
Showing posts with the label Bigotry

Atheism and Evolutionism are Collapsing

While the belief that there is no God has been around for centuries, obstreperous misotheism had its heyday in the early 2000s. Ridicule of Christians, biblical creationists, and the Intelligent Design was rampant. Some people like that are still around on social(ist) media. Ironically, atheists claim to believe in science and reason, but precious little logic can be observed. The face of this version of atheism has been C. Richard Dawkins. He and others have been making money from hatred and bigotry, playing to like-minded folks. Some are dying off and replacements are not sought . Colorized version of "1889 Guy" with shattering atheism image provided by Why?Outreach Indeed, atheism is becoming irrelevant. People are seeking answers instead entertainment through bullying. Christians who know about presuppositional apologetics and epistemology surprise professing atheists by standing up to them instead of cowering from the superpowers of the Mighty Atheist™ . Societal trends

Wikipedia Suppresses Knowledge on Creation and Intelligent Design

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is amusing in attacks on creationists when believers in fish-to-fool evolution claim to use peer-reviewed scientific journals for information, then proceed to throw links to Wikipedia at us. Anyone who uses it can see frequent requests for users to chime in and improve articles. And donate money. Wikipedia is not exactly reliable as a source of information*, probably because many articles can be edited by the public. One ludicrous article  admits that Wikipedia has errors but is up to the readers to check out the sources and make up our own minds. Yeah, sure. Some of their articles have huge numbers of references to weed through — and omits important evidence when it does not fit the worldviews of their writers! Despite its claim of neutrality, Wikipedia is extremely biased in some areas. Frustrated woman studying at computer, Pexels / energepic Wikipedia says it is unbiased. Well, sure. They can say  anything. But the facts do not support the claim. I freely

Decolonization and the Destruction of Science

Several instances of how the secular science industry is espousing leftist causes have been examined, and to be blunt, their worldview of atheistic naturalism and the left's Marxist ideology are compatible. Therefore, it should not be surprising to see that things are worsening. A spell back, we looked at " Wokeness and Canceling Science ." By saddling up with the politically correct crowd and "being woke", the secular science industry is destroying itself — and harming many people who are trying to just do science work. Pixabay / Simona Leftists are using injustices — real and imagined — to obtain power through manipulation. This involves redefining words. "Woke" in their parlance means that white people are bad, all are automatically racist, so leftists tell people of color they're victims to get them angry. Manipulate them into being useful idiots for Marxist ideology. Tell the big lies and repeat them. Rappers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg have net w

Dismantling an Atheist Noah's Ark Meme

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Misotheists have a nasty habit of lying and misrepresenting God, the Bible, creation science, Christians, the Genesis Flood, and Noah's Ark — just to name a few. For the Ark, they may be thinking of the cringeworthy " Bathtub" versions  from children's storybooks. Misotheists also like "memes". In internet usage, they are basically captioned pictures. But atheists are not very good at them because they are irrational and easily dismantled by thinking people. I happened across one that was ridiculing Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark at Answers in Genesis, Unsplash / Elias Null Atheopaths don't want us to argue or debate what we  actually  believe and teach. Rather, they try to have us defend straw men. Indeed, when debating, taking cheap shots or using logical fallacies makes the accuser lose credibility. An informed, skilled debater goes after the strong points of his opponent's view and allows a reasoned response. This is rare

Evolutionists Offended by Word Choices

By Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are arguments that evolutionists should not use [1] , and a different way to supplement this is how some make false arguments about word choices. Many items will be referenced below, but this child is not endorsing them. Misotheists and other evolutionists feign outrage about the words we use, but those are disingenuous at best. These objections serve as red herrings, distracting from the points being made. In addition, such pretense at offense is often used for straw man arguments, the genetic fallacy , and ad hominem  attacks. Original image: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake They are very angry people, and when they claim to believe in reason and logic, it's often quite difficult to see anti-creationists use such things. Words Cause Discomfort A common malison hurled by promoters of atoms-to-atheist evolution toward creationists is that we use words they dislike. When seeking ammunition against Christians and creationists, anti-creationists are all over thei

The Purpose-Driven Darwinist

It seems reasonable to assume that people who have been schooled, earned doctorates, and obtained jobs in the secular science industry would know about particles-to-paleontologist evolution would understand their own paradigm. While any area of science will have disagreements, evolutionists are as organized as ball bearings in a blender. They do not know how evolution works, forgetting that it is supposed to be blind, pitiless, and indifferent; teleology is  streng verboten . They appeal to purpose anyway. Mostly made at  PhotoFunia  (click for larger) Before we look at the misuse of the concept of evolution by those who should know better, let's take a look at how misotheists have a faulty understanding of the concept. As we have seen many times, those who are in rebellion against God will accept and repeat practically any platitude that seems to support their views. For example, a vehement misotheist who not only hates God, but is a bigot against Christians (especially biblical c

The Religious Intolerance of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen many times that not only are atheists very religious , but evolutionism is also religious in nature . Obviously, people will object to both of those facts because atheism has no deity, and evolution is "science. Atheists are frequently disingenuous. One glaring example is their redefinition of atheism as "lack of belief" instead of "believes there is no God or gods". They conveniently neglect definitions of religion  that do not involve organized worship services or a deity. Secular humanism is a deity-free religion as well, and evolution is an  ancient pagan religion  that Charles Darwin gussied up in a lab coat.  Image credit before modification: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake The idealized form of science is very different from reality. Science should be sharpened through challenges and thinking beyond the consensus, and different ideas should be evaluated. If a theory or hypothesis turns rancid, it should be thrown away inste

Angry Atheists Exterminate Reason

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited 19 October 2022  When I began doing creation science on weblogs and social media several years ago, I was startled and even intimidated by the vituperation of professing atheists and other anti-creationists. Christians and creationists can be prepared and see that their suits of armor are rusty and full of holes. After learning more about what creationists teach and  learning about logical fallacies , it became much easier to see how those who hate us actually do not use the science, logic and reason that they espouse. Indeed, many that we encounter in various places on the internet (especially social media) seem to actively turn away from using reason. Many times, they set up camp on various internet forums and on Facebook Pages, celebrating how they abuse Christians and biblical creationists. (Indeed, I have seen "reviews" of books, videos, music, and so on where the material is voted down because it is contrary to atheistic preferen