Faith in Science of the Gaps

Atheists will tell you that they have no need for religion because they believe in reason and science. If you point out that atheism is a religion , they tend to get on the prod, which shows their ignorance of religion and philosophy. Further, secularists have hijacked science from its biblical basis, and argue from their a priori presuppositions, one of which is the arbitrary assertion that science must be based upon atheistic methodological and philosophical naturalism only . Such assertions are irrational and lead to faulty conclusions. Used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes. Also, note the question-begging straw man in the assertion. Secularists frequently generalize about creationists, claiming that our explanation is "GodDidIt", so there is no need for scientific investigation. This is a lie. There are many creationary scientists who want to learn what makes things work, even how God did something. They take this straw man argument further ...