Mitochondrial DNA and the Crocodylia Baramin

Although the system of taxonomy was initially made by creationist Carl Linnaeus , secularists have made it into their own, rejecting anything biblical out of hand. Creation scientists use taxonomy, of course, but they are developing baraminology, which is based on the created kinds . The biblical kind is somewhere around order or family in the traditional classification system. Like other fields in science, baraminology has differing views on how it should be developed and applied. Creation science technical journals publish articles where differing views are presented. Crocodile, Pixnio / Steve Hillebrand , USFWS Data from research is often made available to everyone, which is very helpful to both creationist and secular scientists. An examination of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was undertaken to see commonality in relationships in the Crocodylia order. Comparing this information with other data on these reptiles (which have features unlike other reptiles) sug...