The Problems of Evolving onto Land

We have been taught that science is a search for knowledge and that it flourishes with challenges, but that seems to have a caveat of, "Except evolution". It is also unfortunate that instead of being taught critical thinking skills, people accept stories that Darwinists evosplain to them. That is not in keeping with true science. Images found at Clker clipart were modified We saw recently that there are numerous problems with the idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds (as articles linked here discuss ), but I don't rightly recollect that we hear so much about how seafaring life got the bright idea to become landlubbers. The icon of the walking Darwin fish is a mockery of the Christian fish image, rejecting the Creator and replacing him with secular miracles. That's right, I said it! Atheists and evolutionists have their own secular miracles , including the sea-to-land business. There is no evidence at all that fish learned to walk on land . Then we ...