
Showing posts with the label Creation

This may Finally put the Big Bang Down

The Big Bang story has been built, rebuilt, cobbled, and Frankensteined in general. When told by card-carrying members of the secular science industry, it sounds tidy and almost plausible. It brought on both cosmic and biological evolution. Looks good on paper. However, the tale is told as if scientists were trucking along in complete unity. Nope. Cosmologists and cosmogonists in the ranks disagree. It is also presented without any actual science, driven by presuppositions and mathematics that support them. The cosmological constant problem may be a good reason to put the thing down. Made at  photofunny  with a  NASA / ESA  image (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Something that supports science itself is how scientific laws (as we understand them) are consistent and predictable, which fits both Intelligent Design and biblical creation science views. A scientist made a claim that is...truly bizarre: The fundamental principle called the cosmological constant  — isn'

People Increasingly Distrust the Secular Science Industry

That moment when "Imma have me a sammich" sounds like a good idea, but there is a problem. Opening up the bread wrapper, pulling out the bread, and — mold spots. You cannot discard those slices and trust the rest, either, because it spreads unseen and can be harmful . People have a confused trust/distrust relationship with the secular science industry. It has been shown numerous times here and elsewhere that they have a leftist bias and that their ethics are craptacular. The leftist corruption spreads throughout science, the media, entertainment, sports, and more. Moldy bread, Flickr / Lynn Friedman ( CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 ) I am once again telling you that there are people working in the secular science industry that have some integrity and want to do their jobs, but the organizations are heavily biased. Unfortunately, secularists embrace materialism (essentially, atheism) and therefore reject the Creator, who is the ultimate source of morality and ethics. They uphold evolutionar

Trilobites Still Trying to Evolutionists

People who have read material or watched videos about fossils have invariably come across trilobites, since there was a passel of them. They are associated with the Cambrian Explosion , where way down yonder in the Cambrian layer, life forms suddenly appeared — with no signs of evolutionary ancestors. Trilobites are icons of evolution, but they are quite trying to Darwin's disciples. Aside from appearing fully formed, they were intricate. Advances in technology allowed scientists to learn that they had impressive optics , for example. Recent pristine trilobite fossils further trouble evolutionists. Trilobite, US Dept / Interior,  BLM  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The fossils were discovered in a Morocco mountain range, which is not exactly the kind of place to seek marine organisms. They were preserved in ash, and even the complex digestive tract was preserved. What has been discovered about trilobites, including this bunch, fits the expectations of biblical

Big Differences Between Facts and Models

Not too long ago, we looked at how scientists and others use phylogenetic diagrams as facts , but they are nothing of the kind. They are hypotheses — ideas — illustrating what people who were not there think may have happened in the distant past. Scientists are fond of models. They can be useful in making predictions about the future or as speculations about the past. Biblical creationists have models about the Genesis Flood and other things. Like phylogenetic drawings, models are not facts despite how they are often presented. Model airplane, Unsplash / William Hadley Weather reports about hurricanes use models, and it is not uncommon to see vastly different paths of hurricanes projected because the models did not agree. Indeed, one scientist tried to use competing computer models to discover unusual formations on the moon. It did not go well. Instead of reaching a happy harmony, things became more muddled. As it is with artificial intelligence, computer modeling is highly dependent o

Pseudoscience, Authority, and Definitions

When people call something a pseudoscience , the meaning depends on who is making the claim. The definition is vague and malleable like a putty you can squish between your toes and track onto the carpet. It is used to provoke negative emotions, often by those who are attempting to protect consensus in the secular science industry from scrutiny. Ironically, Wickedpedia defines and discusses pseudoscience , and its material can be used to define evolution as a pseudoscience. Further, pseudoscience supposedly lacks falsifiability — a frequent problem in evolutionary research. Phrenological skull, WikiComm / Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Phrenology was, to state it simply, the study of the brain and skull to determine behavior. It was also considered for use in criminology. Phrenology is listed as a pseudoscience, but was it really that or simply discredited by better science? Asking for a friend. Several fields considered pseudosciences (astrology, f'rinstance) are pro

Textbooks Indoctrinating Children for Darwin

Although many Western countries had Judeo-Christian values when they were founded, they have drifted from them over the years. People still enjoy the fruits of those values to some extent but are mostly unaware of where they originated. Different values are taught in schools. State-run education is a misnomer; it is actually indoctrination. Yes, indoctrination  is a word that is often casually used, but it is used very deliberately in this case. The school system has control of children for about a thousand hours a year. They teach materialistic and atheistic "values," especially evolution. Textbooks, Freeimages /  Jean Scheijen It is hypocritical for atheists and other secularists/humanists to be outraged when Christian parents want to instill their morals and principles in their children. Christians are supposedly indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! The opposite is true. Evolution is paramount, and liars for Darwin believe that, according to their fundamentally-flawed mo

Evolutionists Assume Age of Mammoth DNA

While on a ride during a nice evening, I met Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde. The three of us reined in and exchanged pleasantries. Jacqueline brought up the subject of extremely well-preserved DNA that was discovered in a woolly mammoth. Rusty warmed to the subject and told of the report where conditions in a cave contributed to the preservation, and the mammoth meat was like a soft jerky. It was essentially freeze-dried, so it lasted tens of thousands of years. Even chromosomes were intact. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) While this is not on the scale of dinosaur soft tissues and DNA allegedly lasting sixty-five million years, the fact remains that it is fragile even in the best of conditions. Sitting around after all those years would still cause it to degrade. Once again, researchers are ignoring important facts while assuming the age is correct. (Darwin needs great amounts of time his wonders to perform

Consciousness and Unborn Babies

Consciousness has long been a problem for materialists, as they cannot define, understand, or explain it. Is consciousness (the soul) a physical part of the brain? That idea has been ruled out . Secularists cannot explain it through evolution , either. The secular science industry has been supporting leftist causes , and one of those is abortion. A recent study is incompatible with evolution. Experiments on brain activity in infants were conducted, and it was learned that the brains of unborn children reacted in the same way — indicating consciousness. Pregnant woman holding ultrasound, Hippopx The fact that babies are conscious is not a new discovery, and has been known for some time. Expectant mothers and fathers often talk to the unborn child, and some Christian parents read the Bible and pray so the child can hear. Soon after my second child was born (delaying his entry into the world for an extra month), he was being held. I spoke, and he turned his head in my direction. Yes, he k

The Falcon and the Bomber

Humans have always been inquisitive, seeking to use things to their advantage. In biomimetics , people attempt to imitate what is observed in nature, but seldom give credit to the Creator whose work they are copying. A product of military secrecy (and probably the subject of UFO reports in its early days) is a bomber known as the B-2 Spirit. Twenty-one stealth bombers were made and they had impressive capabilities. While delta wing  designs (the capitalized fourth letter of the Greek alphabet looks like a triangle) are common, the B-2 was more unique. B-2 bomber, Unsplash / Steve Harvey (modified at PhotoFunia ) This child has a memory of an F-14 Tomcat moving its extended wings because of a "need for speed" into a delta shape. What a thrill when it flew overhead! The B-2 also has moveable wings. Peregrine falcons have an aerodynamic design that helps them in their missions despite their low strike rate. It can be clearly seen that the Master Engineer built falcons and other

Fake Evidence and Phylogenetic Trees

Every once in a while, a petulant evolutionist will tell a creationist to visit a natural history museum, read a book about evolution, watch a documentary, or do something else approved by the secular science industry. Then the creationist will learn something. That is true, but not in the way evolutionists would expect. Darwin's disciples know how to present opinions as facts. They can also obfuscate evidence, present what they like and ignore inconvenient truths. Charts, drawings, dioramas, and phylogenetic trees are used as evidence for evolution. Not hardly! Enhanced version of Darwin's Tree of Life Sketch (PD) These things arose from those things. The phylogenetic tree proves it. No, the drawing shows what someone believes . It is not factual, but conjectural. It is also illogical to use an illustrated hypothesis (because that's what a phylogenetic tree is) as evidence . Even Papa Darwin himself had the decency to write, "I think" on his drawing. Creationists

Atheism and Evolutionism are Collapsing

While the belief that there is no God has been around for centuries, obstreperous misotheism had its heyday in the early 2000s. Ridicule of Christians, biblical creationists, and the Intelligent Design was rampant. Some people like that are still around on social(ist) media. Ironically, atheists claim to believe in science and reason, but precious little logic can be observed. The face of this version of atheism has been C. Richard Dawkins. He and others have been making money from hatred and bigotry, playing to like-minded folks. Some are dying off and replacements are not sought . Colorized version of "1889 Guy" with shattering atheism image provided by Why?Outreach Indeed, atheism is becoming irrelevant. People are seeking answers instead entertainment through bullying. Christians who know about presuppositional apologetics and epistemology surprise professing atheists by standing up to them instead of cowering from the superpowers of the Mighty Atheist™ . Societal trends

The Fantastic Journey of the Golden Plover

One of the migratory birds in the Northern Hemisphere is the golden plover. Mayhaps they dislike the cold because they migrate to areas that are much warmer. A particular species travels from Alaska to Hawaii — a journey that seems impossible at first glance. These birds bulk up for the trip, as they are unable to pull over at a diner or hotel for breaks. This sounds reminiscent of the ineffective (possibly harmful) tactic of bicyclists and similar athletes called carbohydrate loading   before endurance events. Pacific Golden Plover, Flickr / patrickkavanagh ( CC BY 2.0 ) Another reference to bicycling is applicable: drafting. People have learned from birds in flight to trade off duties in leading the V formation, which reduces wind resistance. Bicyclists have a paceline, where the lead rider takes the brunt of the wind while those following close behind have easier going. The leader drops off after a spell, then the next in line is at the head. They keep rotating. V formation flying

The Danger of Mindfulness Meditation

Here is another instance where wording is important, as mindfulness  has different meanings. People will advise others to be mindful, and I have used the word myself. On those occasions, it simply means to be aware or to pay attention. However, there is a much darker meaning of the word. Believers in sand-to-psychologist evolution generally shun religion, especially Christianity. Most believe in scientism , a de-facto religion — even if they do not realize it. Many secularists practice mindfulness believing it to be a scientifically-based meditation technique. Bad idea. Meditation, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Although most evolutionists deny it, their belief system can be traced back to ancient pagan religious views . Indeed, we have seen pantheism and animism tacitly invoked in scientific reports. There is no single view of psychology, and there are numerous schools of thought. Why? None of them have the answers! Evolutionary thinking is a big part of psychology, including evolut

Big Bang Demise and the Doppler Model

Back in 1929, Edwin Hubble realized that the farthest galaxies had a redshift in the spectrums, and those also had the greatest redshifts. That became known as the Hubble Law , and was the beginning of what became the Big Bang origin of the universe story. Based on assumptions and speculations, secular cosmologists and cosmoginists did the math and expected evidence for the Big Bang in the Hubble telescope. It did not happen. The James Webb Space Telescope was built to be bigger and better — perhaps too good for their purposes. Phantom Galaxy M74, Flickr / James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 ) Amazing photographs were produced (but what we see is adjusted because the JWST works in the infrared). Secularists were alarmed because images were not comporting with the Big Bang tale . Worse, information actually supported biblical creationist predictions . The difficulties are compounding for the frequently-Frankensteined Big Bang, which should have been abandoned long ago. Hubble's

Genetic Recombination Affirms Creation

The science of genetics originated with creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), and believers in universal common descent claim that it refutes creation. Not hardly! Indeed, the more genomics progresses, the more the work of the Master Designer becomes obvious. DNA, genes, chromosomes, molecular motors, and all that good stuff has to be working together with great precision. Part of their job is to produce genetic variation where sperm and eggs form in sexually-reproducing organisms. This is for the health of the species. An amazing process called recombination  comes into play. Shuffling cards, Pexels / Kristóf Sass-Kovan The genome is shuffled like a deck of cards. This process could easily go wrong if the Creator had not designed it to have safeguards. Our genome has twenty-two regular chromosomes nicely paired up, then they switch sides, get cut into pieces, and put back together in a controlled way. One might expect the chromosome sets from parents to produce offspring that

Atheist Morality has no Consistent Foundation

Trevor "Red" Schnapper had just come back from fishing. We talked a spell in the general store while I was waiting for my order to be picked. He said that while sitting in his boat, he commenced to pondering how atheists claim to be "good without God" but their thinking is as deep as a saucer. There are atheists who lead moral lives and can be decent folks. However, their standard of goodness is relative. They may compare themselves to famous bad people and look good. These folks are moral according to the society in which they live. Some professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-23) realize they have a dilemma in accounting for an ultimate foundation. Christians know that our ultimate foundation is God our Creator; he makes the rules and we need to get into the Bible to find out what he has to say. Some atheists appeal to evolution. That idea collapses under examination. C.O. from the US wrote: Hello CMI team, Thank you so much for your ministry. I have a quick question- is

The Fantasy of Apes and the Human Heart

Proponents of universal common descent are highly skilled in the scientific principle of Making Things Up™, and they make lotsa grotzits for it. Peer review approves rubbish , they use bushwa logic to compare human and ape Y chromosomes , etc. The secular science industry is doing a number on hearts. Although they say all life came from a common ancestor, there is a variety of hearts in the animal kingdom. The Creator designed hearts to meet the needs of various creatures. Humans and apes share some similarities in design, so there are similarities in some in hearts as well. Heart diagram, Pixabay /  burlesonmatthew Did they consider other research that says we have heart problems because we evolved from fish ? Asking for a friend. These jaspers first presupposed evolution (and rejected creation), then told a story about the distant past. A few weasel words crept in like may suggest , but ignored the stark differences not only between heart styles. The physical differences between huma

Invalid Comparisons of Human and Ape Y Chromosomes

Chromosomes contain a great deal of information, far more than just eye color, height, stature, and all that good stuff. Some of Darwin's disciples decided to compare the Y chromosomes of humans and several types of apes. Although they hailed it as good news for evolution, in did not go well. Right from the get-go, errors were happening. For one thing, the source was too big by using several sources of Y chromosome information. Another problem is that the comparisons were between modern humans and apes because of assumed evolution directions. Human chromosome Y, WikiComm / National Center for Biotechnology Information , U.S. National Library of Medicine (PD) (Usage does not imply endorsement)  Y chromosomes are difficult to sequence because of repetition, mutations, deletions, and more. Secularists tend to evosplain genetic differences away by assuming evolution did it. Of course, no mechanisms or supporting evidence is offered. Circular reasoning, arbitrary assertions

More Evidence Neanderthals were Human

At one time, Neanderthals were portrayed as stupid brutes in our supposed evolutionary history. Evidence over the years prompted Darwinists to realize that they were not so far removed from humans after all . Still, they try to keep some form of evolutionary link going, plus showing racism against Neanderthals . This makes racist Charles Darwin smile. It should be case closed  that humans and Neanderthals were the same species because our ancestors exchanged DNA. (Indeed, some folks may have allergies because of inheriting DNA from Neanderthals .) New research affirms their humanity. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr /  Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Someone can search for but not find an ape that fashioned jewelry because it had deep personal meaning. Symbolism — which indicates abstract thought, a human trait — is indicated among these "archaic humans." Also, it has been suggested that they are not exactly extinct . They had culture and were intellig

Proving Evolution with Shoddy Butterfly Research

Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Robert Darwin came up with a version of evolution at almost the same time, but Darwin is given most of the credit because he published first. Also, Wallace was an outsider in science circles  and was open to a form of Intelligent Design. Each had an idea of how butterflies evolved, but scientists did not seem interested in pursuing the matter. New research was presented after getting help from studying pictures of birdwing butterflies with machine learning, and both Wallace and Darwin were said to be right. Birdwing butterfly, Flickr / Charles Patrick Ewing ( CC BY 2.0 ) If the researchers were seeking awards or applause by the secular science industry, that probably happened. They use both natural and sexual selection (but not the true meaning of natural selection). People who care about truth and logic in science may have a different view. For one thing, the sample size was far too limited. Another problem is despite praising the puny god of evoluti