Wolf-to-Dog Evolution Story Barking up the Wrong Tree
Edited 6 May 2022. Biblical creationists and believers in universal common ancestor evolution agree for the most part that modern dogs descended from an animal like a wolf. Those dog breeds we see are the result of artificial selection , designed for certain traits. They are still dogs and have the chemistry to interbreed. For that matter, coyotes are extremely wolf-like, and have no difficulty breeding with the dogs with which we are familiar. See " Coyotes Have Gone to the Dogs ." Unsplash / Andrew Ly (left) and Kanashi (right) Evolutionists disagree on definitions of species , and have an evoporn story that is presented as science. It's about humans and the domestication of dogs, but has no evidence to support it. Basically, as humans were still evolving, wolves began evolving social interactions with humans around campfires. Then they eventually lived together, and that's the origin of pet dogs. The story fits the evolution narrative and makes believers feel go...