
Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

Lone Ranger Dinosaur Makes Tracks

There are several areas that have fossilized dinosaur tracks, which is quite remarkable if you think on it. Glen Rose, Texas has a significant number of them. They are easy to see at Dinosaur Valley State Park . Sounds like an interesting place to visit. During a time of drought in 2022, even more tracks were exposed. Paleontologists and other folks were excited to see them. One trackway is impressively long, apparently made by  Acrocanthosaurus atokensis . One tell-tale sign is that it has claws on its feet. Acrocanthosaurus atokensis , Wikimedia Commons / Petr Menshikov ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ), modified Hey, Cowboy Bob! How is  A. atokensis on the beach like Christmas? Because of its sandy claws ! Moving on... Secular scientists have some imaginative stories to tell about how they formed, but like so many other attempted explanations by Darwinists, they do not withstand scrutiny. With a proper understanding of sedimentation during the Genesis Flood, forming and fossilization of the tracks

Radiometric Dating has Fatal Flaws

When someone claims to be a former creationist, there are many telling signs that invariably appear. One is lack of knowledge of biblical creation science. Second, poor knowledge of theology. Third, they attack creationism, defend evolution and especially an old Earth. In their passionate efforts, the fourth trait is to show misunderstanding of dating methods. There are other things apostates show, but their claims that dating methods prove an old Earth are of interest at this time. Also, they are welcomed by atheists and other anti-creationists. Zircon octahedral crystal, Flickr / candiru (PD) Radiometric dating is often treated as a creation killer since biblical creationists hold to the earth being thousands of years old while these dating methods seem to show millions or billions of years. Contrary evidence, or evidence supporting recent creation, is downplayed. (I remember an atheist bringing up the age of the earth and using a preemptive strike with the genetic fallacy , saying

Worldviews and the Value of Human Life

Although many Western countries developed from Christian principles, they are becoming increasingly secular. Even so, there are still some undercurrents of those ideals in society. A woman announces that she is expecting a child and people celebrate. Ultrasound pictures are shown. Expectant parents love this person they have never met in the flesh. Evolution devalues humanity and atheists desperately cling to that myth. It is not just a biological subject but a worldview. Evolutionists consider all forms of life to be related — and equally meaningless. But they cannot consistently live with such beliefs. Woman showing ultrasound, Unsplash / Christin Noelle People with a secular (indeed, anti-Christian) worldview celebrate death. People like this are usually on the political left, and it has been said that abortion is like a sacrament for them. They celebrate the killing of unborn babies! And yet, they get involved in conservation efforts and want to save the baby seals. The Christian

Scarabs — the way they Roll

These creatures are quite interesting, and some people even specialize in studying them. Scarab seems kind of formal, and the common name is dung beetle . This is a good time to wonder if the Creator was showing his sense of humor, as these beetles were designed to use dung for survival. The scarab was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. One reason is that they symbolized death and rebirth, and part of that was because their sun god supposedly rolled the sun across the heavens each day. Seems kind of inefficient. Dung beetles having a ball,  Pixabay /  debbiedejager Dung beetles need great balls of poo to survive, so they confiscate it in an unusual way: going backward. They do not have their eyes on the prize, but rather the other end, pushing it with their back legs. Amazingly, they know where they're going. Not all scarabs navigate by the light of day, either. Darwin's disciples try to evosplain the behavior, but fail. Dung beetles are dependent upon animal manure for their ex

Megalakes of the Sahara

Long ago, the Sahara was a really great place. Lots of lakes, good for fishing and swimming — it probably was not called Sahara, as that name is derived from Arabic  ṣaḥrāʾ which means desert. The fact that the region was wet is known to researchers. Something in dispute is the existence of megalakes. There is still Lake Chad, an important water supply and ecosystem that touches on four countries. It is large now, but was much bigger in the past. Today it is fed by rivers. Sahara sand dune, USDA / E.L Skidmore (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) There is evidence that these megalakes existed, but residents of the secular science industry tend to ignore them or even deny their reality. One reason is that they cannot give a plausible explanation for how they formed. On the other hand, biblical creation scientists have an explanation to offer that involves the Ice Age, which happened much quicker than proponents of an old earth would like to consider. Researchers have l

Killer Jellyfish Means No God

Atheists and other anti-creationists try to put biblical creationists on the defensive, a tactic that works on those that re under-informed. As we have seen, they use "bad design, therefore evolution" arguments (dysteleology). Another trick is to try to make the Creator seem immoral. Either God is bad, or he does not exist. It is interesting that they often pretend their arguments are scientific. That'll be the day! Those alleged arguments are feckless theological opinions. In addition, they are examples of bad logic. Consider the challenge that a loving God made a killer jellyfish. Box jellyfish, Wikimedia Commons / Guido Gautsch ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) As stated before, when attempting to refute someone's argument, it is intellectually honest to see if the argument is consistent from the other person's framework. Atheists tend to take fragments of creationist views and filter them through materialistic glasses, which means they presuppose that the creationist is wrong

Dating Problems with Fossil Footprints

Down New Mexico way, a traveler can find White Sands National Park . Lots of big dunes comprised of gypsum. Have you ever gone sand sledding? That and other National Park activities like camping, hiking trails, stargazing and such are there. Also, fossilized footprints. They had mammoths, giant sloths, and many creatures in what was once a much nicer climate. Yes, there are human footprints as well. Assigning dates to them are a vexation to secular scientists because the results conflict with the narrative of when humans were supposed to live there. Fossil footprints, White Sands National Park / NPS photo (usage does not imply endorsement), modified at PhotoFunia Scientists are disagreeing about the carbon dating results, which showed that humans were in North America sooner than secular views expect and conflicts with the evolutionary story. Radiometric dating is dependent on assumptions , so the carbon dating used on relevant plants can be adjusted to more convenient levels. The sam

Secularists Affirm Global Catastrophes Elsewhere but not Earth

Things got interesting at my place with surprise visitors and all. First, Darwin Ranch foreman Rusty Swingset and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself that day) dropped in on their way to Deception Pass. We yakked about what may be getting built in town, and they left. About five minutes later, I was surprised when Stevia Dolce (the baker at the Darwin Ranch) knocked at my door. She brought some croissants. However, she said she waited until the others had gone because she did not want them to know that she visited. Color-enhanced image of the delta in Jezero Crater on Mars, NASA / JPL et al. (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Stevia keeps mum about her evolution doubts because she needs the job at the ranch. (I know the feeling, as I have to do the same when dealing with "pride" month and science deniers who have "preferred pronouns".) Anyway, I told Stevia that she doesn't need to give me baked goods or other gifts, that I fre

The Amazing Eye

One need not be a biology major to realize that the eye is amazing. Raptors in flight can see their prey with great accuracy. Cats are designed to use dim light. Humans and cats do not need the vision of eagles for our lifestyles. Raptors and humans do not need such extreme night vision. Dysteleology is where people claim to find flaws in nature so they can say there is no Creator, only evolution. These tinhorns have never designed an eye from scratch. When C. Richard Dawkins makes the daffy claim that the human retina is "backwardly wired," he is showing his ignorance . Cowboy Bob Sorensen's eye, modified at PhotoFunia Claiming the eye is poorly designed is not a scientific conclusion, but a theological opinion ! Frankly, (mind if I call you Frank?), that's stupid. They misrepresent certain aspects of the human eye, plus the specified complexity of the eye itself as well as the brain that interprets the input. Consider also that God the Son, the Creator who made eyes

Evolution and Natural Selection Definitions Matter

Something I learned and have been passing on to readers is the importance of definitions . When dealing with atheists and other anti-creationists, get those definitions nailed down! Many people claim to know about evolution and natural selection, only to reveal that they want to dispute creationists at all costs. A furious atheopath barked, "Natural selection is  evolution!" Another insisted, "Changes in alleles is the  scientific definition of evolution!" As mentioned before, knowledgeable creationists often need to correct internet atheists on their evolutionary mythology. Endler's guppy, iNaturalist / David Barros Cardona ( CC BY-NC 4.0 ) Before proceeding, it is important to discuss how society today holds to the nihilistic philosophy of postmodernism . Adherents believe that there are no absolute truths; you have your truth, I have my truth, and that's groovy. Except for that Bible stuff and insistence that Jesus is the  way,  the  truth, and the life

Getting Marsupials to Australia

Despite the persistent straw man accusations of anti-creationists, we are not content to say, "GodDidIt, case closed!" While creation scientists believe that God did something, they want to know how  he did it. They look for scientific answers first. Not that those are superior, as we presuppose the truth of the Bible. Unlike Darwin's disciples who presuppose naturalism and say, "Case closed," creationists and Intelligent Design theorists appeal to the miraculous when that is the logical conclusion. Both secular and creation scientists ponder biogeography — just how did  koalas and other marsupials get to 'Straya? Koala eating, RGBStock / Richard Dudley (modified at Imgflip ) Creationist explanations for biogeography are superior to those of secularists, as the methods of animal travel they propose are inadequate — even though the quantity of marsupials in Australia is somehow considered evidence for evolution. The debate is not easy for either side since e

Concrete, Cement, and Algae

It seems that many people do not know the difference between concrete and cement, so here is the hard truth. There are several stages involved in making concrete , the porous stuff that people drive on or live in. It begins with limestone, which is thought to take millions of years to form. Limestone and a silica source are heated, then the result is ground to powder. Other ingredients are added. When this mixture is going to be turned into concrete, cement , water, and other things are mixed in to make the concrete. Algae is turning those deep-time assumption upside-down. Coccolithophore bloom SW of Ireland, Flickr / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( CC BY 2.0 ) Coccolithophores  are marine algae that build protective shells around themselves. The shells of these bad boys make chalk (a form of limestone) deposits, and uniformitarian scientists say chalk takes millions of years to form. Not in this case! Further, coccolithophores could have been producing huge quantities of the stuff

Considering the Design of Pelicans

When someone mentions pelican , the most common feature that probably comes to mind is the pouch in the beak. A few other birds have them, and some animals have similar features. Pelicans use the pouch to store food, a change of feathers, passports, credit cards, smartphones — "Stop that, Cowboy Bob!" The pouches are used in getting food essentially by scooping, then their muscles squeeze out the water. This is a great way to present dinner to the young'uns. But there are several other amazing features of pelicans that show design and bother evolution. Pelican, Flickr / Charles Patrick Ewing ( CC BY 2.0 ) Different kinds of pelicans exist and they are found on almost every continent.Big birds, but surprisingly light. The hollow bones of birds are constructed to withstand the stresses encountered in their lives. Some pelicans can dive into the water, and they don't go to pieces. As for flying, they can utilize the thermals and have amazing energy efficiency. Evolution

Engineering in Creation and Parametric Design

There is an interest in looking at living things from an engineering perspective, which places evolutionary ideas of time, chance, mutations, and luck closer and closer to the rubbish bin. We have discussed how engineering concepts relate to creation several times. Parametric design  is used in several ways, using parameters  (see what they did there?) in algorithms (sets of instructions). This method has been helpful in architecture. It also fits quite well with intelligent design and works quite well with engineering considerations in creation. Spinal column, Pixabay / Clker-Free-Vector-Images Creation itself shows design. Not only design, but advance planning where living things grow and develop, often adapting to changes. There are many things in biology that show growth where things have to be in place so the critter can survive. Consider the human spinal column: Vertebrae and such need to grow from simpler cells, all the way to adulthood. No, evolution has no place here. The Mast

Earth and the Systems Engineer

Many times, I have encouraged people to ride up to the top of the hill and get the big picture. This time, however, the view is from out in space. The subject is our blue marble. Consider how there are many things operate to make Earth supportive of life. Our planet is situated in a quiet galactic neighborhood with a good-natured sun , unlike some of those other stars that emit gamma rays that would eradicate life on their worlds (if it existed in the first place). Since the sun has its own activity, Earth has deflector shields . Earth in hand, Pixabay / Okan Caliskan We also have the right gasses in the atmosphere at the right balance (oxygen explodes, you know). The distance from the sun, our orbit around it, the moon — indeed, the other planets in the solar system are needed to keep things in balance . When humans want to design a complex system, engineers are needed. They design things and keep them running. Several factors must be taken into account so their designs can work well

Protein Folding is a Major Problem for Evolution

Frequently, discussions about protein folding launch straight into the subject. Sure, it is important, but what does it mean? Do proteins actually fold? That is the best way to describe what is happening. Consider a weak analogy with origami . (Although this paper folding art is associated with Japan, other cultures seem to have developed it independently.) Paper of the correct dimensions is needed to fold into a recognizable shape, and the folding must be done correctly or the result is a wasted piece of paper. Origami tsuru (crane), RGBStock / Manoel Silva In biology, proteins are complex molecules that are working within cells. The cells fold them into complex shapes so they can do their assigned jobs . This folding is essential for life, and is extremely complex — it must be exactly right. A quantum computer simulated the folding of a small protein, but proteins are far bigger than this one was. Cells fold (and unfold when needed) proteins extremely fast. Evolutionists cannot expl

Hugeness in Ancient Aquatic Reptiles

Request of Christians: It has been six months today since my wife died. Things are tough, and I ask for your prayers. Although one may think of huge critters when the word dinosaur  is mentioned, there was an extreme range of sizes. Some were about the size of turkeys. The large ones were very large indeed, and it seems that scientists naming them are running out of ways to say, "Even bigger yet." Aquatic lizards like plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs also had differing sizes. When they went huge, they did it in a big way. Big animals swimming coerces the question, "Did their size cause drag in the water and make locomotion difficult?" Modified ichthyosaur postage stamp of Yemen, 1990 Through tendentious dating methods, believers in universal common descent evolution and deep time assert that the largest of these appeared (code word for "evolved" even though there is no evidence for their evolution ) first, then came the smaller ones. Using flow simulations, st

William Stukeley, the Royal Society, and a Plesiosaur

Although atheists and other anti-creationists try to avoid inconvenient truths, some of us still try to present them. First, many insist that creationists lack the intellectual prowess to be scientists. We show them that many great scientists of the past were Christians , even biblical creationists. Then they may whine that we are discussing dead people, so we tell them about modern scientists that are biblical creationists . No, they are disqualified because the only true  scientists are materialists. Lather, rinse, repeat, they move the goalposts like they were jet propelled. Plesiosaur skeleton, Flickr /  Kim Alaniz  ( CC by 2.0 ) In 1660 London, the Royal Society was formed to encourage the development of natural philosophy (the earlier term for what is now called science). While some sidewinders say that biblical creation science was initiated fairly recently, the Royal Society had members who believed the Bible, including recent creation and the Genesis Flood. One of their member

Continental Erosion and the Young Earth

As creation science develops, conjectures about the past come and go. The Genesis Flood  by Whitcomb and Morris in 1961 put forward some ideas about science while maintaining adherence to biblical truth. Some of its ideas have been discarded, others have had further development. There are some evidences for the young earth that have been offered are still valid today, and believers in deep time as well as universal common descent evolution cannot refute them. One of these evidences is continental erosion. Limestone and mountain, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Signs of erosion are obvious practically everywhere. A mountain has pieces of rock in many sizes because of erosion from wind and water, rivers erode their banks, oceans do their share of erosion. Wind is everywhere, doing its part as well. Uniformitarian beliefs have rates remaining essentially the same today as well as the thrilling days of yesteryear. Using their own material against them, the continents should not even exist a

Biogeography and Floating Islands

A question for both biblical creationists and uniformitarian secular scientists is how creatures dispersed to different continents. This is called biogeography . Land bridges during low sea levels probably occurred, but would not provide for large migrations. Then there is rafting (making use of floating islands of vegetation). Those things exist today, but secular scientists admit that there are numerous difficulties involved for carrying living things out across the oceans to other continents. Uniformitarian scientists are assuming things today have been the same in the past. Wrong. Floating Islands, Titicaca Lake, Peru, Flickr / Emmanuel Dyan ( CC BY 2.0 ) When one considers creation science Genesis Flood models, floating islands as a means of travel make much more sense. After the Flood, conditions were changing and the Ice Age was beginning. Meanwhile, fruitful critters were multiplying. The Flood was a violent event, and the floating islands seen today are far different from wh