
Showing posts with the label Discovery Institute

Consciousness and Sleep Defy Evolution

For the most part, believers in universal common descent evolution are naturalists. That is, nature is all that exists. No room for spirits, the Creator, or other intangibles. Atheists and evolutionists cannot legitimately account for consciousness so they dismiss it as an illusion. Naturalism cannot be lived consistently, as logic, morality, love, and other things are not material. They have those in their lives anyway. Somehow, naturalists are reluctantly admitting that consciousness cannot be a product of matter, and believe it is manifest in all sorts of things,  which is panpsychism . Sleeping Sailor / Henry Scott Tuke, ca. 1905 Consciousness indicates that something exists beyond naturalism, so secularists try to find physical answers for the mind  and have bizarre ideas for the soul . They also have to take sleep into account. Sleep is necessary and it is restorative. The Creator also designed us to have physical and mental benefits during sleep time, but also the physical proc

The Ascendency of Charles Darwin

Huge numbers of books have been written about historical events and notable people, often attempting to go beyond recounting events. The lives and personalities of important figures are explored — and explanations for their actions are attempted. One of these is Charles Darwin. People may think that science was shaken by the wonderful discovery of evolution by natural selection, but that is not true. As discussed previously, significant events seldom happen spontaneously. Events, culture, help from others, and more helped Darwin attain popularity . Charles Darwin preaching in a church, made with AI at Bing The article linked below is by Neil Thomas, writing for the Discovery Institute. Although he is a professing agnostic (and Christians should be praying for him), he does not show contempt for Christianity. He has made a few mistakes, which is to be expected. Neil pointed out that Victorian England had reached a point where people were doubting the Bible, and this was exacerbated by i

Evolutionary Ideas Cannot Account for Singing

A spell back, we looked at music and the human mind . This child believes that music is a gift from the Creator. Darwinists may try to evosplain it away, but animal sounds, ape grunts, and all that cannot account for music. Consider singing. This is another word where context and definitions are important. Someone may say that whale and bird vocalizations are singing, for example. Some bird songs may last a few seconds and seem elaborate, but should not be likened to human songs. Interior with merrily singing peasants / Vincent Malo, ca. 1635 (PD) Although there are some exceptions, a song contains words for singing. People sing songs for recordings, spontaneously with others, and other reasons. Singing can communicate whatever emotions people feel like expressing. There are songs that start out quiet, build into something more raucous, drop down in intensity — then, let's rock the joint ! Apes, insects, and birds do not deliberately compose songs. You savvy that, Pilgrim? A chann

Guppy Variations and — Mosquito Control?

The Master Engineer designed many creatures to be able to adapt and make changes so they do not easily die out. One of the move obvious kinds are guppies, the Poeciliidae family. They make changes, but do not turn into something else. Darwin's disciples often falsely call speciation and variation "evolution." These fish are very popular among aquarists, as they are colorful, not overly sensitive to conditions, and tend to play well with others. The originals were frontloaded with genetic information that is switched on and off through epigenetics. Aquarists like to breed and hybridize them. Guppy, Wikimedia Commons / 5snake5  ( PD ) Interestingly, they like to chow down on mosquito larvae. That means fewer mosquitos which also cuts down on the malaria problem. And you thought guppies were just cute. (Yes, I am using guppy  as a kind of catch-all word.) Research is being done to let them feast for mutual benefit, them and us. Also, guppies not only adapt, but do it quickly

Materialists Attacking Each Other

Although it is not something that attracts a great deal of attention of the general public, there are occasions when materialists spit venom at one another. Some things that this child has seen is that some atheists are not vicious enough to please other atheists. Misotheists lead the charge against Intelligent Design and biblical creation science, showing hostility toward people who have views that they dislike. As mentioned before, the ID movement is distinctly non-creationist as a whole, but atheists still portray it as creation science. The Ambush , Albert Bierstadt, 1876 Folks like Clinton Richard Dawkins as well as many other professing atheists are committed to materialism; material is all there is, therefore, no God. When someone says that God exists, that person is considered stupid and anti-science. However, atheists have a fundamentally-flawed epistemology and they presuppose a universe without God, They claim to love science and logic, but their reasoning is irrational. Ev

No Evolution of the Immaterial Mind

Believers in minerals-to-mentalist evolution think that the brain as well as the other amazingly complex organs happened through materialistic means. Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin's friend and rival, could not accept that the mind  was a materialistic process, suggesting a kind of Intelligent Design . Indeed, believing in evolution itself requires amazing credulity, but guesses by scientists as to how the mind evolved may cause people to wonder if they have any idea what they are talking about. Evidence of intelligence from ancient man flusters evolutionists. Mind and brain art, FreeDigitalPhotos /  MR LIGHTMAN It is human nature to want to grow, expand, change, develop, and all that good stuff. To sit around doing nothing for huge amounts of time after we supposedly evolved goes against human nature , especially since so much has happened in just a few centuries. Our ancient ancestors were intelligent, not stupid brutes like the story of evolution requires. The article fea

Darwin, Racism, and Evolution

Although much of what Charles Darwin wrote is now ignored, he is treated with reverence by many admirers. Indeed, he is the Prophet of evolutionism. When posting material about his racist views, atheists are often outraged — outraged , I tell you! It has been said that discussing his racism is an ad hominem . He was a product of his times, after all. That means it is irrelevant, but they still  tidy it up . Not hardly! It was instrumental in his philosophies and what he presented as science. Muddy river with rocks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is well documented that Charlie considered white people the top prize of evolution while those with darker skin were closer to apes. He also said that eventually, civilized people would exterminate lesser races and apes. (I never understood why that would be necessary except in his worldview.) Racism was fundamental to his version of evolution. As for being a product of his times — not buying it. There were prominent white people in Victoria

Judicial Bias in the Kitzmiller v. Dover Case

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  In late 2005, the Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District trial was held in a US federal court. Many lies were told from the get-go, including that it violates the establishment of religion clause of the US Constitution. But Dover asking students to realize that Darwinism is not proven and to check out other points of view is not establishing any religion. Secularists keep using that trick and getting away with it with schools, local governments, and others to keep them quaking in their boots. It may seem puzzling that this court case from several years ago is being discussed up here. One reason is that anti-creationists bring it up when discussing creationism (and especially the Intelligent Design movement). Another is that, as hinted above, it has repercussions and set a precedent for activists who want to protect evolution from scrutiny. Anti-creationists and anti-Intelligent Design folks repeat several things that are clearly false as if they had been prove

Military Biomimetics and Butterflies

As stated before, biomimetics  is when scientists observe in nature and try to imitate certain abilities or characteristics of organisms for our purposes. Hummingbird wing motions for use in aerial vehicles, the navigability and structure in the boxfish, woodpeckers for brain cushions , and a passel of other things. Military minds are always on the lookout for developments that can give an edge over enemies, and it is surprising that butterflies are being studied. Another surprise is that the research is not for flight, but for submarines. Monarch butterfly, Pixnio / Nextreader Creationists have used butterflies as examples of the Master Engineer's brilliance during the amazing metamorphosis time, and also how monarchs have amazing migration . Like some other critters, monarchs tune in to the earth's magnetic field — but these venture to a place they've never been! These small, delicate creatures are a problem for universal common descent evolution. You can probably think

Panda Thumbs and Bad Atheistic Theology

Atheists and other anti-creationists use Stephen Jay Gould's claim that the panda has an ineffective thumb as an argument against creation and Intelligent Design, but this dysteleology fails in several areas. One should be glaring obvious: Why would a bear need a thumb like humans have? The comparison is not valid, as we are different creatures with different life niches. Gould and subsequent followers claim that it is a scientific refutation of creation and ID, but it is not a scientific argument ! It is philosophical — really, it is theological. Modified from "Giant Panda Tai Shan" /  Fernando Revilla / Wikimedia Commons Misotheists are very fond of "bad design" arguments, which is silly. They do not believe God exists, but presume to fault him for things in nature that (in their unhumble opinions ) are flawed. Those of us who use presuppositional apologetics can show that anti-creationists are not consistent with their own belief system, especially when they

Charles Darwin and the Methods of God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  This here article was written with some reluctance, first because the linked article is a book excerpt. Second, it is from the Discovery Institute, the main site of the Intelligent Design people. Regular readers may have noticed that I am using material from that site a bit more, but I tend to include biblical creationist material in my write-ups. This one is worth doing because other biblical creationists and I want people to learn how  to think, while atheists and secularists tell them what  to think. Some things about Darwin's logic need to be addressed. Charles Darwin dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight via Bing AI, which made the devil resemble  Homo habilis There are disagreements about whether or not Charles Darwin was an atheist, especially since he claimed agnosticism. Part of his dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight was his determination to put down creationism, viewing it as unscientific. His way of dealing with it was through met

The Origins Controversy and Religious Motivation

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Evolution News and Science Today  is run by the Discovery Institute, the leading proponents of Intelligent Design. Despite what propagandists for universal common descent evolution claim, ID is not  creation science in disguise. An article on that site, " Are Proponents of ID Religiously Motivated, and Does It Matter? " inspired this one. The author, Dr. Jonathan McLatchie, made some excellent points in his response to a critic, especially noting that logical fallacies were utilized — which is typical of advocates of evolutionism. Image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified with FotoSketcher Dr. McLatchie pointed out that when the critic of ID claimed that they were religiously motivated, it was a genetic fallacy (also, it poisons the well) . What is too often ignored is the fact that secularists are religiously motivated themselves, as many have religions without deities. This screenshot from X (formerly Twitter) shows a religious attitude toward Dragon Ba

Evolutionists Cannot Explain Carnivorous Plants

Bugs for lunch, what a marvelous idea! No, this is not about nutty leftist environmentalists , but rather, something that is in the environment: carnivorous plants. Although not envying their diets, creationists have been discussing pitcher plants and Venus fly traps for years. Pitcher plants are slippery and flytraps snap shut, but there are several other kinds of these plants. While it is true that questions are raised about the existence of carnivorous plants in a very good  creation, biblical creationists take on those challenges . Venus flytraps, morgueFile / xianstudio Carnivory in the plant world is not explainable by evolutionary speculations. One way to evosplain them is to say that various types of these plants "evolved independently" multiple times, but that is sometimes annoying even to Darwin's disciples. In addition, there are disparate mechanisms in place in each kind of plant, each contributing to irreducible complexity: Every part must be in place and w

The Fading of the Alleged Fact of Evolution

As discussed here several times before, a movement, revolution, or other large effect on a society seldom spontaneously generates. Mayhaps you have heard how something was "ahead of its time" or the world was not ready for it. Conditions were not right for that thing. Other sweeping changes occur, leaving people wondering how they took root. Slowly. Charles Darwin is treated like a brilliant scientist for creating evolution, but that is the opposite of the truth . The conditions in Victorian England were right for his conjectures, and the prominent Huxleys helped him out . Darwin caricature, 1871, Vanity Fair , modified at At the time of Darwin and even before, people were becoming more blatantly rebellious to God and disrespectful to the Bible. (Interestingly, the only degree that Charlie earned was in theology, which lends credence to the suggestion that he lifted the biblical creation narrative and was making a naturalistic religious text!) Many factors came toge

Surprisingly Christian Material on Intelligent Design Site

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  When perusing Evolution News , the primary website of the Discovery Institute, there seems to be a great deal of self promotion. There is also quite a bit of science and philosophy. There are scientists involved, and it is reasonable to think that they publish in secular scientific journals just like creationists. My problems with the ID movement are that while they show unguided  evolutionary processes are not possible, it has a big tent. That is, there are agnostics, biblical creationists, what appear to be theistic evolutionists, and others involved. Sometimes Christians there seemed to be reluctant to mention the Creator. Also, I am a biblical creationist and presuppositionalist. Neon question mark, Unsplash / Emily Morter Everyone has presuppositions, things we assume to be true, that comprise our worldviews . Biblical presuppositionalists presuppose that the Bible is true  and the final standard of truth. "Ya think, Cowboy Bob?" Yes, I had to be

Newborn Children Testify of the Creator

Even people who are not religious have been known to say that the arrival of a new baby into the world is a miracle. It could be rightly said that the birth event is a culmination of a whole suite of awesome circumstances. Conception itself is amazing, usually only one sperm cell reaches the egg. Many aspects of the development of the child in the womb have been documented, but we still cannot understand the ways of the Creator (Ecclesiastes 11:5).  Portrait of an Infant , Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1881 Parents are responsible to bring them up "discipline and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4). Many new parents look upon the new arrival and wonder what this new person will achieve in life. Of course, they may not seem "destined for greatness" and their greatest achievements may appear later in life. From conception through birth, a child testifies of the creator.  The phenomenal layers of design manifested in the biochemistry of the cell and the physiological an

James Tour and Lee Cronin on the Origin of Life

Darwin skeptic Dr. James Tour has been in the news related to Intelligent Design lately, quite probably because he is a brilliant scientist and outspoken Christian. He issued a challenge to ten origin-of-life researchers , but not one rose to accept it. A few months back, he had a debate with atheopath Dave Farina. It did not go well. Farina is abusive and irrational, and Dr. Tour also got excited but was not offensive . Something similar happened with Drs. Tour and Cronin. My Pond-Full-o-Algae photo modified at PhotoFunia In a pair of articles by Casey Luskin, we learn that Dr. Lee Cronin agreed to have a public discussion with Dr. Tour. Apparently Cronin was civil, he still managed to say things that were untrue about Tour, and he spent a quite a bit of time focusing on his opponent rather than dealing with the science. James talked about origin-of-life science and its tremendous problems, but Lee seems to have avoided the subject for the most part. There was a recent exchange at The

Assumed Atheism Harming Religious Students

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Internet atheists express their hatred of God and bigotry toward Christians quite freely from the safety of their keyboards, and they insist on asserting false facts. One of these is that creationists believe "God did it" is a sufficient scientific explanation for something. They are unable to meet the challenge to produce a creation scientist who uses that idea. Another false fact is that if someone is not an atheist, he or she is not a real scientist. Although ridiculous, it shows their bigotry. It is also a way to control science itself to fit their own naturalistic beliefs. Train waiting on tracks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I read long ago in a UFO publication is that they first seek natural and rational explanations before appealing to UFOs. I have seen a similar view used by paranormal researchers (never mind whether or not experiences were genuine). In simple terms, science uses methodological naturalism . While Christians presupp

The Beneficent Mystery of Sleep

Sleep is something we may take for granted or even resent its intrusion. Others find it a way to escape from the troubles of daily life for a while. Sometimes it simply feels good. While it is considered a restful state, there is a great deal of unconscious activity happening. There are many studies of what happens during sleep and that it or something similar is vital to most creatures. One evolutionist said that sleep is our default state, and that we evolved wakefulness. No science there, just narrative-friendly speculation. Sleeping jaguar, Pixabay / edmondlafoto Getting the proper amount of sleep on a regular basis is essential, and we feel the effects when deprived. Sluggishness, dull thinking, irritability, and so on. My experience is pertinent here. Since my beloved Charlene was stricken and died shortly afterward, I have one of many results of acute grief: poor sleep. This affects decision making, coherence, writing, and so much more. A good night's sleep is rare for me. F

Alfred Russel Wallace, the Victorian Outsider

Over at Evolution News and Science Today , an Intelligent Design site operated by the Discovery Institute, Alfred Russel Wallace is receiving a great deal of attention in his bicentennial year. Professor Michael A. Flannery has written a book and several articles about Wallace. A spell back, I wrote about whether or not we would have evolutionary theory if Charles Darwin had never been born . Since evolution is ancient, it would have been assembled and popularized in a "scientific" format. Alfie almost did that, but Charlie got to the publisher first. Alfred Russel Wallace, ca. 1865 A.F. Wallace did quite a bit of science, but he was eclipsed by Darwin . A problem for him both then and now is that he dabbled in many areas, some of which seemed frivolous. Wallace seemed like an interesting individual. But the Bearded Buddha focused on his own specific areas, which was apparently applauded instead of the multi-faceted aspects of Alfred. Also, Wallace was a kind of forerunner of