in favor of liberals. The three major news networks have been dominated by a left-wing worldview for decades, and if you don't believe me, read extensively about Uncle Walter Cron...