Animal Rights and Criminality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It seems reasonable to assume that most thinking people would laugh at the idea of animals being granted human rights and personhood status, but it is happening (for one example, see " An Elephant is now a Person? "), and is increasing. ( Even rivers are getting personhood status !) Non-humans are being given rights that include the ability to have legal representation — to file lawsuits. It is common to file on behalf of people with reduced mental capabilities since they are human, after all. As much as Basement Cat had a unique personality and awareness of many things, she did not show advanced cognitive abilities. She did not know catness . Horses fighting, Pexels / Kenzhar Sharap The article that inspired this one pointed out that certain cognitive tests were given to animals to see if they were self-aware. Interesting, that would mean that only the most rudimentary tests would be used. Some can recognize themselves in mirrors. Some cannot, so tha...