
Showing posts from March, 2022

Wolf-to-Dog Evolution Story Barking up the Wrong Tree

Edited 6 May 2022.  Biblical creationists and believers in universal common ancestor evolution agree for the most part that modern dogs descended from an animal like a wolf. Those dog breeds we see are the result of artificial selection , designed for certain traits. They are still dogs and have the chemistry to interbreed. For that matter, coyotes are extremely wolf-like, and have no difficulty breeding with the dogs with which we are familiar. See " Coyotes Have Gone to the Dogs ." Unsplash / Andrew Ly (left) and Kanashi (right) Evolutionists disagree on definitions of species , and have an evoporn story that is presented as science. It's about humans and the domestication of dogs, but has no evidence to support it. Basically, as humans were still evolving, wolves began evolving social interactions with humans around campfires. Then they eventually lived together, and that's the origin of pet dogs. The story fits the evolution narrative and makes believers feel go...

Venus and Mars are not Right for Life

Although none of the hypotheses trotted out to explain the origin of the solar system are successful, the flawed  nebular hypothesis  (accretion) is the best of the worst , so that is what secular cosmologists use. It also brings additional problems and raises numerous questions. That big swirl supposedly formed the sun and all the planets. Although Venus, Earth, and Mars have superficial similarities, there are several important differences. Venus has an extremely slow rotation, and runs the opposite of the other planets, for one. Includes images from NASA, especially  STS-116  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It would seem that Mercury, that rock closest to the sun, would be the hottest planet. Venus is far hotter because of trapped heat from greenhouse gasses. Secularists want to know why, but thwart themselves from getting real answers by presupposing a faulty origin of the universe — also, by fanatically believing in and assuming evolution. Ho...

Sturgeons Make Monkeys out of Evolutionists

Like many fish, Atlantic sturgeons live most of their lives in the ocean, but go up rivers to spawn. Those accessing rivers from the Chesapeake Bay can choose from several. Some scientists were being unscientific, saying that these sturgeons spawn in the spring because that was the consensus. Although sturgeons are endangered, a boatload of them spawn in the fall , not the spring. In fact, old records indicated fall spawning times as well. How could they miss seeing such large fish? Sturgeons have been mistaken for lake and sea monsters! NOAA Fisheries (click the link for some interesting facts, including size and weight) Too bad there wasn't a Chinook Haddock Sturgeon to preach them a sermon and get their attention. Even so, secularists probably wouldn't have noticed because they were locked into oversimplifying and rejecting previous records. In fact, these fish may have spawned both  in spring and fall. Sturgeons are considered living fossils, because the fossils of sturge...

Incomplete Science and Climate Change Policies

It must be rough being a scientist who is trying to investigate, explore, calculate, and generally do science stuff, but the secular science industry has leftist and materialistic agendas. (I know myself the feeling of working for dishonest companies while trying to make a living, but it must be worse for a genuine scientist.) Especially when having questions and scientific material ignored or even suppressed. Not only is this rampant in origins research, but leftists manipulate global warming with fear and disingenuous science. Made from images at Clker and Open Clipart One blatant example of sycophants in the secular science industry is how a  vampire squid fossil was named after Joe Biden . This was done not because of paleontology, but because they approve of his "green" agenda. That stuff is  very socialist . People can be intimidated with the appeal to authority of, "Scientists say..." Political leftists and the secular science industry use that, coupled with...

Michigan Pictured Rocks and Flood Geology

People who are looking for outdoor recreation should seriously consider the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, as there are many activities available. Spending time outdoors is good for people . Go straight up through the mitten, across the Mackinac Bridge, further north to Paradise. Then find the Tahquamenon Falls State Park . East from there is Munising and  Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore . For even more intense nature, head further east to the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park . (Plan your trip, unlike Clark Griswold going to Walley World.) You'll thank me later. Creation geologists should spend much more time researching up there. Flickr / calamity_sal  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Actually, we do have an article about one of the stops suggested above, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. (Suzie doesn't sell seashells there, but Lucy loves lichens by the lakeshore.) There is a lot of talk about state and national parks, but a national lakeshore ? Sure. The US National Park Service tak...

Space Anomalies Trouble Cosmic Concepts

Let me run this up the flagpole in the fort and see if anyone salutes it. Christians believe in an awesome God as described in the Bible. He is infinite, yet is mindful of us (Psalm 8:3-4). Scientists keep on exploring and learning, then developing new technology to continue exploring. Cells that were considered simple are extremely complex. At the other end, astronomy, planetology, cosmology and so forth continually yield new discoveries. If created beings had the Creator all figured out, he would be a puny God. Disk galaxy NGC 7814 credit:  Sloan Digital Sky Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Materialist get high and mighty, making pronouncements about the universe, then they realize that science doesn't support atheistic and deep-time views for cosmic evolution. Then they commence to utilizing the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™ because evidence is recalcitrant toward their speculations. There are also new discoveries in space that cann...

The Inferiority of Women According to Darwin

When creationists point out that Charles Darwin was a racist , atheopaths are quick to circle the wagons and cry, "That is an ad hominem !" The more intellectual evolutionists simply try to distance themselves. Darwin's views on women as inferior to men should also be troubling. Neither his racism nor his misogyny are simple mud slinging. They illustrate the views that were prominent in his evolutionary conjectures, and how they affected science and society afterward. He based his opinion of women on the myth he devised. Emma Wedgewood Darwin was Chuck's wife and first cousin According to Chuck's evoporn, women are intellectually inferior to men, and have smaller brains. When the smaller brains thing is true, it should not be surprising because women usually have smaller frames than men. Also, the idea of brain size as a measure of intelligence has been refuted for many years. "But Cowboy Bob, Darwin's racism and sexism are just because he's the produ...

Creation Science and Saving the Red Panda

Cuddly, cute — but are they, exactly? Depends on what one wants to call them: red cat-bear, lesser panda, firefox. The most common name is  red panda . These critters are about the size of a large housecat, with very long tails. Scientists disagree on classifying red pandas, since they are more closely related to raccoons (trash pandas) than the giant pandas. The fact that scientists disagree on what defines a  species adds to the confusion. They are also endangered and conservation is being examined. Freeimages / Berkeley Secular scientists think there are two species that were allegedly separated many Darwin years ago, so they should not be able to interbreed. At least, according to some definitions of species. These two species are suffering from inbreeding, which is threatens their survival because it brings lack of genetic diversity. (Consider purebred dogs. Many of those have inherent health issues. A mutt is far healthier and has more genetic material in its favor.) Th...

Elegant Fruit Fly Sensory Design

In a recent post, we saw that something comparatively less complex, such as bacteria , have surprising features furnished by the Master Engineer. This time we will consider a recent discovery about fruit flies. It is not surprising that people confuse them with gnats because of their size and habits . I guess they are not technically bugs , but are still insects. Not only are fruit flies annoying, but they are also bad for our health . Ironically, they can be considered beneficial because they eat rotting stuff. Fruit fly image: Pexels /  Egor Kamelev Because they have short life cycles, scientists like to experiment on them, such as futilely attempting to help evolution along with radiation . It's obvious that their brains are tiny, but sensing scents is vitally important. Their antennae do that and free up those tiny brains for other things. Who designed this elegant system? Darwin's disciples showed the pagan nature of evolution again, foolishly giving credit to Nature. Natu...

Now Paleontology is Racist!

The secular science industry is ruining science by supporting leftist causes , and Russell Watchtower is working overtime. He heads up the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch (west on Folly Road, past Stinking Lake, up toward Deception Pass). The wokeness gang declares that paleontology is racist. Instead of opposing or even ignoring such nonsense, secularists react, " Yahyuh, yahyuh, dat makes good sense! " White people are bad — because reasons and stuff. We developed many sciences, and obtained fossils where they are found. This includes places now occupied by people of color. Made at PhotoFunia using a Wikimedia Commons image from Daderot  ( CC0 1.0 ) In some astonishingly bad logic (frequently found when promoting fish-to-fool evolution), Nature allows numerous unsupported claims in a capitulation to leftist absurdity. In addition to anti-white, anti-wealthy assertions, they conveniently neglect how "colonialism" occurred throughout history. When asserting t...

Rutland Sea Dragon Discovered

The county of Rutland was famous for being the home of The Rutles , now they gained further attention by the discovery of the largest fish lizard fossil yet. It is rather interesting that an ichthyosaurid was discovered when a reservoir in Rutland was built, this one was found when one was drained. A thorough examination is expected to take possibly two years. (Rusty Swingset offered to send Dewey Lye and Cliff Swallows over from the Darwin Ranch, but local paleontologists declined.) No word if they contacted the nearby CMI's UK/Europe Leicester office for assistance. Platypterigius kiprjanov  by Dmitry Bogdanov at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY 3.0 ), mostly modified at PhotoFunia It seems critters that spent all of their time in the sea would be fish or perhaps mammals, but these have features found in other reptiles. Is that a peculiarity of the time of the dinosaurs? There were other interesting things found as well. For one thing, it appears that another ichthyosaur...

Ancient Tsunami Illustrates Genesis Flood

Those who live in mountainous or inland areas are less likely to be informed about tsunamis, most of which occur in the Pacific ocean. An important term is water displacement . While a tsunami can be formed by landslides, asteroids (such as this sad scene from Meteor ), volcanic activity, and so forth, most are caused by earthquakes. A plate in the ocean shifts, and that huge volume of water is displaced and seeks its own level. Deep at sea, ships may not even notice the tsunami. Tsunami hitting Fukushima prefecture, Jiji Press /  Sadatsugu Tomizawa  ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) A tsumami (don't say "tidal wave", tides don't have much to do with these) is as fast as an airliner, but loses most of its momentum getting closer to shore. When it gets closer to land, however, the big problems start. There isn't just one wave, but a series that can be differing strengths and distances apart. This two-minute silent video is interesting: These things are extremely dangerous. You s...

The Perplexing Platypus of Crabs

Other biblical creationists and I think that not only does God have a sense of humor, but he has set up various creatures to be discovered to defy Darwin's acolytes. We have examined the platypus here several times, and when evolutionists study it further... it does not go well . The title of this post is not something I dreamed up all by my lonesome. It is based on terms that secular researchers used themselves, and the alleged evolution of this crab fossil is troubling for evolution. Callichimaera perplexa , photo by Javier Luque via Wikimedia Commons  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Charles Darwin famously admitted: To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. He went on to say that he believed that it evolved anyway . Modified at...

Exoplanets: No Goldi-LUCKS Zone

When watching a television program recently, I heard a character use the old remark that since there are so many stars up yonder, there must  be millions of inhabited planets as well. Interest in this obviously increased with the discovery of extrasolar planets. Astrobiologists (astro, but no biology) and other scientists have come up with the habitable zone . It has to be just the right temperature so water can be present on a planet, and they expected to find a passel of thise planets. It did not go well. Assembled from various public domain images, plus a modified NASA / JPL-Caltech image; they do not endorse this site The Goldilocks zone isn't having much luck. It has been modified to include several other factors, such as the temperaments of stars planets are orbiting, space "weather", and more (see " Hopes for Extraterrestrial Life Dimming .") Although Darwinoids spread the false claim that abiogenesis, a.k.a. chemical evolution , has nothing to do with e...

Fusion Power and the JET

Scientists are all a-twitter at the Joint European Torus (JET), which is a plasma experiment in Oxfordshire, UK. A torus can be defined as a hollow donut, a disappointing snack prospect. Actually, this is an experiment to obtain energy through fusion. Something kids learn in school is that the sun is powered through the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. That is, those atoms smashing into each other and releasing energy. While there is quite a bit of energy in fission  (splitting atoms), fusion does even more. Joint European Torus, Flickr / Kevan  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Scientists have been attempting to harness fusion power for a mighty long time, and the power output of this was...not that impressive. However, they have to start somewhere, and this is the best performance yet. Hope was renewed. In a not completely inaccurate remark, it was said that they created a miniature sun. In comparison to the simplest cell in biology, a sun is not very complex. Interesting that these type...

Understanding Mental Illness Confuses Psychologists

Once again, I will mention that I have had struggles with depression for many years. I gave up medications and therapists years ago because they were not all that necessary. In my case, and it seems true in other cases I have read, that continuing treatment is in the best interests of clinics, but not so much for the patients. They really do not know how the mind and brain work, and the reasons some medications have an effect are not completely understood. Pixabay / Beate Bachmann Some years ago, I read a definition of eccentric : someone crazy that's rich. Psychologists and psychiatrists make diagnoses, but their science is constantly changing. Add to that personal biases and cultural influences. Unlike operational science and even origins science, psychology has direct impact on people's lives. There are several models for what are considered mental health problems, and sometimes they are grouped together. These professionals are admitting that they don't know how to defi...

Exceptional Abilities and Over-Design

Most likely, everyone has heard about or even known people with exceptional abilities. Some people excel certain things while others struggle. However, these people have amazing skills far beyond those wrought by learning and practice. Children who can write symphonies, people that do complex mathematical equations in their minds almost instantly, and more. There are also people with serious mental disabilities who have such skills. (The television show  The UnXplained  had a few episodes on these kinds of things.) Believers in particles-to-prodigy evolution say these and other things are examples of over-design .  Child solving math problem, Pexels / Mart Production It seems ironic that evolutionists refer to over-design, yet they claim to reject any implication that the Creator was involved. Through time, chance, random processes, natural selection, and luck, everything is evosplained to improve an organism. Big brains (which have no bearing on intelligence) should not ...

Sex Differences are Genetic

We are living in a time where people are double-minded about "follow the science" as if it was an entity and the final arbiter of truth. Yet, "science says" unborn babies are non-persons who can be murdered on a whim, males and females can reassign genders, and more. Those of us who do believe in observed scientific facts are baffled as to how the secular science industry can deny facts because their course is decided by leftist political winds. Fact: Men and women are different. This basic fact is supported by genetics. As we saw recently, forensic scientists are able to determine the genders from people's remains based not only on body structure, but genetics . People who deny the Creator's design make life-altering decisions based on their feelings, and many often end up committing suicide after receiving hormone treatments and "gender reassignment surgeries" (mutilations), but those wicked doctors are still making money. Do mice care about bein...

Amazing Forensic Science DNA Sequencing

Ancient people in the British Isles set up mounds as burial sites, and they are known as barrows , cairns , and other names. Sometimes they are at the centers of stone circles, and are not uncommon. They vary in size. Cam Long Down is impressive, and has a barrow. The Sherlock Holmes novel The Hound of the Baskervilles  mentions them, which is unsurprising because some have legends of hauntings. One barrow was the subject of of space aliens in a Doctor Who  story . Although stories are intriguing at times, reality can be much more interesting. Some extremely old bones were studied. It was mighty complicated, since they were jumbled in some parts of the burial chamber. When watching crime scene investigation shows where not much remains of a body, examiners can tell whether the deceased was male or female as well as the age. How can they tell the sex? Because males and females are built differently, and personal preferences doesn't change biological and biblical facts. You savv...

The Kingdom of Judah in Archaeology

There was a time when even unbelievers had some respect for the Bible, and this included archaeology. As a science, archaeology is about 150 years old, with precursors such as collecting antiquities going back further. It is obviously a forensic science. Scoffers freely use arguments from silence to reject the Bible, claiming that since something was not verified by archaeologists, biblical history must be wrong. That is galactically absurd. Others use the genetic fallacy and assume the historical records of the Bible must be wrong. Lachish Front Gate, Wikimedia Commons / Wilson44691 ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Although the Bible has been proven right time and again, people still look for excuses to dispute its accuracy. One tinhorn disparaged the city of Jerusalem and armies of King David as small and insignificant. Because reasons and stuff. He shouldn't get ultracrepidarian, as those folks have been surprised when their presumptions have been upstaged by reality (see " Ancient Israel...

Amphibians Support the Genesis Flood

Forensic science, such as crime scene investigation, origins, and so forth, uses observations in the present to propose models of what happened in the past. Creationists have Genesis Flood models, and the activities of amphibians after the Mt. St. Helens eruption seem to support them. Terminology can be puzzling. A volcano erupting for nine hours, raining ash and pumice, spilling out lava and mudflows, and that sort of thing is a  disturbance . When the crazy hermit on Creek Road screams at the Darwin Ranch,  that  is a disturbance, but I don't make the rules. Pacific Tree Frog, Wikimedia Commons /  The High Fin Sperm Whale  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Eruptions are big deals, and can last for more than a few hours. Volcanic activity is a major factor in Genesis Flood models. Creation geologists and others pay attention when volcanoes like the one in Tonga , plus  Mt. Semeru, Mt. Pinatubo, and Icelandic volcanoes erupt. In addition, islands that have formed rece...