Slapping Down Christians and Creationists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Todd Friel of Wretched Radio had a couple of segments that I wanted to use, so I contacted him for permission. I could have gone the Fair Use route, preferred the direct approach. He gave me the go-ahead, and I'll give you the link to the full episode after the video-style excerpt. On July 16, 2018, Mr. Friel posted on that Twitter thing that Christians should pray for Ken Ham because he is attacked so much: Atheopaths, old earthers, and other owlhoots did the usual piranha thing and swarmed it. Notice the reply just below his message for one example. I was on the prod and challenged the writer: "He deserves it. All of it." Who are YOU to decide that he deserves it? By what standard? Is it because you hate him, and hate God? "Let's try your "reasoning": I lack belief that atheists can use reason, so they deserve lots of ridicule. Howzat work for ya, Skippy? Instead of attempting to explain himself according to his...