
Showing posts with the label Creation

Consciousness and Sleep Defy Evolution

For the most part, believers in universal common descent evolution are naturalists. That is, nature is all that exists. No room for spirits, the Creator, or other intangibles. Atheists and evolutionists cannot legitimately account for consciousness so they dismiss it as an illusion. Naturalism cannot be lived consistently, as logic, morality, love, and other things are not material. They have those in their lives anyway. Somehow, naturalists are reluctantly admitting that consciousness cannot be a product of matter, and believe it is manifest in all sorts of things,  which is panpsychism . Sleeping Sailor / Henry Scott Tuke, ca. 1905 Consciousness indicates that something exists beyond naturalism, so secularists try to find physical answers for the mind  and have bizarre ideas for the soul . They also have to take sleep into account. Sleep is necessary and it is restorative. The Creator also designed us to have physical and mental benefits during sleep time, but also the physical proc

Evolutionists Getting Nutty over Lampreys

Lampreys are unattractive, seldom invited to dinner parties outside of the secular science industry. They are jawless fish. Several species exist, some are freshwater and there are also sea lampreys. Sea lampreys divide their time between fresh and sea water. They are not eels. Interesting that the design of their mouths are used in different ways. Young sea lampreys are parasitic and attach to other fish, while some other kinds use their sucker power to latch onto something to hitch a ride. Believers in fish-to-fool evolution think they are in our lineage. Sea lamprey, Flickr / NOAA Great Lakes ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Let's go back to the basics of evolution. Things change, yes? Lots of changes due to time, chance, mutations, evolutionary pressures, environment, natural selection, and all that good stuff. Lampreys have not seen fit to change over millions of Darwin years and are considered living fossils. Research also has a passel of maybes  and other weasel words trying to link us to

Dethroning Sexual Selection

Charles Darwin took the ancient pagan beliefs of evolution,  changed the meaning of natural selection, then presented the product as his theory. It needed rescuing from the get-go, so he also bundled sexual selection  with it at no extra charge. To oversimplify, the best-looking critters are chosen to mate and spread their genes while the unattractive or drab should disappear. It works to some extent in the animal kingdom and is supposed to apply to humans as well. Although it sounds plausible on the surface, sexual selection does not work. Victorian Fashion, Columbian magazine, February 1844, from Copyright Expired A recent study shows that the concept was never valid and not handled properly in the scientific community. Something that does not fit the purely physical aspect of sexual selection is the fact that people do not select mates strictly on appearance. Women want men who can be providers, for example. (It may be surprising, but it has been suggested that abusive men attract

Monotremes Show the Opposite of Evolution

Living monotremes are marsupials, but not all marsupials are monotremes. Believers in universal common descent admit they have trouble finding the alleged ancestors of either group. Monotremes are especially puzzling because they are mammals that lay eggs. The majority of marsupials live down Australia way (and some in New Guinea), and both of the existing monotremes are residents of 'Straya. Research on monotremes had the usual hopes of learning about their evolution, but if the authors were paying attention, they received an unpleasant surprise. Echidna, Pixabay /  PublicDomainImages Remember, Darwin expected evidence to be found to support his conjectures — which is the opposite of how science is supposed to work. Then and now, the search is on for transitional forms (something in process of turning into something else), and there should be a huge number of the things. With monotremes and marsupials, a study shows more diversity millions of years ago according to secular reckoni

Dishonest Darwinists and Engineered Flight

Evolutionists are willingly chained to their paradigm, which affects their reasoning abilities. They constantly seek how  evolution happened, but seldom ask if  it happened in the first place. Also, many observations in nature are falsely called evolution. A serious flaw in the science of Darwin's Disciples is believing almost everything they see is evidence for evolution. Explanations for observations that are not rooted in atheistic naturalism are rejected out of hand. These include Intelligent Design, creation, and others. Notice what happens when they evosplain powered flight in different creatures. Bald eagle in flight, Unsplash / Hans Vleth (modified at PhotoFunia ) The story goes that powered flight evolved separately in birds, insects, and other creatures. There is no evidence, but the convergent evolution  claim is so big, people believe it. (See " Homology, Convergence, and Evolutionary Mythology .") New research makes their claims even more absurd. It has been

The Ascendency of Charles Darwin

Huge numbers of books have been written about historical events and notable people, often attempting to go beyond recounting events. The lives and personalities of important figures are explored — and explanations for their actions are attempted. One of these is Charles Darwin. People may think that science was shaken by the wonderful discovery of evolution by natural selection, but that is not true. As discussed previously, significant events seldom happen spontaneously. Events, culture, help from others, and more helped Darwin attain popularity . Charles Darwin preaching in a church, made with AI at Bing The article linked below is by Neil Thomas, writing for the Discovery Institute. Although he is a professing agnostic (and Christians should be praying for him), he does not show contempt for Christianity. He has made a few mistakes, which is to be expected. Neil pointed out that Victorian England had reached a point where people were doubting the Bible, and this was exacerbated by i

Evolution, Ants, and Socialism

Drawing frequently from the scientific well of Making Things Up™, Darwin's acolytes have been making a passel of chin music about ants. Apparently, ants evolved from wasps. There is no evidence for this, only conjecture and fanatical devotion to evolution. That makes it all right. The reason for the talk is because certain ants were found in amber. They are mostly indistinguishable from their modern counterparts all the way down to the communications equipment. Instead of invoking the cop-out of stasis , more stories are tacked on. Ant in amber, WikiComm / Dlussky, Radchenko, & Dubovikoff , 2014 ( CC BY 4.0 ) Social structure in living things is a field of its own, and it is quite detailed in ants. Evolutionists say that it's important because altruism was brought into the world through sociality. Essentially, thank evolution for socialism. (Is this another reason that the secular science industry favors politically leftist attitudes ?) In reality, evolutionists are baffled

Developmental Biology and You

It is truly amazing to consider how a human life can grow, first from something imperceptible, then through stages until adulthood. It is also amazing that each part of us has to develop and grow. Not just get bigger, but in certain patterns. Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, said, "Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved." That is like a mantra , old son. Evolutionists are to keep brainwashing themselves, otherwise, they would see that there is a Master Engineer. Unborn child illustration, MorgueFile / Yoel (modified at PhotoFunia ) If you study on it a spell, something like developmental biology can very well prompt someone to realize that there is a great deal of specified, irreducible complexity. Living things were engineered, and that was done by the Creator (Rom. 1:12-18). Some may be stirred to praise him instead of Papa Darwin, and the secular science industry cannot have that. Developmental

Evolutionists Imagine Dinosaur Feathers

Something unlikely to appear in a dinosaurs-go-bezerk-and-eat-people movie is  Psittacosaurus.  The largest species is not all that impressive. There is a prairie schooner-full of specimens, including intact skeletons. Adults were bipedal like the iconic T. rex . This particular specimen from China had an interesting fossilization characteristic. Some of its skin was turned to glass, so to speak. Instead of the usual minerals, silica found its way in. Watch how Darwin's acolytes get bizarre — and illogical — promoting dino-to-bird and also feather evolution. Psittacosaurus specimen, Nature Communications / Maria McNamara   et al . ( CC BY 4.0 ) Once again, evolution is assumed despite lack of evidence. (Stories, inferences from stories, and so on, yes, but not real evidence.) Although they admit that feather evolution is "profound," feathers are loaded with specified complexities because they were created, not evolved. There is no evidence of feather evolution. Researche

Liars for Darwin Influencing Elections

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although this content has special concern to Americans, readers from other countries may want to read and learn see if your own country is doing the same kinds of things. As stated before, it is indeed unfortunate that science material has political content, but the secular science industry is prompting examination. Two things must be repeated. First, scientists are not  dispassionate and willing to follow where the evidence leads. They are biased and have presuppositions like everyone else. Second, note that critical thinking skills apply in many areas of life, but are now seldom taught. Marionette puppets, Unsplash / János Venczák Remember, scientists per se  are not the problem, as many of them want to do science stuff and hopefully improve the world. The secular science industry is a major concern, and wants to be involved in pulling the strings of political power. They promote causes dear to the cold hearts of the political left, so gullible jaspers accept

Evolutionary Ideas Cannot Account for Singing

A spell back, we looked at music and the human mind . This child believes that music is a gift from the Creator. Darwinists may try to evosplain it away, but animal sounds, ape grunts, and all that cannot account for music. Consider singing. This is another word where context and definitions are important. Someone may say that whale and bird vocalizations are singing, for example. Some bird songs may last a few seconds and seem elaborate, but should not be likened to human songs. Interior with merrily singing peasants / Vincent Malo, ca. 1635 (PD) Although there are some exceptions, a song contains words for singing. People sing songs for recordings, spontaneously with others, and other reasons. Singing can communicate whatever emotions people feel like expressing. There are songs that start out quiet, build into something more raucous, drop down in intensity — then, let's rock the joint ! Apes, insects, and birds do not deliberately compose songs. You savvy that, Pilgrim? A chann

Guppy Variations and — Mosquito Control?

The Master Engineer designed many creatures to be able to adapt and make changes so they do not easily die out. One of the move obvious kinds are guppies, the Poeciliidae family. They make changes, but do not turn into something else. Darwin's disciples often falsely call speciation and variation "evolution." These fish are very popular among aquarists, as they are colorful, not overly sensitive to conditions, and tend to play well with others. The originals were frontloaded with genetic information that is switched on and off through epigenetics. Aquarists like to breed and hybridize them. Guppy, Wikimedia Commons / 5snake5  ( PD ) Interestingly, they like to chow down on mosquito larvae. That means fewer mosquitos which also cuts down on the malaria problem. And you thought guppies were just cute. (Yes, I am using guppy  as a kind of catch-all word.) Research is being done to let them feast for mutual benefit, them and us. Also, guppies not only adapt, but do it quickly

Worldviews and the Value of Human Life

Although many Western countries developed from Christian principles, they are becoming increasingly secular. Even so, there are still some undercurrents of those ideals in society. A woman announces that she is expecting a child and people celebrate. Ultrasound pictures are shown. Expectant parents love this person they have never met in the flesh. Evolution devalues humanity and atheists desperately cling to that myth. It is not just a biological subject but a worldview. Evolutionists consider all forms of life to be related — and equally meaningless. But they cannot consistently live with such beliefs. Woman showing ultrasound, Unsplash / Christin Noelle People with a secular (indeed, anti-Christian) worldview celebrate death. People like this are usually on the political left, and it has been said that abortion is like a sacrament for them. They celebrate the killing of unborn babies! And yet, they get involved in conservation efforts and want to save the baby seals. The Christian

New Shark Fossil no Surprise to Creationists

Believers in universal common descent presuppose evolution, so they get excited when a fossil is found that can be manipulated into supporting their paradigm. Facts without the deep time and evolutionary assumptions more readily support recent creation and the Genesis Flood. A fossilized shark was discovered down Arkansas way, and Darwin's disciples are excited about how this new discovery can provide information about evolution. Part of the thrill is that cartilage was involved, and that stuff does not fossilize very often. Shark, Pexels / Marc Derndorff When I say new discovery , I mean that it was found in the 1970s. Recently, it was analyzed with CT-scans and given digital reconstruction. (That technology is impressive.) They assigned it a new genus and species name. However, it's still a shark with no evidence of evolution. Also, others were fossilized with it, indicating the rapid burial characteristic of the Flood. There were some other surprises where sharks have been f

The Great Oxidation Event Lives Again!

To be a fully vested card-carrying evolutionist and learn the secret handshake, one must believe some stories that are...truly bizarre. Fake science must be implemented very quickly — especially supporting deep time. Papa Darwin needs it, and yee yaw boy howdy, secularists are going to give it to him! For evolution to work, Earth could not have the present oxygen-rich atmosphere. The story (which sounds a lot like magic) has low oxygen levels, microbe activity, then high oxygen levels. That malarkey was discredited several times over — and it has been brought back again. Ashokan Reservoir, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Like with many other evolutionary and geological myths that are poorly supported by science, the secular science industry needs the Great Oxidation Event, so it was retooled. Now there are several, because Earth wasn't ready for oxygen. Therefore, it was like a seesaw so things could evolve and get ready for full oxygenation. Once again, evolutionism smacks of panth

Naturalism, Panpsychism, and Science

This post is unusual in several ways, especially since the author is in the ID camp and not friendly to biblical creation science. Links are given here for information and to try to prompt readers to think. Although creation is not mentioned, the subject is still of interest to creationists. Scientists are considering the idea that less complex living things may actually be sentient. (Some are even pondering the idea of sentience in cells, but that idea seems to be too much too soon.) Insects have tiny brains, but show intelligence in facial recognition, for example. Wildflowers in Oneonta Forest Preserve, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified at PhotoFunia ) Materialism is the belief that material is all that exists, no God or spirits, and naturalism is its kid brother. That is,  nature  is all that exists. New word alert: panpsychism . This belief is that all living things have some consciousness. Although there does not appear to be any real conflict between naturalism and panps

Scarabs — the way they Roll

These creatures are quite interesting, and some people even specialize in studying them. Scarab seems kind of formal, and the common name is dung beetle . This is a good time to wonder if the Creator was showing his sense of humor, as these beetles were designed to use dung for survival. The scarab was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. One reason is that they symbolized death and rebirth, and part of that was because their sun god supposedly rolled the sun across the heavens each day. Seems kind of inefficient. Dung beetles having a ball,  Pixabay /  debbiedejager Dung beetles need great balls of poo to survive, so they confiscate it in an unusual way: going backward. They do not have their eyes on the prize, but rather the other end, pushing it with their back legs. Amazingly, they know where they're going. Not all scarabs navigate by the light of day, either. Darwin's disciples try to evosplain the behavior, but fail. Dung beetles are dependent upon animal manure for their ex

This Mars is not my Home

People have wanted to visit and even colonize Mars for a very long time. Science fiction is filled with stories of doing so, and people continue to have high hopes. For that matter, secular scientists keep trying to find evidence for some kind of life there. There are science fiction stories that explore some of the problems that were known during the times they were written, but more trouble has been recently discovered. These include making the journey itself, visiting, and especially trying to stay on Mars. Mars,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mayhaps I should say "spoiler alert," but people are not likely to be bothered if I tell them that the very first episode of The Twilight Zone  in 1959, "Where Is Everybody?" was about the problem of loneliness in space travel. Indeed, those who take such a long trip would be expecting a one-way trip that lasts quite a spell. Then they have to get along on the red planet — if they g

Evolution and the Rescuing Device of Stasis

In " Dishonest Darwinists Dodge Living Fossils ," the concept of stasis  was mentioned. To oversimplify,  living fossils are organisms that remain essentially unchanged from fossils to their living counterparts. Some fossils have millions of years assigned to them. Organisms did not evolve because they did not need to: stasis. Darwin's disciples glom onto the stasis rescuing device because living fossils are a serious impediment for evolution. Living fossils also indicate that the earth is not as ancient as evolution requires. Spotted Gar, Wikimedia Commons, USFWS / Brian Montague (public domain, usage does not imply endorsement) Know why gars live in mostly freshwater or brackish environments? Because if they lived in the oceans, they'd be sea-gars! Not funny, Cowboy Bob. Gars have been described as cigar-shaped, and some can grow rather large. Evolutionists say that their slow rate of evolution affects their low rate of speciation. Also, DNA repair mechanisms could

The Non-Law of Evolution

The tension in the room was obvious to everyone, and I was aware of my neck and back muscles tensing. "Evolution is a fact.  A law!" Rusty Swingset had raised his voice considerably. He punctuated his exclamation by slamming his fist on the table. The teaspoons rattled in our empty cups. Many believers in descent-with-modifications evolution emphatically agree. Some say scientists know that evolution is a fact, but they are still hashing out the details. Indeed, to say that evolution is a law seems excessive, but the claim was even used in a paper in Academia Biology . Hollow log in forest, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen (modified) More specifically, they are talking about evolution by means of natural selection. Some folks say that natural selection is  evolution, but that's conflation on definitions, old son. Creationists believe in natural selection, and it does not produce a new organism; no new genetic material is added. It's a mite silly to call evolution a law