
Showing posts with the label Creation Evolution Headlines

Dark Matter Needed but Still Elusive

Michael Crichton said, “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period." Really, it is a way around doing actual science and fitting in with the crowd. Seems to this child that mavericks were the ones who impacted science the most. There has been consensuses about atoms-to-astronomer evolution (although adherents frequently slap leather over many aspects of it) and also about dark matter. Because of the way galaxies act, dark matter is supposedly an important part of the universe. Hubble image of galaxies,  NASA , ESA, & J. Lotz & HFF Team (STScI) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Cosmologists agree that most of the universe is comprised of this stuff that nobody has seen or can detect. (There seems to be no consensus about what percentage of dark matter makes up the universe.) But yee haw boy howdy, it must  exist because dark matter is presupposed and inferred, and it is need

Hobbit Continues to Trouble Evolutionists

Actually, Hobbit is a nickname for a clan of vertically impaired humans classified as  Homo floresiensis . Fossils were discovered several years ago and scientists came up with ideas as to why they were so small. There is a range of human height, of course, but to exceed that in either direction involves illnesses or conditions. Of course, secular scientists were looking for an angle to promote their precious evolution. Were they even human ? The evolution connection remains elusive, even to imaginative scientists that infest the secular science industry. Homo floresiensis , Flickr / Ryan Somma ( CC BY 2.0 ), cropped It was thought that  island dwarfism  was an explanation for their small stature. This is where creatures who are forced to live on an island have diminutive offspring. It is actually beneficial. However, it had never been observed in humans. Now it is thought to be the most likely explanation. The fossil Hobbit was about half the height of the average European male today

Israel Perseveres while Others Collapse

It is not news that people throughout history have hated the Jews, and many want to eradicate them from their land. Especially Mohammedans, who have thugs working toward that end who murder men, women, and children. Modern Israel is a small strip land that most people would find unappealing. Yet the Hebrew people have survived persecutions and attempted genocide for millennia. The state of Israel testifies of fulfilled prophecy , which in turn indicates that the Word of God is true. The hand of God can be seen keeping Israel in existence. Israel Flag, Unsplash / Stanislav Vdovin Other peoples in the area inhabit historic lands, but modern Jews are genetically who they claim to be. Fanatical Islamic groups like Hamas and others want to join with the Palestinians (who have a flag but never had a country ) in destroying the Jews. Hatred for Israel seems to have been increasing in recent years, with the American Democrat party supporting terrorists! Hebrews have survived for thousands of y

The Lonely Life of a SETI Enthusiast

Years ago, there were Maytag appliance advertisements focusing on their dependability and the loneliness of the unneeded repairman . Similar but also different for SETI enthusiasts. Initial excitement, hopes, and dreams need constant rekindling — without good reasons. The Wow! Signal in 1977 kept scientists hoping that they had some kind of signal from intelligent extraterrestrials. It took many years to find out that the so-called signal was just hydrogen acting up. Then there was the time that scientists were fooled about ET signals that were actually from a microwave oven . Scientists studying space alien, made with  Bing AI Image Creator Kind of like being teased, but there is no entity behind the teasing. Indeed, secular scientists desperately want to find intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. They seem to think it would vindicate their rejection of the Creator in favor of evolution. The James Webb Space Telescope was sent partly in hopes of finding support for the Big Bang

Scientist Angry at Politicization in Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As discussed before, the secular science industry is all in for leftist politics and morality. There are folks in academia and science professions who simply want to do their jobs and are not necessarily thrilled with the extreme leftist views of their employers. People may rightly wonder why science organizations, which should be ignoring politics and doing science stuff, are doing these things. After all, they are essentially making an obscene gesture at millions of people who disagree with their adoration of leftist Democrat policies. Two scientists working, Pexels / Edward Jenner One simple reason is that Democrats promise money. (People want money for their interests no matter who is hurt in the long run, and they want their special interests to be promoted, especially sexual deviances.) The secular science industry wants that grant money, you betcha! Another reason for their partisanship is that they want to be admired by their peers . And many of their pee

Politically Correct Science and Easter Island

Although political correctness (a wide-ranging term often unrelated to politics) and cultural sensitivity frequently become absurd, sometimes they can be useful. Ayers Rock in Australia is also known as the Aboriginal name Uluru.  Easter Island and its people are now called  Rapa Nui . While it was arrogant of the white explorers to assign names of their own choosing without so much as a by your leave, leftist ideologies often demonize white people. The secular science industry embraces leftist cultural ideas, and this is illustrated with the history of Easter Island. Easter Island statues, Flickr / The TerraMar Project ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia On a side note, the head statues on Easter Island are famous. What is less known is that bodies of a sort are attached to those heads and buried underground. There are stories about how the isolated population of Rapa Nui degenerated and collapsed, even to the point of wars and cannibalism. A big part of it was ecocide , the overu

Breastfeeding and the Survival of Women

My prospector friend Stormie Waters is getting hitched up with Roland Meadows, and they will make a fine couple. Like many others, they want to have the event in the spring. It may even happen outdoors by one of Stormie's favorite streams. They have occasionally sought my advice and sometimes I got a mite uncomfortable. Stormie said, "It's known that breastfeeding is best for a baby's nutrition." She looked at me with wide eyes and asked, "They get calcium that way. Why don't women's bones collapse?" Roland also waited for my reply. Young Mother Breastfeeding Her Child , Jules Breton, 1873 I dealt with my embarrassment about such a personal subject involving close friends by taking a clinical mindset. Also, I had been reading an article about it. Mammals have calcium taken from their bones, and this is not unique to humans. The child needs calcium, but so do adults. Folks have wondered for a mighty long time why women are not harmed by breastfeed

Light Learning for Engineers from Animals

Biomimetics is where humans imitate characteristics of nature for their own benefit, so here are two examples. Indeed, if scientists who learn from creation were not such materialists, they might use Bible verses like Psalm 104:25-26 and  Job 12:7-8 as inspiration. Using the night  setting on my camera, instructions are given to stay still because the exposure is several seconds instead of the usual fraction of a second. The human eye (an inspiration for a researcher) does the opposite: It has constant tiny movements. His results were surprising when he imitated these movements. Prism effect, Flickr / Ian Mackenzie ( CC BY 2.0 ) The researcher programmed robot cameras with the small motions like the human eye. It seems like they would be blurry, but he obtained sharper images! In other news giant clams may have an impact on solar panels. Algae grow a certain way on the shells, and this helps the clams get the light they need. Their light collection strategy is more efficient by far t

This may Finally put the Big Bang Down

The Big Bang story has been built, rebuilt, cobbled, and Frankensteined in general. When told by card-carrying members of the secular science industry, it sounds tidy and almost plausible. It brought on both cosmic and biological evolution. Looks good on paper. However, the tale is told as if scientists were trucking along in complete unity. Nope. Cosmologists and cosmogonists in the ranks disagree. It is also presented without any actual science, driven by presuppositions and mathematics that support them. The cosmological constant problem may be a good reason to put the thing down. Made at  photofunny  with a  NASA / ESA  image (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Something that supports science itself is how scientific laws (as we understand them) are consistent and predictable, which fits both Intelligent Design and biblical creation science views. A scientist made a claim that is...truly bizarre: The fundamental principle called the cosmological constant  — isn'

People Increasingly Distrust the Secular Science Industry

That moment when "Imma have me a sammich" sounds like a good idea, but there is a problem. Opening up the bread wrapper, pulling out the bread, and — mold spots. You cannot discard those slices and trust the rest, either, because it spreads unseen and can be harmful . People have a confused trust/distrust relationship with the secular science industry. It has been shown numerous times here and elsewhere that they have a leftist bias and that their ethics are craptacular. The leftist corruption spreads throughout science, the media, entertainment, sports, and more. Moldy bread, Flickr / Lynn Friedman ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) I am once again telling you that there are people working in the secular science industry that have some integrity and want to do their jobs, but the organizations are heavily biased. Unfortunately, secularists embrace materialism (essentially, atheism) and therefore reject the Creator, who is the ultimate source of morality and ethics. They uphold evolutionar

Big Differences Between Facts and Models

Not too long ago, we looked at how scientists and others use phylogenetic diagrams as facts , but they are nothing of the kind. They are hypotheses — ideas — illustrating what people who were not there think may have happened in the distant past. Scientists are fond of models. They can be useful in making predictions about the future or as speculations about the past. Biblical creationists have models about the Genesis Flood and other things. Like phylogenetic drawings, models are not facts despite how they are often presented. Model airplane, Unsplash / William Hadley Weather reports about hurricanes use models, and it is not uncommon to see vastly different paths of hurricanes projected because the models did not agree. Indeed, one scientist tried to use competing computer models to discover unusual formations on the moon. It did not go well. Instead of reaching a happy harmony, things became more muddled. As it is with artificial intelligence, computer modeling is highly dependent o

Evolutionists Assume Age of Mammoth DNA

While on a ride during a nice evening, I met Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde. The three of us reined in and exchanged pleasantries. Jacqueline brought up the subject of extremely well-preserved DNA that was discovered in a woolly mammoth. Rusty warmed to the subject and told of the report where conditions in a cave contributed to the preservation, and the mammoth meat was like a soft jerky. It was essentially freeze-dried, so it lasted tens of thousands of years. Even chromosomes were intact. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) While this is not on the scale of dinosaur soft tissues and DNA allegedly lasting sixty-five million years, the fact remains that it is fragile even in the best of conditions. Sitting around after all those years would still cause it to degrade. Once again, researchers are ignoring important facts while assuming the age is correct. (Darwin needs great amounts of time his wonders to perform

Evolutionary Psychologists Refute Themselves

Knowledgeable biblical apologists understand several things about worldviews, including how they must be internally consistent. Atheists and evolutionists frequently ignore logic while pretending that science and reason support their beliefs. That is a characteristic of an inconsistent worldview. Another indication of a faulty belief system is the reliance on arbitrary assertions. So is circular reasoning, such as assuming evolution in order to prove an instance of evolution. Changing or assigning new meanings to words and phrases also indicates a weak worldview. A couple of evolutionary psychologists presented irrational material about consciousness. Brain and consciousness, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann  (Geralt) Like others involved in the secular science industry, psychologists presuppose atoms-to-atheist evolution and build from there; they do not question whether or not evolution happened in the first place. In this instance, two psychologists suggest consciousness may have evolved not

The Danger of Mindfulness Meditation

Here is another instance where wording is important, as mindfulness  has different meanings. People will advise others to be mindful, and I have used the word myself. On those occasions, it simply means to be aware or to pay attention. However, there is a much darker meaning of the word. Believers in sand-to-psychologist evolution generally shun religion, especially Christianity. Most believe in scientism , a de-facto religion — even if they do not realize it. Many secularists practice mindfulness believing it to be a scientifically-based meditation technique. Bad idea. Meditation, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Although most evolutionists deny it, their belief system can be traced back to ancient pagan religious views . Indeed, we have seen pantheism and animism tacitly invoked in scientific reports. There is no single view of psychology, and there are numerous schools of thought. Why? None of them have the answers! Evolutionary thinking is a big part of psychology, including evolut

Snowball Earth Never Ends

Secular geologists wear Deep Time Spectacles, so any data they observe is interpreted to indicate millions or billions of years. Keep in mind that secular, creation, and Intelligent Design scientists all have the same data to work with. It invariably comes down to worldviews and presuppositions. May as well fill those millions of years (that Darwin needs to perform his wonders) with a passel of events. Creationists believe the evidence shows only one Ice Age while secularists believe in many. One of a controversial idea on the secular side is Snowball Earth. Snowball Earth, Flickr /  guano  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) There is plenty of evidence that the Ice Age happened, but only in a portion of the Northern Hemisphere. Snowball Earth presents glaciation extending all the way down toward the equator. Not all secular geologists ride for that brand, and with good reason: It never ends. Not only are secularists unable to postulate a believable cause for the Ice Age, but they cannot find a way to en

Invalid Comparisons of Human and Ape Y Chromosomes

Chromosomes contain a great deal of information, far more than just eye color, height, stature, and all that good stuff. Some of Darwin's disciples decided to compare the Y chromosomes of humans and several types of apes. Although they hailed it as good news for evolution, in did not go well. Right from the get-go, errors were happening. For one thing, the source was too big by using several sources of Y chromosome information. Another problem is that the comparisons were between modern humans and apes because of assumed evolution directions. Human chromosome Y, WikiComm / National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.S. National Library of Medicine (PD) (Usage does not imply endorsement)  Y chromosomes are difficult to sequence because of repetition, mutations, deletions, and more. Secularists tend to evosplain genetic differences away by assuming evolution did it. Of course, no mechanisms or supporting evidence is offered. Circular reasoning, arbitrary assertions

Proving Evolution with Shoddy Butterfly Research

Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Robert Darwin came up with a version of evolution at almost the same time, but Darwin is given most of the credit because he published first. Also, Wallace was an outsider in science circles  and was open to a form of Intelligent Design. Each had an idea of how butterflies evolved, but scientists did not seem interested in pursuing the matter. New research was presented after getting help from studying pictures of birdwing butterflies with machine learning, and both Wallace and Darwin were said to be right. Birdwing butterfly, Flickr / Charles Patrick Ewing ( CC BY 2.0 ) If the researchers were seeking awards or applause by the secular science industry, that probably happened. They use both natural and sexual selection (but not the true meaning of natural selection). People who care about truth and logic in science may have a different view. For one thing, the sample size was far too limited. Another problem is despite praising the puny god of evoluti

Monotremes Show the Opposite of Evolution

Living monotremes are marsupials, but not all marsupials are monotremes. Believers in universal common descent admit they have trouble finding the alleged ancestors of either group. Monotremes are especially puzzling because they are mammals that lay eggs. The majority of marsupials live down Australia way (and some in New Guinea), and both of the existing monotremes are residents of 'Straya. Research on monotremes had the usual hopes of learning about their evolution, but if the authors were paying attention, they received an unpleasant surprise. Echidna, Pixabay /  PublicDomainImages Remember, Darwin expected evidence to be found to support his conjectures — which is the opposite of how science is supposed to work. Then and now, the search is on for transitional forms (something in process of turning into something else), and there should be a huge number of the things. With monotremes and marsupials, a study shows more diversity millions of years ago according to secular reckoni

Evolution, Ants, and Socialism

Drawing frequently from the scientific well of Making Things Up™, Darwin's acolytes have been making a passel of chin music about ants. Apparently, ants evolved from wasps. There is no evidence for this, only conjecture and fanatical devotion to evolution. That makes it all right. The reason for the talk is because certain ants were found in amber. They are mostly indistinguishable from their modern counterparts all the way down to the communications equipment. Instead of invoking the cop-out of stasis , more stories are tacked on. Ant in amber, WikiComm / Dlussky, Radchenko, & Dubovikoff , 2014 ( CC BY 4.0 ) Social structure in living things is a field of its own, and it is quite detailed in ants. Evolutionists say that it's important because altruism was brought into the world through sociality. Essentially, thank evolution for socialism. (Is this another reason that the secular science industry favors politically leftist attitudes ?) In reality, evolutionists are baffled

Liars for Darwin Influencing Elections

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although this content has special concern to Americans, readers from other countries may want to read and learn see if your own country is doing the same kinds of things. As stated before, it is indeed unfortunate that science material has political content, but the secular science industry is prompting examination. Two things must be repeated. First, scientists are not  dispassionate and willing to follow where the evidence leads. They are biased and have presuppositions like everyone else. Second, note that critical thinking skills apply in many areas of life, but are now seldom taught. Marionette puppets, Unsplash / János Venczák Remember, scientists per se  are not the problem, as many of them want to do science stuff and hopefully improve the world. The secular science industry is a major concern, and wants to be involved in pulling the strings of political power. They promote causes dear to the cold hearts of the political left, so gullible jaspers accept