Unintentional Evolutionary Humor

Sometimes, evolutionary "explanations" require the suppression of remarks like, "You gotta be kidding!" in public because they are ridiculous even on the surface. Of course, if a silly explanation of how something evolved is challenged, you may have to endure the standard, "What's your degree in?", as if only the educated elite are allowed to challenge evolution. But I know stupid stuff when I hear it. Evolutionists attempt to use their worldviews and extrapolate faulty principles with unintentionally humorous results. Sometimes Darwinians are funny. They take themselves so seriously, applying natural selection to everything on earth except their own seriousness. Charlie Green: At New Scientist, Mark van Vugt and Vladas Griskevicius think a little applied Darwinism can turn us a different color. “ Let’s use evolution to turn us green ,” they said. People want to be green, but they are too stuck in their old ways. Why? It may be...